Oh well, already off to a bad start. I posted one picture to cover the other and now I have two and don't know how to delete it. I'm not even going to go there!
The pictures I took two days before the horrific rains and after the trees were almost completely bare. How's that for timing?
I gave up on my blog due to illness and life just kept getting in my way. I had nothing else to write about except to whine and I'm sure you like cheese with your wine and I was all out. As a matter of fact, the fridge was empty so hubby went shopping while I tried to sleep away the flu. I never knew what day it was and had to keep asking. It really didn't matter since I would drop off again and that would add to my confusion upon waking.
My car, the one we waited on forever to be fixed died on us just a few days after picking it up. The transmission blew! If we didn't have all the bad luck lately, we wouldn't have any luck at all... Nuff said.
Hubby is now down with the flu and it drives me crazy. He came down sick right after I started to get well and after his feeling good for a week, he came right back down with it. We have been playing musical beds in the mean time. I no sooner fall asleep then he comes to bed at 4 a.m. and I'm up again. I came out here to get some relief from the C-pap machine blowing cold air in my ear and lo and behold, he comes out and sits here sniffing. I should have stayed in bed. The past few weeks have been this way so tonight I get the recliner and he can have the bed. I'm headed back to bed as soon as I take my morning meds and maybe I can catch a little shut eye. At least I won't have to listen to the sniffling. He's entrenched in the recliner so that is no longer a choice for me.
Tomorrow he gets 3 of his lower teeth extracted so the gums can heal and they can make his plate with room to add a tooth as need be. He has swallowed an expensive crown, chewed on hard candy and broke the top bridge, as well as losing another crown while biting into a large grinder. That crown he lost because he didn't notice it until the sandwich was completely gone. Need I say more? I feel as though I'm raising kids again. The dentist told him hard candy is to suck on, not bite and crunch with 71 year old teeth.
Oh me, I think I'm in need of the funny farm to rest and gear up for the next attack. Eye surgery on Dec. 2. After nearly getting hit a few times and going over curbs while pulling out of parking spaces, hubby will actually be able to see where he is going. At first we thought it was his medications because the last time we saw the eye doctor he said cataracts were a long way off. Here it is his 6 month check up and it's definitely time to have surgery. At our age I'm glad he is going first. Can you imagine the two of us driving like that. I just had my check up so I'm good to go for some time. Now that was good news. If only I had my Chevy Blazer to drive! Oh well, I guess we take the good with the bad and be thankful things aren't worse.
Sorry for the tale of woe but to be truthful, with all that's happened and will continue to happen, we have both been kind of grouchy. I'm sure you've noticed that by now. No one can feel great when they are sick and down. Hubby isn't used to being down. He has to be going, going, going. When he is not then I know he's really sick. I guess I'll make him some pudding for a treat later on in the day after I've slept some. I never cook when I'm tired anymore. Just not that much on the ball since I turned on the wrong burner and ruined a good pot and set fire to two pot holders. Oh well...
Have a good day everybody and enjoy our warmer weather. It's sure to change soon.
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