I can't believe all the time that has passed, and when I think back, I realize I have spent most of my time resting. I've had a bug I just couldn't shake and it got the best of me.
Today I went with my hubby to the hospital for his eye surgery and when we got there, we were told that the surgery couldn't be done because the machine was broke and all patients were called or sent home. Lucky us, we lived the furthest away and by the time they got to our name on the list, we were already there.
It wasn't a complete loss. The nurse told me to get myself to the clinic. I sounded like Gravel Gertie (old timers would remember that gal in the Dick Tracy comics) so we did and I've been walking around with pneumonia and got a chewing out by my doctor. Just goes to show how much some of us pay attention to our body when it seems to be screaming at us. My prescription for 10 days was $157.80 at one pill a day. By the end of that 10 days I'd better feel like Super Woman!
Winter is definitely here again. The feral cat is back and less timid than last year. She actually sits on the patio and moves closer and closer until we can see her and get her food out to her. She is losing her trust issues and we must fight our cat to keep her from getting out the door to tear into our orphan. That happened once and the noise coming out of our dainty little beauty was unbelievable. We were both intimidated by our precious. Now we take precautions before opening the door and letting loose a hellion.
We had to say goodbye to our furnace in the garage. We had it cleaned and tuned Friday to the tune of $132 and Saturday night it kicked the bucket. I think 40 years was a pretty good record for it but after all the cars, truck breakdowns and trying to find parts for older vehicles, we've had quite a run of bad luck.
I just found my Christmas cards so they will be late this year. I was going in for surgery the day before Thanksgiving and wanted my cards all ready for me to fill out and send by the 8th of December. With hubby's first cataract surgery December 2nd, and another scheduled for today, I just lost my mind evidently and tore my bedroom apart looking for those darn cards.
I know I had them and had put them in a place that I would easily remember. Where was my mind when I went off on a tangent? I found everything I had been looking for plus some things I forgot I had. No cards however. Two days of working up a sweat and trying hard to remember, I went in the den and sat down to cool down. Temper, temper. There they were, at the end of the couch, neatly assembled with the colored pens, pretty stickers, and the Christmas confetti I like to enclose in the cards to special friends. They know to open the card over the table. Our backs aren't what they used to be but we still have a bit of the kid in us and like our little pretties.
I had intended to write the cards out today and tomorrow but my mind says one thing and the body says another. Hubby thinks making a big stew should be my number one priority. It can wait until morning because I feel a nap coming on. Nights will be spent doing the cards if my fingers don't cramp up on me. My writing looks like spider scrawl and seems to go down hill so that the envelopes look like a little kid did them. I guess it's time to use that heavy lined paper inside the envelopes so I have a guide to go by... good idea, I'm surprised I remembered it.
Have a calm afternoon and don't get involved in all that Christmas rush. And if you need it, take a nap! Doctor's orders.
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