By the way, Happy New Year everbody. A tad late but it is still the New Year isn't it? Five days into it and we have already had 4 good snow storms of quite some accumulation. Our first one at the end of December left us with over two and a half feet of beautiful white stuff. The last one just went on for three days so to me that makes 4. I can't believe I didn't feel like getting my camera and taking pictures. (Smile, my butt was dragging.) I guess I would have had to get dressed in order to do that. Me and snow just don't mix since I can't walk in it with a cane or walker so I'm much better off 'inside.' And I wasn't exactly human at the time. Today is my first day of feeling much better so I thought, I blog today or never!
Since Christmas, Hubby was out in the Cook mobile (home made snow plow) making his swipes of the driveway almost daily and having too much fun doing it. Son was shoveling out cars in order to move them out of the way and jockey them around so the plow didn't hem them in. Together they make quite a team. Hubby came in and promptly fell asleep after getting his breath back. I just stayed out of the way, pushing antibiotics and hoping that I would truly have a Happy New Year.
Well, I will close for now and get some breakfast. Usually I end up eating breakfast closer to lunch time and I made myself a promise I would get more organized. Time will tell.
Have a wonderfu day and will see you back tomorrow. Maybe something exciting will have happened in that short amount of time.
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