Today is my birthday and we had plans to go out to dinner or maybe lunch, depending on how we felt. But another knee injury and a pulled back changed our plans. We sat watching funny shows, old ones that have been kicking around. Today seemed to be the perfect time to pull them out and watch them. Laughter seems to make the hurt less.
Hubby felt bad because he thought he ruined my day but to be truthful, I didn't want him trying to walk on that bad leg and it was too cold for me . So it worked out fine. I made us grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and hubby ate the rest of the chili I made Sunday. Like I said, a nice relaxing day with calls from friends and son in Florida, and beautiful cards. I seem to be content with the little things in life. Hubby has always told me I was a cheap date.
It's late and I wanted to get to bed earlier but thought i would at least try to throw some words on the page before I got too far behind. Nothing exciting that's for sure, but at least an attempt. I'm still trying to recover some of my photos that were lost in my computer crash. I'm borrowing them from here and there and some friends are sending me emails of the ones I sent them. LOL, I guess I should get my camera and go for short drives to catch an interesting picture here and there.
Okay, time for this lady to hit the hay. The cat has already picked her spot and I will have to work my way around her. I have a hard time getting up on the bed because it has two soft foam mattress pads and I seem to be shrinking. We'll have to fix that soon before I slip off the end of the bed and fall on my duff. No wonder why the cat loves to sleep there. Soon she just might end up having the whole bed to herself!
Have a great morning tomorrow and a better afternoon.
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