Overhead on any night when the moon is nearly full, you may wake from a dream and look at the sky to see cottony cumulus clouds drifting across the face of cool light beaming down. Over the millennia Native peoples of North America have been moved by this vision framed by a sky spangled with stars and planets. There is something about the night sky that touches a place deep inside, connecting us to all who have stood in the darkness and gazed at the sky dome. Perhaps it is a feeling of awe - one that humbles and puts us in our place - that brings us closer to those who have been similarly touched by a reverence for nature’s vastness. Here is a reminder of our place on the Circle of Life, or our roots in the cosmos, of being a part of something far beyond understanding. The Great Mystery.
Loon on the Cedar River Flow
On a night when the sky
Is one cloud
And the moon’s light silvers
From horizon to horizon
Look out across the water
Where the mountain and line of trees
At its base reflect
In the mirror
Of the Cedar River Flow
The wings of bats
Small fans
Snap open and shut
Embracing wind
And the lives it carries
Silence enough
To hear the glove
Of the firefly
Bouncing off the water
Time enough
To read the shape
Made by its slow circle
Of quiet fire
As the loon
Calls from the south
Where flow narrows
Into mist between islands
-Joseph Bruchac
This is a very favorite of mine and I wanted to share it with all who feel deeply at one with nature.
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