Yesterday was a repeat performance of hubby's shopping skills. He needed to go to Home Depot again so I gave him a list of 7 things to pick up for me. When he came home he had the usual 6 bags. I don't know what it is about the number 6, but he seems to be quite content with it. Ha, more likely with what the 6 bags contained.
For starters there were 6 1.5 quarts of ice cream, $5.79 each. They used to be half gallons but somewhere along the way we were fooled into thinking the packaging was neater and easier to fit in the fridge. Not that we were getting less for our money. That said, I go back to the price... I always buy ice cream when it is on sale for 2/$6 or 2/$7. No way on earth would I pay $5.79 when I know it will be on sale next week. He also bought two large bags of cherries at $3.99/lb. Now he knows that those bags contain much more than 1 pound. 2 boxes of mini apple strudels, 1 half watermelon at $5.47 (we could have bought a whole one for less), and 2 beautiful tomatoes $3.17. 2 onions at $3.23, and on an on. The bill came to $99.77 cents. That's within 3 days of the last shopping trip.
Well, after putting the groceries away we sat down with the bill, and we went over each item with price. All I heard was, "What?!?!, are they made out of gold? Next year we'll put in our own garden." Hubby has agreed to go by the list from now on, it's safer and will keep us within our budget. Hopefully I will not have to be afraid of what he brings back when he needs to make another run to Home Depot. Oh, by the way, he did come home with 2 large boxes of shell macaroni and 2 elbow macaroni. Also 2 large cans of solid white tuna. I know what he wants me to make as soon as it's cool enough to cook on top of the stove.
He did good this time but I told him to hold it on the ice cream run. Me, of little will power, am putting on the weight. Probably because it soothes me after fighting inside myself to keep from scolding him. He does try, he just doesn't know how to shop and says he can't see the prices. Cataracts most likely...
May all your troubles be small ones and your blessings great.
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