I was hoping to get an early start but had to wait until the house got cleared and it was nice and quiet so I could think clearly. Three vehicles with engines running so early in the morning just gets on my nerves. All are back from camping so the showers and washer and dryer seem to have been going constantly and the thump, thump, thump of sleeping bags and heavy clothing got on my nerves. I don't think any of them had a dry piece of clothing, etc. due to all the rain they had to put up with.
All is well in my world, the woodpeckers are at it and they each have their own sound. It's something I never get tired of listening to and this morning I really missed it. While looking out through the trees, I did spy something shimmering and beautiful to look upon. I couldn't make it out because it was far away. But then the sun hit the spot just right and I could see it was something caught in a spider web, the work of trying to free itself made the web move slightly, catching the sun just right and it was a thing of beauty. Cruel, but a natural part of nature.
This picture of an albino deer was sent to me by a friend. I just love it. It was spied during the week near the Connecticut/Rhode Island Line. It's especially a joy to me since I love deer. I think the movie Bambi left a mighty strong impression on me.
There's no sound of bird song this morning and I have both doors and windows open wide. Yesterday they were making all kinds of noise and this morning I think they must be sleeping late. Our babies have left the nest and I keep looking for them at the feeders. I did spy a tiny hummingbird yesterday and was surprised at his size. He must be a newbie as he was only about an inch or a tiny bit more in size. I think he was more wing than anything.
Today is a free day and I'm going to try to get some of this paper work corralled and put away. I've got the boxes and containers for it, but just don't get too excited about paperwork and filing. 28 years as a secretary and I'm still loath to do filing. It just doesn't do a thing for me and I can't even find any humor in it. Dull, dull, dull!
Oh, my day is made. Finally, birds chirping but no woodpeckers going at the trees yet. I think all our rain has everybody confused and feeling soggy. My mouse doesn't slide on the computer table today. It feels sticky and I know it's not from spilled coffee or some other goody. And the furniture feels as if it wants to come with you when you get up. Yuck, you know the feeling I'm trying to convey.
We need a clean up crew to hose out the front of the house under the bird nest. I can't believe all the droppings and mess on the porch. Hubby says he put screening up over the light to keep the nesting from happening this year, but it was a perfect set up for the Tufted Titmouse to make do with. His/her nest is intricate and looks like it was woven with delicate care. The bird nest on the window sill just looks like gathered twigs and is more flat whereas this one looks like a hanging sack. Interesting. Messy as all get out but interesting.
Last night I baked a meatloaf in the microwave. I wanted to see how it would turn out since I had no directions. I put the mixture into an oval Corelle baking dish and scooped out the very center and inserted a heavy glass to help circulate the heat. I spent a lot of time trying to remember if I should put the glass facing up or down. I finally decided the glass should be with the opening facing up and went with it. It worked just fine and the cooking only took 15 minutes. I'm so glad I didn't have to use my oven. It's been way too hot and humid for that.
I've been living on mostly cherries since they went on sale. They are my favorite fruit and I even buy them when they aren't on sale. No penny pinching on my cherries. They are in season for such a short time and I'm wondering if there is a way I can just bag them and freeze them. I did that with my blueberries and it's so good to dump some in a cup and eat them frozen. Much better than ice cream or popsicles. But it does run my sugar readings up. As if the ice cream doesn't.
I guess I'd better get in gear while it's still cool in here. I don't move much when it gets hot. I keep asking the Good Lord for 72 degree weather every day, but so far, he isn't answering. Perhaps I expect too much.
I just spied something interesting out my back door so will get a cup of tea, my camera and will sit quietly for a half hour or so and hope for something exciting to come my way.
Have a great day and be sure to find something of beauty in it.
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