Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where Am I When You Need Me

Where am I when you need me?
Well I’m sorry to say but on a nice day
I’m trying my wings and flitting amongst things like the ladybugs,
dragonflies and their cousins, the butterflies
Just joyfully swooping and swirling, like a leaf in wind twirling
Flying and having fun with my friends
I thrill to the flowers in zillions of colors, all painted by God’s gifted hands
And I in my joy, run with such wild abandon that soon my breath comes to an end
The hummingbirds flit from bright colored blossoms and stop in mid-air
But with wings still in motion, do cause such commotion, such tiny and quick little beings
With much laughter and singing, my long dress gently swinging, I sit
down in sweet smelling meadow to rest
Yet through the high grasses I spy tiny masses of ants quickly
building their intricate nests
I gently move earth to see what’s down under and am amazed at the home they have built
So intricate and perfect, I’d never expect it if I had not seen it myself
For eyes sometimes see what the mind doesn’t grasp and we have to
take time out to think these things through
Take time just to contemplate, the world and its fate
and what in our life really matters
But gives us the most measure in beauty and pleasure
For these things we must not take for granted
I muse in my silence while busily counting the
petals on daisies and buttercups
Never stopping to worry or think I must hurry
In my fragrant grass room, among the tall stately Queen Anne’s Lace
Oh what more could I ever wish for than my favorite heavenly space

By Joyce E Cook

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