Monday, July 13, 2009

It Finally Happened

Well, it finally happened. Late last night after watching 'Army Wives' and deciding whether to take a shower or wait until morning, the cat came flying into the living room. Not before the odor hit though. By the time I got to the door I really got a face full and with nose and eyes burning while trying to keep my stomach from reacting I grabbed the can of Fabreeze air freshner after quickly sliding the door shut. I sprayed every room in the house and the cat too.
Usually she/he makes the rounds between 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. Now we either have another visitor or it is coming around twice to make sure there is no cat food out there to munch on. I am going to be prepared next time. This time however has left me with blood shot eyes and a sore throat. Man that scent was strong! This morning though, it is nice and peaceful and the scent is almost just a bitter memory. Notice the peaceful photo. I needed that this morning.
While our little princess naps, I feel like a zombie who has to leave in a little while to pick up a friend to go shopping. I've looked forward to this day for weeks now and thank heaven she knows I don't drink because I sure look like I've been on a weekend binge. Well, I'm not laughing so it doesn't seem so hilarious to me anymore. Meanwhile this dumb cat is going to be sent to the back bedroom nights so we can leave the back door open for fresh air. Notice I said FRESH air.
I hope everyone has a great day today. Smile, I'm trying to but my face feels as if it's full of Botox.

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