This little cutie was sent to me in an email from my aunt this morning. Perfect timing Auntie! I think he is just precious with that little wink, don't you?
I really haven't much to write about because I only went shopping last night in the rain and rolling fog, came home with my heart in my stomach from my uneasiness of driving in the heavy fog, ate and put some of the groceries away. Then I watched a little TV and went to bed. I did keep my window wide open and the hooting of the owls, coyotes cries and critter symphony sent me right off to sleep.
I won't be able to stand the colder weather when the critters will no long be, and I won't be able to open the window to hear the owls if they are still here. I'll have to try it at least once just to see. Of course it will get pretty cool in the room but hubby would close the window when he came to bed.
I have to get busy with the sorted piles of summer clothes I've got at the end of the bed before they fall and I have to do it all again. I bought those big plastic bags that you can put a lot in and then lay on the bag to squeeze out the air before sealing. I also have the ones you use the vacuum on to suck out the air. Those are fun to use. Small things amuse small minds you know.
It's pretty cool out there but I have a lovely cross breeze and there is a noisy cricket making such a racket that it sounds as if he is in the house. I just love to listen to them. We had one in our utility room last year and every night he would start in with his music. Hubby was going nuts and kept trying to find him/her?. I finally found him and quickly grabbed him up and let him loose outside to be with his family. Ooh, what a funny feeling with those scratchy legs going like crazy in the palm of my hand. And of course they always gifted me for saving them by leaving a bit of poop in my hand.
I remember shaming the boys into letting loose their frogs, lightning bugs, hermit crabs in buckets and so on, by making my voice sound sad and pretending I was calling my babies back home. It worked when they were small but later they got wise to me. We never had to worry about finding dead worms and such because they always let them go and with that trusting look up at me, would usually say, "Their mommy is happy now isn't she mommy?" I really miss those days of pure innocence and trust.
Now I seem to have become someone they are not quite sure of. Smile. It's good to keep them guessing. It makes up for all the times they stayed out late and I was up and worried until they came in that door. My hair didn't turn grey because I had angels.
I have so much to do today and I promised myself I would get it done. However this beautiful day might be one of the last for some time and I want to grab my camera and get out there and enjoy it. It will be a tough battle but I know the day out in the sun will win. We have errands to run and things to do and I'll take my camera for sure.
Have a nice day everybody and enjoy, enjoy.
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