It's fall already and I've been laid up with bronchitis and allergies. Ragweed and grass! Living in the woods, how do you get away from such? There is ragweed everywhere you look and all different types of grasses. I look like a raccoon with these eyes and I don't think I'll look much better for awhile anyway. Have given up on my emails so will catch up when I can. Please forgive people. This is the penalty for living out in the boonies and communing with nature. I shouldn't say that since I get so much enjoyment from my little plot in the woods.
The humming birds have been coming fast and furious. I guess with this colder weather, 50's at night, they think they have to load up for winter traveling. This has been one strange year. Maybe two weeks of hot weather and then perfect fall temps. Perfect for sleeping and the days are so comfortable. I hope we have a long Autumn.
I can't tease about hubby and son's shopping anymore. I went with hubby a week ago and it was right after one of their 'trips.' I had a nice list made out according to the layout of the store and thought this ought to be a breeze. Breeze heck! While I shopped according to the so called list, hubby wandered the aisles. And yes, they had a sale on ice cream and sherbet and we chose two but ended up going back to the ice cream aisle and picked up 4 more. Calcium you know! That extra freezer in the garage is really our down fall.
While I was looking for the frozen veggies, I spied hubby down the other end and he had a long stack of something that he was trying to balance with his chin. When I saw what he was claiming as a quick supper for him, my heart dropped. I'm cooking healthy and he's filling the cart with junk, mostly dough with a few veggies thrown in to give it color. They go by the name of chicken pot pies.
I hunted down my Turkish apricots and raw pecans and kept looking for the dates. I found Marjool dates for 8.99 a pound and there were like 11 or 12 huge dates in the container. I decided I didn't want to support Turkey so hunted around for just plain dates. They are great when I've craving sweets AND they have fiber. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Sons and family are camping this weekend. Jon went and got sites Tuesday night so there would be a place for all of them for the weekend. Jon stayed there for two nights to hold them, and then they all left yesterday afternoon. Jon came back to take his dad to the races last night for his birthday. They came home after midnight and I called it quits. It had been just me, the cat and the outside dog and it was nice and quiet enough to hear our resident owl hooting. Relaxing.
Well, one lone eye keeps crying, making a trip down the cheek and I'm getting aggravated with it so will close. This white screen doesn't help any but I did make a stab at it today so I feel worthy again.
Will go check on my flowers which are quickly being covered up by all the leaves falling. I guess we have three trees that have to be taken down. That would make a total of 8 so far. Something has gotten to them and I guess it's time. I will surely miss them.
Oh, I almost forgot to say how much our groceries came to. $286.93! But I had to buy staples, cleaning supplies, plus groceries so I guess that's to be expected. Well, isn't it??????????? Smile, I bet we spent a good $20 on ice cream and I have been good, 3 days without so far. Maybe the reason being we are completely out of ice cream and sherbet and have been for at least 4 days! Time to stock up on more calcium. Smile:)
Have a nice day people. It's a beauty out there today.
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