Yesterday I just couldn't think of what to write about so I cheated and added a poem I wrote. If I had waited until evening to write something, things would have been different.
Since it was a somewhat foggy and humid day, I stepped outside intending to dead head the flowers. First though I had to pick up all the garbage and re-bag it due to the smart little raccoons who think nothing of working their way through bungey cords. The stench was wicked but I will say no more on that subject. Then I picked weeds until I felt as if I had creepy crawlies on me. I unearthed so many spiders and they all had sacks of eggs. Yuck! We were just sprayed for spiders by the pest control man and then here they were, in the garden hiding under dirt! So much for getting rid of them. I guess they deserted the house and spray to hide out in the garden. Now that's MY territory and I won't share. What a waste of money on top of that.
I was sitting at the patio table taking a break and I noticed the humming bird feeders were ready for new fuel. While filling them, it was hard to get them up on the metal Shepard poles and I cringed as it ran down my arms and into my arm pits. The chill gave me the shivers. I'll have to find a better way next time. Meanwhile I was being attacked by 6 very impatient humming birds in a hurry to get to the feeders first. Ungrateful little things. They had a battle right there on the feeders and there were two to choose from. For some reason they all liked the same one. I tried to get pictures with my camera but they were too quick for me and oh so tiny.
It was so quiet outside and I was really enjoying just listening to the birds. I could have dozed off in my chair but my grandson drove up and kept me company, after getting something to eat of course. Growing boys. We sat and talked and we did so, noticed wasps kept coming to the patio umbrella. I didn't get too alarmed until I looked up into the peak of it and noticed a wasp nest. Oh no, won't go there again. I got the wasp killer and blasted that sucker out in a hurry. The wasps were angry and kept trying to get to the nest. I was expecting them to form a battalion and go for my head. I held that can in my hand for awhile just in case. This morning I took a broom handle and knocked it down and stepped on it. Sure enough, it was filled with eggs.
Oh the excitement I have just sitting in the backyard minding my own business. You'd think living out here in the boonies would be boring but it's far from it. No people maybe but lots of critters. A very hungry deer walked right up with us sitting there and after giving us the once over, started in on my Wigelia bush. It had already bloomed so I wasn't too upset. It was when she went for my Mandeville Pinks that I got up and chased her off. It's ready to bloom and it's just a beautiful climbing plant with huge pink to red trumpet like flowers. I first saw them in West Virginia and I had to know what they were. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door to ask. Hey, when it comes to flowers I have no shame. I now have three of them on the flag pole base and they are climbing up further than I want them to. So I've been twisting them around and around the arbor in order to keep them at a height I can take care of. I can't wait to get pictures before the deer sabotage them.
Next, a lady came for all the plant pots I put on Freecycle, and since she said she used them for her church plant sale in the spring, I took her in the garage to help me clean out all the big planters and decorative pots I know I'd never use again. That made a nice dent in the clutter and she left a very happy camper. She will be back to take some cuttings of my ground cover when she doesn't have two little ones to worry about. She will have to climb up there to get them because I can't anymore. She also wants some of the trailing roses that my dad planted for me more than 30 years ago. It is going wild and needs some cutting back. It is the only rose bush I have never had to feed, spray or any other special care that my other roses need on a by weekly basis, only to lose them to the deer. Yep, just sticks standing straight up without leaves.
On TV the other day there was a lady who was praising natural repellents for insects and critters. The word 'deer' caught my attention. Would you believe that hair cuttings placed around plants ward off deer? She suggested you go to a hair salon and ask for a bag of clippings which you place all around your plants and flowering bushes. Then she said, "If all else fails, collect urine and spray that on the plants." Deer hate human urine. It got kind of out of hand with the host and all the laughing going on. The last thing she suggested was having men folk go out and pee on the plants. I was in hysterics by then. I believe the program she was on was QVC with special natural products for gardening. She was a hoot and fun to watch! Now I know when I'm outside and get that urge, not to run in the house, just squat and let go. With that I will end this post.
Have a great day everybody.
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