Famous last words there. Once it gets hot out I will be bellyaching about the heat and will act like a wilted hot house flower, dressed in my favorite muu muu without anything tight around my waist and the perfect freedom to move about. Me and my muu muus. If I had my way I would live in them.
The birds aren't making their cheerful music this morning. I bet they are shivering in their nests with beaks chattering. What IS it with this crazy weather?
I called a friend yesterday and I'm supposed to pick her up for lunch today. When we get together we seem to talk about our latest aches and pains and then laugh about them. It's so nice to have someone to laugh with. It makes everything appear less like a problem and more like a challenge.
I've been trying to get to bed earlier nights but
'America's Got Talent' was on last night and I'm a sucker for the music and dance shows. When 'Dancing with the Stars' is back I will be happy. I'd enjoy 'So You Think You Can Dance' if it wasn't for that hyena of a judge whose voice and laugh just make my teeth grit. It's a shame because they have such great dancers. If only someone would tell her to Zip It!
Well, my hardest decision today will be what to wear. If I were to dress now I'd be in a wrap around blanket. That's what I'm wearing now. I find these cool mornings fool me. I'll get dressed to leave for somewhere and find that I'm hot and uncomfortable in the afternoon. I have to learn the art of layering. Long johns, sweats, etc. I think I'll settle for jeans and a nice blouse with a tee under it. That way if it gets hot like the weather man predicts, I can open the blouse and wear it as a light weight jacket. But just to be on the safe side I will take a sweat shirt with me. LOL, this fickle weather won't fool me again.
The sun looks so beautiful streaming through the green leaves of the trees. Taking a picture just wouldn't do it justice. Only God can create this perfect beauty and I should enjoy it while I can. Mornings are my favorite part of the day and I hate to miss anything this stunningly lovely. I'll just have to assign it to memory and then think back on it when I want to gripe about something.
Well, I hadn't intended to write anything this morning but I'm afraid I will just give up on it like other things I've tried. I have never had a diary, or journaled. I have all the equipment, calligraphy pens, pretty inks, lovely books, but they are all blank. At least here I can put down the ups and downs and not feel guilty about complaining.
That's it for now. I'm going to take a nice hot shower to warm up and maybe the Leggoes will melt a little bit and I'll feel not so discombobulated. It's sure to help.
Have a nice day and enjoy the sunshine. Rain is forecast for tomorrow so make hay while the sun shines.
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