What a beautiful morning. Cool, sunny, and as the day goes on, it is sure to get warm. After all the cold nights and damp and cool days, my body craves the warmth. Fingers so stiff and cold that I have to sit on them to get them warm and flexible shouldn't be during the middle of July. I feel as though we have had all winter and Spring was just a poof of imagined fantasy.
I've been so busy the past weeks with documents and things necessary to be in order. All my ranting and seeking important papers stuck in boxes here and there leaves much to say about my organizational skills. A secretary for 28 years and my own house in such disarray. Oh well, in my own way I put all in some kind of order so found all that was necessary. Where questioned 'interment' or 'cremation', I put in big bold letters, SURPRISE ME! So much for that matter.
My roses my dad brought to me for Mother's Day 33 years ago from our old house are in furious bloom right now. They are much brighter than I remembered. They are the tiny old fashioned kind and they have spread from under the tree to the whole upper back of my yard. The part that nothing refused to grow in! He should see it now. They are just spilling over the stone wall and are a beautiful sight to look upon.
We took our bird feeders down for a rest. The squirrels were knocking them down and breaking them. Hubby has some repair work to do as we so enjoy watching the birds flit back and forth from the trees to divebomb the feeders and swifly fly off. Back and forth, all day long there is a steam of color, red of the Cardinals, black and white of the Red headed woodpeckers, and the lovely shade of rose of the Purple Finches. Although my favorites are the bright yellow of the Gold Finches. A rose breasted grossbeak was a visitor yesterday and I couldn't identify a few newcomers so out came my birding books.
Out front over our door is an intricate nest of Tufted Titmouse with babies. You can hear them chirping for food while the parents fly back and forth in front of my living room window, startling me every time. I took a walk around front so as not to disturb them by opening the front door and there they were, momma taking a rest on the porch railing while the little ones wailed. At present all is quiet but it won't be long before the squalling begins.
I'm sitting here in a fleece jacket over my p.j.s and I'm still chilled. I guess it's time to get outside in the sun and dead head my petunias. I love to get out there so early before everything gets busy and I can enjoy seeing the hummers fighting at the feeders. It reminds me of our lives when the boys were young. Always fighting to see who gets the most.
Hope you all have a wonderful day.
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