The day I took my friend Nancy to lunch was supposed to be a relaxing day for the two of us. Having been up most of the night before dealing with the scent of Flower (Skunk) I awoke with a wicked migraine headache. I got up at 5:30 and took two Aleve to dull it some. Thankfully I fell asleep for almost two more hours. I needed that.
After showering and getting dressed, I was ready to leave with plenty of time to get there without being rushed. Got in my car and the light came on telling me SERVICE ENGINE SOON. We had just had the car in for work so that vexed me. I just backed out of the driveway and drove off. That light comes on and off like the weather. I drove one car that did that for years because they just couldn't find the reason and I was tired of spending money to fix a phantom light. So I just stuck a piece of packing tape over it so it wouldn't bother me. Out of sight out of mind.
I arrived at Nancy's house and was ready to leave. First she had to get instructions from her daughter and was asked three times if she had her house key, was it the right key, etc. I really don't like this getting older very much. Too many questions. At last we were off and on our way to lunch. We went to a little deli and they had some delightful sandwiches and salads. Nancy played it safe with a BLT. I had to order a Reuben which I love but can no longer eat I find. It's just too big and way too messy. I ended up taking it to go for hubby to have when I got home. LOL, that didn't quite go off the way I had planned.
After dropping Nancy off at her house and attempting to go in for an iced tea, we found that the door key just wouldn't work. We both tried that key for at least a half hour and we were sweating bullets because it was the hottest day we'd had this year so far. We ended up calling Nancy's son-in-law who happened to be home. Thank goodness. He arrived after a half hour or so and he asked the same question as her daughter. Was it the house key? Was she sure? I told him that between us we ought to have been able to open a simple door with the correct key. He tried for awhile and then got tired of it. He tried the windows and found one unlocked. In he went with no problem and let us in. Then he went and bought a new lock and extra keys for the door. Once installed he was on his way. We were hot, tired and relieved so just put our doggy bags in the fridge and turned the TV on.
We did nothing but laugh after that. It's much easier to be even tempered when not sitting out on a stoop in the hot sun waiting for someone to show up who could help us. And the house was nice and cool and I could feel my blood pressure evening out as we giggled like a couple of kids and rehashed our adventure. We talked about old times, and tried to remember kids we went to school with who were no longer with us. Bad subject!
Nancy has stairs that are steep and seem to go on forever, so I was hesitant to walk up them just to go to the bathroom. I held on until I felt as if my bladder would burst and then tried it. It's very hard to hold it going up such a flight of stairs. I made it though and was so relived. And it was much easier going down than it had been going up. Well, that stands to reason.
I was ready to leave when Nancy talked me into staying for dinner. She told me my hubby wouldn't miss me, he'd be in the garage tinkering. She was right I thought so I called him and left a message on the answering machine. I left at 7 p.m. in order to get home to watch my show, America's Got Talent. I was just happy to sit in my recliner and rest.
Yesterday was lab work first thing in the morning, a trip to the pharmacy and then hubby had a doctor's appointment. While waiting for hubby to get ready I stood at the living room window and watched the mama Titmouse trying to teach one of her fledgelings to fly. He made it from the nest to the railing below and there he sat while his parents frantically flew back and forth trying to coax him to leave the safety of the railing. I finally decided enough was enough and went to the front door and carefully opened it. The little guy still sat there. I went outside and talked to him and he was the funniest sight. He was mostly beak! It hadn't developed to full size and he looked as if he was smiling. I stuck out my finger to see if he would fly away and it worked. He went from the railing to the car. Not bad I thought. Meanwhile the other two were still in the nest wanting some attention also. By then it was time to leave so I never did see them take off. They are still out there running their little mouths off. Today is another training day I take it.
At Kert's doctor's, office I chose to sit in the car with the windows open waiting for the rain to begin. I love the smell of rain and the freshness after. I didn't want to go into the office because I was in my usual, jeans and a pretty tee shirt. It seems every time I go there with him the patients are dressed for a tea party. Full make up, jewelry, designer clothing. It's in a ritzy area and I guess they have nothing better to do or else this happens to be one of the big things in their lives. If I took the time to go through all that, I wouldn't have the energy to get in the car to go to the appointment. I read my whole book (it always takes ages there) and when hubby came out to the car he asked, "Are you still here?" Duh... where else would I have gone? Next it was back to the pharmacy for the new prescription. You just can't leave a doctor's office without a new prescription.
This morning I go back to the hospital for my lab work. I was supposed to fast for it yesterday, but there was no notation on my paper work and I checked it twice. The receptionist also checked again and said it was their fault and to come in again in the morning at 7. I'll just about make it after finishing up here. It's a yucky day so I guess it's the perfect day to go for blood work. Foggy out but hopefully some sun will appear later. So I wonder, what will this day bring? Maybe I can get my hair cut since hubby won't be with me. He'll sleep until I get back if the cat lets him.
Have a nice day. The woodpeckers are up and happily at it.
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