It was wonderful to see the plane arrive with the two journalists who were hostages in N. Korea. It took forever for them to finally walk down those steps and more moving than I can say. To say their families were happy is an understatement. I just hope they are left alone to calm down and realize they are home and to get back to the everyday living in a free country. How scared they must have been never knowing what would happen to them next. Congrats to all those who had a hand in their rescue.
I've been fighting spiders everyday and it's getting to me. The Wolf Spider pictured above is huge but they curl up so you don't realize it until they jump at you. They gather right around the water spigot so when I go to turn it on and off, I have to be very careful. I've met many new ones also and it is egg bearing time. I have a book of spiders so I can identify them in case I get bit. The Brown Recluse has claimed my hubby and one son and both ended up in the ER. Hubby was on IV's for 10 days and he refused to go in the hospital so a gal from the hospital came to the house and trained me how to keep the stent clean, injecting Heparin to keep the blood from clotting and plugging the works up. I had to change the IV bag every 4 hours so I was sleeping in between times and trying not to act like a zombie. I have a healthy respect for spiders now and always have that event in the back of my mind when I have to fight the spiders in order to water my planters. Ugh to all the spider webs in the planters themselves.
So far this week we have had the deer, skunks, raccoons and an opossum in our yard. All came on the patio looking for food except for the deer. He was munching on all the new growth of the little trees coming up and my rose bushes. How do they avoid the thorns? They do it so swiftly and nothing is left but a long stem sticking up.
We now have three feral cats and I feed them during the day but at night the food comes in so my Alie and the skunk don't come anywhere near one another. When they come up to the screen door, that's too close for comfort. And Alie hasn't learned her lesson yet and attacks.
I haven't been out of the house in days but have an appointment this morning. I just don't feel like getting dressed and going out in that humid heat. With the allergies acting up I seem to fall asleep in the chair too often. Yesterday I was getting ready to give hubby a hair cut and sat down to watch the news. Within minutes hubby said I was fast asleep in his recliner. I slept for an hour and when I woke up, he was asleep. It was just that kind of day I guess. Oh to have air conditioning throughout the house. As I get older the heat bothers me more and more.
I'm so behind in my e-mails, it's a losing battle at this point. Oh wow!! I just got up to put the bowl of cat food outside for the feline visitors and it's 65 degrees out. I couldn't get my windows open fast enough. Now this kind of weather I can put up with gladly and function to boot! Bring it on... and to think I was complaining about it being so cold back in May and June. I told you I would complain once the high temps finally hit.
Last night I watched TV with hubby, and for the umpteenth time it was The Dirty Dozen. I got halfway though it and then hit the sack. I've only seen it at least 12 or 13 times. Togetherness, how romantic, with the guns going off and the explosions and bodies flying through the air. My ears just couldn't take any more of the noise. Hubby has it loud because he is hard of hearing. I hear everything, even things I shouldn't so I watch those movies with my ear plugs and can still hear every word.
Well, while it's cool out I guess I can go and pull all the slugs out of the planters. Such slimy things they are. And they leave a slime trail so you can see it or if not, feel it. It is like glue and soap and water doesn't work unless you really scrub twice. It just gives me shivers.
Hope everyone is having a great day. Heck, most of you are still in bed and here I sit, wide awake with too much to do but have no energy. I guess it's all the ups and downs during the night. I don't get much sleep so that is probably why I conk out in the recliner. Makes sense.
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