After all my griping about his shopping spree last night, I opened the fridge this morning to find a huge bag of big black bing cherries. Any guy who would spend $3.99 a pound for 7 pounds of cherries for his wife is a sweetheart in my book. Other nutritious food was an 8 pound block of sliced cheese and in the freezer there were 4 turkey and chicken pot pies for days when I don't feel up to cooking or it's just too darn hot. Also raisin cinnamon bagels. Yum! Such a thoughtful guy.
This morning it was 63 degrees when I woke up at 4:20, and breezy. It was actually cold in the house and I am now wearing my terry cloth bathrobe. Give it an hour and it will be 76 degrees. Can't win!
I took out the food for the feral cats and couldn't get over all the leaves already covering my yard. We haven't even had a real summer and it's fall already. What is going on with our weather? First we miss a true Spring and rush into summer only to zoom into an early fall. That's what the leaves are telling me. I hope fall lasts a long time. I'm in no hurry for winter to arrive. It seems it was winter weather right into May because it was too cold to plant flowers. My Mandeville Pinks aren't even getting the chance to bloom, the buds are falling on the ground from our cold nights.
Today we will go shopping and get some things we really need and return the lint rollers for the ones for picking up cat hair. Also hummingbird nectar because I'm tired of making up the sugar water only to spill half of it before I get out the door. No matter how much I wipe it up, we still walk around sticking to the floor. It drives hubby nuts!
I image today will be spent in the garage with oldest son working on his truck or our car. The garage is his place and I don't bother him out there nor worry about him. He has his chair, TV, microwave and stereo. I think he only comes in to check on me to make sure I'm still breathing. While he is doing that, I'm going to run to a thrift/consignment shop I noticed the last time we went running. I can take my time and just browse. Something he absolutely hates to do. He stays in the car and sleeps. LOL.
The sun is shining and I'm getting antsy to get outside and go. The house will wait until I get home.
Have a good day today and enjoy the sunshine.
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