Well I'm here but for how long is another story. This past week has been a busy one and when not busy, I was laid out by the heat like my little friend above.
It's hard to know what to say when all I know is what is about me, either out the front window or the back sliding patio doors. Two completely different views on my menu and I think I've run through all the critters and birds. Since I don't have a social life I'm really a boring old lady.
Speaking of critters, something got my kitty, Alie Sunday, and my son came into the house with her and her blood was dripping on the floor. I was in panic mode and tried to check her for injuries. My first thought was to run to the vet with her but it was Sunday. So I just held her in my lap and washed her off as gently as I could. Two bites on her leg kept bleeding and she kept licking so I was afraid to bandage it. Thank God she has had her rabies shots and everything else necessary. Whatever it was got her in the backside too.
The first thing that went through my mind was some old male cat got her. She's been spayed so I didn't think anything like that could happen. She's also declawed on the front paws, not a great idea out here in the woods. She's also been an inside cat for the past 7 years so she was never around other cats. And I'm dumb where the sex life of cats is concerned. I mean once they are spayed do they still have that allure that drives male cats crazy? Well, if so, she fought hard for her virginity!
When she got down from my lap she was limping and crawled up under the table to lie on one of the pillowed chairs. We just left her to be quiet and to calm down. I kept looking under the table cloth to make sure she was okay and I think all she wanted was to be left alone. She's been shaking so hard and I think she was just so scared over the whole thing. Jon said he was up back and heard all the noise and then she came running past him like a shot. She loves Jon so when he called to her she went to him and he picked her up and carried her home. I think her days of being curious of what is beyond her realm on the back patio and little bit of yard will be enough for her now. No more curious cat I hope.
She is walking fine now and comes out and gets in our laps so I guess she will be fine. I still try to check but she wants none of it. So far she sits on lies on her seat in front of the window and spreads out like a harlot to sun herself. That kitty has no dignity at all.
That was enough commotion for that day and we were all upset and needed calming down. The men decided they could take my list and do my shopping for me because I was teary and worried. I hate to say this but it was a repeat performance. 6 bags followed by a large watermelon. I need a new fridge in order to store all that food and none of us need it believe me! Only 4 ice cream this time and all kinds that they like Snuck in on the shelf was coffee ice cream, you know that's my favorite.
They were nice and put most of the groceries away while I sat in the chair trying to cool off from this darn heat. I swear my meds are giving me hot flashes. It just drips down my hair and onto my neck. Then the cold air from the fans makes me shiver and the next thing you know I have a blanket over me. I can't win.
Sunday morning when it was nice and hot, and before the commotion with Alie, hubby decided to cut my forsythia bushes back. OMG, they are the sorriest things you ever laid eyes on. He used a power saw and just whopped off the tops and sides. I have ugly bare branches sticking out everywhere. Then Mike got out to help and give his dad a break only he cut them from the very bottom. He took out so many and now there are stumps. Now if you know forsythia, they are only going to grow back but won't have the symmetrical beauty that I love in the early spring. Heaven only knows what they will look like. I do know I am going out with the heavy duty cutters and lop off all those bare brown branches sticking out. What an eyesore. "Well," they said, "At least now we can mow the lawn without getting tore up from those damn branches." No sense of beauty with those two. Of course you know that once I get out there, one of them will take the job away from me because when I lean forward I usually just keep going. I end up in some of the most interesting places. And things look so different when looking from the ground up.
Well, I watered my flowers early this morning and put fresh hummingbird nectar for my little friends. Miss Kitty is lying among the potted plants so I think I will go out and join her before it gets too hot.
Have a great day everybody.
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