We had just put all the potted plants on the wall and I came in the house to relax and get out of that heat. The telephone rang and usually I just let it ring but this time I decided to answer it. It was my good friend Nancy and she was in a quandary and wanted some company. She is just a few years older than me and was in the process of moving from her home of 26 years. She was just overwhelmed at trying to get rid of things she had a special attachment to. Let's face it, everything has a special meaning for us. I can say with certainty that you can accumulate a lot of things in that amount of time. And it IS hard to throw them out. I would need blinders on in order to do away with mine and the memories of how each one came to be.
We looked through things and I took a few off her hands for our church yard sale this month. I could see the attachment she had for them but with all the 'stuff' she was beside herself. I am feeling the same way as I try to downsize so my kids won't have to do it when the time comes. When I'm feeling devilish I say to heck with it, let them do it, but doing it my way I get to give my prize possessions to good homes.
Anyway, looking at her mom's beautifully crocheted bed covers which would be a shame to toss, I told her whatever she wanted a good home for, I would see that they got it. With that said, Nancy asked if I wanted to go to the new Shack in Groton for lunch. I knew she just wanted to get out of there and agreed.
Since we had been locked out of her condo twice the past two times we got together, I asked her if she had her keys just to make sure this wouldn't be a repeat performance. With the reassurance that we wouldn't be locked out again, we drove to the Shack. It was closed!! Then we went to another favorite little sandwich place we both loved but it was also closed. Nancy was highly put out at the audacity of their closing on a Sunday when they are usually open. I had a fit of the giggles and told her it was the holiday weekend and they were probably enjoying it with family and friends. We then decided to get something to eat at Big Y. Their deli looked gross to me so we bought ham and cheese and a loaf of delicious looking bread, potato salad and off to her apartment we went. Well sort of...
We got to my car and I put the key in to unlock it. It was being stubborn so I tried the other key. Still the door wouldn't give. We must have stood in that heat for half an hour trying the darn keys. Then I realized that in my rush to get to her house, I had grabbed the wrong keys. They were both ignition keys! Thank goodness I had my cell phone so called home, but hubby didn't answer. I called my son but he didn't answer either. I couldn't call on his cell phone because he gave the number to hubby who wrote it down in his little note pad but didn't give ME the number. Then I had a brain storm and called my grandson, Josh, who answered on the second ring. Oh be still my heart. He was in New Haven at a picnic, quite aways from where we were stranded. I was running out of time on my cell phone, it was ready to shutdown. Using Nancy's cell, I called him again and told him to call his dad tell him where we were and where we would be waiting for him. Son called me back and told me he would be there shortly. Whoosh, big breath out.
We went back into Big Y, sat at a table and took the bread, meat and cheese and made our self lunch. We were laughing so hard we thought we would have an accident and the ladies room was clear across the store. So we decided not to laugh and tried holding back. We made our sandwiches, Nancy did anyway, while I went looking for paper plates, cups and cutlery. Success, back to table I went and we gratefully ate our lunch. Both being diabetics, we were weak and the heat had gotten to us. I noticed Nancy shaking and I was feeling cold to the bone from the AC ducts we were sitting under so we decided to go back out in the heat to get warm. First Nancy had to make that long trip across the store. I opted out because I knew I couldn't walk that far. (Don't laugh, you'll be old one day too.) Outside we found some chopped wood piled up for sale and made a seat for our selves while we waited for my son and his wife.
I spied their car as they drove in and gave a hugh sigh of relief.
Mike had brought all the car keys he could find and on his first try it worked. Saved, we were saved, and just in time. I know he hadn't planned on rescuing his mom on their anniversary. I'm sure he had other plans but he came to my rescue anyway. I told him, "This is only the beginning son, get used to it." He just laughed and gave me a hug and Nancy too. Val laughed and hugged us both and told us not to worry, they were happy to help us. Relief overtook me and I began to feel like Gumby, all weak in the knees. Quickly Nancy and I got in the car, (I'm smirking now at just how quickly and with moans of pain we got into the car). Quickly just isn't in my vocabulary anymore.
Once Nancy was in the house with a cold ice tea, I told her I was going to go home before it got dark. We gave each other a hug and promised to get together again. When I got home I sat in hubby's recliner and was asleep within minutes. Today I ache all over but it's my own fault.
Have a wonderful Holiday weekend and take it easy on the body please.
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