Well, it's been a long time since my last post in February. Sorry folks but I was sick for so long and didn't feel up to anything but sitting in my chair and taking the various anti-biotics they put me on. My arch enemy, Prednisone, worked best but I couldn't stand myself. I was dripping wet all the time. Some people get all kinds of energy from them, me, hot flashes and the sweats.
This is no longer my uplifting blog. I'm going to tell it like it is and you can hang in with me or choose to stay away. It's hard to come here and just talk about happy stuff when due to the banks and stock markets last year we found we lost all. What we had saved to pay off our house went bye-bye and now we are in our seventies trying to get a loan so our mortgage payments will be less and we can live on what we get on SS. I'ts been months in the process and since hubby doesn't get involved or understand about those things, I was on my own.
At least we didn't have to do our taxes because our only income is our SS checks. Now that will get you nowhere, especially when you have to pay for insurance and the deductible is so high that you can't pay for your prescriptions and have to ask the doctors for samples. Talk about getting back to basics! I was feeling so ashamed of our predicament but it wasn't anything I did. Now I feel better about myself and am hoping the bank will be kind to us and put our application through. Send prayers please.
I swore off the computer today, Groups, Face Book, etc. I get a lot more satisfaction writing my blog, especially when I don't have to hold back anything that is eating away at my insides. I always try to find a passage in my hoard of books to lift me up and make me realize how fortunate we really are. I just wish I didn't have to go without my flowers this year. I'm hoping I can get some from FreeCycle. I always helped out others and now maybe this year they will return the favor. I'll post it and see what happens.
All my whining about days and days of rain on end and now find the rain paid off big time this week. My clematis vine is absolute full of huge deep burgundy blooms. What a glorious sight to look out upon each day. I can see them from here and just had to quit long enough to get pictures. I will post them on my computer and see what happens. I promise I will share them with all you flower lovers.
Okay, I had best get off here and get ready to go for my CAT scan. I've been having problems with imbalance and falling into some pretty exciting places. My shoe closet, between the toilet and bath tub, I fell out of bed and was wedged between the night stand and bed. Hubby didn't hear me calling for help because he sleeps in the living room in his recliner with his C-PAP machine running. It took me quite some time to make my way out of there! Before my trips were to Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho and Florida mostly. Now it's just places around the house.
The sun is shining, the grass is green and the allergies are in high gear. With ears ringing and heart singing, I bid you all farewell. For today anyway.
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