Now here it is in the afternoon. Hubby who was in a rush to go grocery shopping, and me trying to think of a way to get out of it now have a legitimate excuse. He fell asleep with the cat in his arms and I took a picture to prove it. I am also going to sneak in a nap and later when it's cooler will grocery shop.
This is the perfect thing to leave you with since we are all feeling weary and down in spirit at times.
When I was able, this was my answer for most things bothering me. I could speak to God and know that he was listening.
"A walk in the silent woods is not silent at all. Stand still and listen. The thump of a Downy woodpecker on a hollow log, the tiny hooves of a deer scooting through last season's leaves, and best of all, the soft rumble of thunder and the spatter of drops on the broad leaf of the hickory.These are remedies for a weary soul and tranquil moments for a tired body. Who knows, if we stand still and listen - we may hear an angel's wings."
"Today I send a voice for people in despair." Black Elk, Sioux Holy Man From A Cherokee Feast of Days, Joyce Sequichie Hifler
(by the way, those flowers were from last year)
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