I Remember Mom
As I sit at my computer and see all the iris, petunias, my Korean dogwood tree, waving it's arms of lovely green leaves and soothing cream colored stars, the lovely Chinese red maple wishing me Good Morning, my thoughts turn to my mom. With the forsythias gone by and cut back, the lilac bush with its brown flowers leaving a trace of the splendor it once was, leaving its delicate waft of scent beside what was once her bedroom window, I think of Mom. It bloomed long after Mom left us to go to a better place.
The nights of listening with enjoyment to the sound of the peep frogs courting, something Mom and I loved to do while hubby, our driver, made remarks and sat laughing at us sitting beside the big pond, quiet and alert to the differences in croaks among the peepers, but they too ended too soon.
Now the month of May has passed and with it Mother's Day and her birthday. Yesterday was Memorial Day and as I laid flowers on my parent's grave and my son's, all those memories came flooding back. She loved wildflowers and music. She was so light on her feet and made dancing look so easy. She left me with memories of all the musicals we attended when I was a child and I still remember the words to most of the songs and those are still my favorites. Yes, I remember you Mom and I miss you. Especially now, your favorite time of the year, and mine.
Be sure to remember your loved ones while they are still with you and can make wonderful memories together. Don't be like some who didn't take the time to show their love and then end up at the graves sobbing for their unexpressed love and appreciation. Do all you can for them now. Flowers on graves mean nothing if you never took the time to surprise them with flowers while they could enjoy the scent and beauty of them. Do it now, before time passes and it's too late.
Have a good day and remember to hug one another. Some days all we need is a really good hug.