Thursday, July 30, 2009
Yesterday I Didn't Have Anything to Say

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Where Am I When You Need Me
Where am I when you need me?
Well I’m sorry to say but on a nice day
I’m trying my wings and flitting amongst things like the ladybugs,
dragonflies and their cousins, the butterflies
Just joyfully swooping and swirling, like a leaf in wind twirling
Flying and having fun with my friends
I thrill to the flowers in zillions of colors, all painted by God’s gifted hands
And I in my joy, run with such wild abandon that soon my breath comes to an end
The hummingbirds flit from bright colored blossoms and stop in mid-air
But with wings still in motion, do cause such commotion, such tiny and quick little beings
With much laughter and singing, my long dress gently swinging, I sit
down in sweet smelling meadow to rest
Yet through the high grasses I spy tiny masses of ants quickly
building their intricate nests
I gently move earth to see what’s down under and am amazed at the home they have built
So intricate and perfect, I’d never expect it if I had not seen it myself
For eyes sometimes see what the mind doesn’t grasp and we have to
take time out to think these things through
Take time just to contemplate, the world and its fate
and what in our life really matters
But gives us the most measure in beauty and pleasure
For these things we must not take for granted
I muse in my silence while busily counting the
Never stopping to worry or think I must hurry
In my fragrant grass room, among the tall stately Queen Anne’s Lace
Oh what more could I ever wish for than my favorite heavenly space
By Joyce E Cook
Monday, July 27, 2009
Hanging in There

With all the rain we are having, it's been so hot and muggy. I feel as though I'm growing moss on my body. Much too uncomfortable to have to wear a bra. However, gravity seems to have won the battle and I feel like the old gal in this cartoon. I'm sure there are many who can relate.
Our back patio is green and needs to be cleaned with a power washer. The sides of the rocks are growing moss as is the base of the flag pole.
In the house it is sticky and hard to breathe. I have three fans going continually but believe that next year we will knock out a hole in one end of the house and put in a BIG air conditioner. If my husband has control over the setting it will be like living in a wind tunnel. I just want to be cool, not a walking Popsicle.
In the car we play switch-a-roo. He turns it high and I turn it down. I don't like the feel of that cold hitting me in the chest. I try to turn the vents in his direction which helps some but our seats are too close together in such a small car. Oh how I miss our RV. We kept it parked beside the garage and on days that were too muggy, I could go in the RV, turn the AC on and read a book. Peace and quiet and NO phones to answer. I'm definitely not a phone person. I had enough of them all the years of working.
Our little feral cat showed up yesterday looking for food. She hasn't been around in a month or so and she looks so skinny and unhealthy. I think it might be because we let our cat out now during the day so she stays away. And since we don't leave out food during the night due to the skunks, raccoons, and other critters, she hasn't been able to sneak in and eat her fill. So, I will have to put food out in the early morning and leave it until dusk. That way she can get to it between our little Princess' in and out game all day. Our door is nearly worn out from all the opening and closing. She no sooner goes out, comes in, and then she wants out again. Enough already.
I've got so much to do and no energy to do it. I go for a B12 shot today to see if it will help me. I'm hoping it has the effect of a rocket launch. I'm not asking for much.
My hummers are out in force and I guess I'd better get up and make some sugar water for them. I must have had a heavy hand with the sugar last time because they came, drank, and held onto the hanger for quite some time before flying off. They drank the feeders dry so they must have liked it.
It's time to go shower and get into dry clothes. I can see this is going to be one of those days where I won't feel dry no matter how many times I change. And yes, I have to put a bra on to go to the doctor. Bummer!
Have a great day no matter what your weather.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
It's Going to be a Good Day!

Yea, it's going to be a great day today. Instead of the rain predicted, the sun is trying to come through.
Yesterday it rained hard all day and my feelings were as bleak as the day. Today will be our only good day in the forecast for this week. The rest of our days will be rain! I'm so sick of sticking to my furniture, Just using the mouse makes my arm stick to the wooden desk. Yucky feeling for sure. I do wish we could share some of this with those who are in drought. I feel so sorry for them and their battle to grow their crops, gardens, the rationing that goes along with water shortages. Somehow it just doesn't seem fair.
Yesterday I received a nice surprise. An email from a cousin I hadn't heard nor seen since the 50's. I was young at that time but I sure do remember her and her sister, and I missed them when they moved away. you never can have enough family, especially at my age.
Today I go to visit my favorite Aunt. She was always so much fun and I loved staying at her house. I remember I was going through a sing song phase then and everything I asked her or spoke about was sung. She in turn had to do the same back to me so I imagine I must have gotten on her nerves at times. LOL, many times! She was the one who always baked my birthday cake. Deep chocolate with that gooey boiled icing. Oh how I would love to sink my teeth into a piece of that now. Nobody makes that kind of frosting anymore. It's too easy to buy the stuff in the can which tastes awful to me. I remember licking the bowl was the best part of that day. She always left extra in it for me. My love of sweets will be my undoing. I used to make it for my boys and they also loved licking the bowl. Like mother, like sons.
Hmmm, the sun seems to have deserted me. It now feels like rain and it is humid and buggy out. I swear I have received more mosquito bites this past week than all I have accumulated over the years here. It has to be from all the rain and the breeding grounds for them. I have to remember to go outside and empty my bird bath and any other catch alls for water. I should also change my hummingbird feeders nectar. I make my own and with my taste for sweets, probably make it a tad too sweet. They must love it though because they are going to town out there this morning.
Well, I guess it's time to shower and dress so I'll feel human today. I know I will be drenched later just from the humidity. I just wilt and yearn for AC. My hair gets so yucky although I wash it every day, but I look like a rooster after running my fingers through it to get it off my face. Hubby laughs at me but now it is such a habit that I can't seem to break it. When I start crowing at dawn then he can complain.
Have a good day and find joy in it.
Monday, July 20, 2009
While It's Still Cool In the House

I was hoping to get an early start but had to wait until the house got cleared and it was nice and quiet so I could think clearly. Three vehicles with engines running so early in the morning just gets on my nerves. All are back from camping so the showers and washer and dryer seem to have been going constantly and the thump, thump, thump of sleeping bags and heavy clothing got on my nerves. I don't think any of them had a dry piece of clothing, etc. due to all the rain they had to put up with.
All is well in my world, the woodpeckers are at it and they each have their own sound. It's something I never get tired of listening to and this morning I really missed it. While looking out through the trees, I did spy something shimmering and beautiful to look upon. I couldn't make it out because it was far away. But then the sun hit the spot just right and I could see it was something caught in a spider web, the work of trying to free itself made the web move slightly, catching the sun just right and it was a thing of beauty. Cruel, but a natural part of nature.
This picture of an albino deer was sent to me by a friend. I just love it. It was spied during the week near the Connecticut/Rhode Island Line. It's especially a joy to me since I love deer. I think the movie Bambi left a mighty strong impression on me.
There's no sound of bird song this morning and I have both doors and windows open wide. Yesterday they were making all kinds of noise and this morning I think they must be sleeping late. Our babies have left the nest and I keep looking for them at the feeders. I did spy a tiny hummingbird yesterday and was surprised at his size. He must be a newbie as he was only about an inch or a tiny bit more in size. I think he was more wing than anything.
Today is a free day and I'm going to try to get some of this paper work corralled and put away. I've got the boxes and containers for it, but just don't get too excited about paperwork and filing. 28 years as a secretary and I'm still loath to do filing. It just doesn't do a thing for me and I can't even find any humor in it. Dull, dull, dull!
Oh, my day is made. Finally, birds chirping but no woodpeckers going at the trees yet. I think all our rain has everybody confused and feeling soggy. My mouse doesn't slide on the computer table today. It feels sticky and I know it's not from spilled coffee or some other goody. And the furniture feels as if it wants to come with you when you get up. Yuck, you know the feeling I'm trying to convey.
We need a clean up crew to hose out the front of the house under the bird nest. I can't believe all the droppings and mess on the porch. Hubby says he put screening up over the light to keep the nesting from happening this year, but it was a perfect set up for the Tufted Titmouse to make do with. His/her nest is intricate and looks like it was woven with delicate care. The bird nest on the window sill just looks like gathered twigs and is more flat whereas this one looks like a hanging sack. Interesting. Messy as all get out but interesting.
Last night I baked a meatloaf in the microwave. I wanted to see how it would turn out since I had no directions. I put the mixture into an oval Corelle baking dish and scooped out the very center and inserted a heavy glass to help circulate the heat. I spent a lot of time trying to remember if I should put the glass facing up or down. I finally decided the glass should be with the opening facing up and went with it. It worked just fine and the cooking only took 15 minutes. I'm so glad I didn't have to use my oven. It's been way too hot and humid for that.
I've been living on mostly cherries since they went on sale. They are my favorite fruit and I even buy them when they aren't on sale. No penny pinching on my cherries. They are in season for such a short time and I'm wondering if there is a way I can just bag them and freeze them. I did that with my blueberries and it's so good to dump some in a cup and eat them frozen. Much better than ice cream or popsicles. But it does run my sugar readings up. As if the ice cream doesn't.
I guess I'd better get in gear while it's still cool in here. I don't move much when it gets hot. I keep asking the Good Lord for 72 degree weather every day, but so far, he isn't answering. Perhaps I expect too much.
I just spied something interesting out my back door so will get a cup of tea, my camera and will sit quietly for a half hour or so and hope for something exciting to come my way.
Have a great day and be sure to find something of beauty in it.
Friday, July 17, 2009
The Past Two Days
The day I took my friend Nancy to lunch was supposed to be a relaxing day for the two of us. Having been up most of the night before dealing with the scent of Flower (Skunk) I awoke with a wicked migraine headache. I got up at 5:30 and took two Aleve to dull it some. Thankfully I fell asleep for almost two more hours. I needed that.
After showering and getting dressed, I was ready to leave with plenty of time to get there without being rushed. Got in my car and the light came on telling me SERVICE ENGINE SOON. We had just had the car in for work so that vexed me. I just backed out of the driveway and drove off. That light comes on and off like the weather. I drove one car that did that for years because they just couldn't find the reason and I was tired of spending money to fix a phantom light. So I just stuck a piece of packing tape over it so it wouldn't bother me. Out of sight out of mind.
I arrived at Nancy's house and was ready to leave. First she had to get instructions from her daughter and was asked three times if she had her house key, was it the right key, etc. I really don't like this getting older very much. Too many questions. At last we were off and on our way to lunch. We went to a little deli and they had some delightful sandwiches and salads. Nancy played it safe with a BLT. I had to order a Reuben which I love but can no longer eat I find. It's just too big and way too messy. I ended up taking it to go for hubby to have when I got home. LOL, that didn't quite go off the way I had planned.
After dropping Nancy off at her house and attempting to go in for an iced tea, we found that the door key just wouldn't work. We both tried that key for at least a half hour and we were sweating bullets because it was the hottest day we'd had this year so far. We ended up calling Nancy's son-in-law who happened to be home. Thank goodness. He arrived after a half hour or so and he asked the same question as her daughter. Was it the house key? Was she sure? I told him that between us we ought to have been able to open a simple door with the correct key. He tried for awhile and then got tired of it. He tried the windows and found one unlocked. In he went with no problem and let us in. Then he went and bought a new lock and extra keys for the door. Once installed he was on his way. We were hot, tired and relieved so just put our doggy bags in the fridge and turned the TV on.
We did nothing but laugh after that. It's much easier to be even tempered when not sitting out on a stoop in the hot sun waiting for someone to show up who could help us. And the house was nice and cool and I could feel my blood pressure evening out as we giggled like a couple of kids and rehashed our adventure. We talked about old times, and tried to remember kids we went to school with who were no longer with us. Bad subject!
Nancy has stairs that are steep and seem to go on forever, so I was hesitant to walk up them just to go to the bathroom. I held on until I felt as if my bladder would burst and then tried it. It's very hard to hold it going up such a flight of stairs. I made it though and was so relived. And it was much easier going down than it had been going up. Well, that stands to reason.
I was ready to leave when Nancy talked me into staying for dinner. She told me my hubby wouldn't miss me, he'd be in the garage tinkering. She was right I thought so I called him and left a message on the answering machine. I left at 7 p.m. in order to get home to watch my show, America's Got Talent. I was just happy to sit in my recliner and rest.
Yesterday was lab work first thing in the morning, a trip to the pharmacy and then hubby had a doctor's appointment. While waiting for hubby to get ready I stood at the living room window and watched the mama Titmouse trying to teach one of her fledgelings to fly. He made it from the nest to the railing below and there he sat while his parents frantically flew back and forth trying to coax him to leave the safety of the railing. I finally decided enough was enough and went to the front door and carefully opened it. The little guy still sat there. I went outside and talked to him and he was the funniest sight. He was mostly beak! It hadn't developed to full size and he looked as if he was smiling. I stuck out my finger to see if he would fly away and it worked. He went from the railing to the car. Not bad I thought. Meanwhile the other two were still in the nest wanting some attention also. By then it was time to leave so I never did see them take off. They are still out there running their little mouths off. Today is another training day I take it.
At Kert's doctor's, office I chose to sit in the car with the windows open waiting for the rain to begin. I love the smell of rain and the freshness after. I didn't want to go into the office because I was in my usual, jeans and a pretty tee shirt. It seems every time I go there with him the patients are dressed for a tea party. Full make up, jewelry, designer clothing. It's in a ritzy area and I guess they have nothing better to do or else this happens to be one of the big things in their lives. If I took the time to go through all that, I wouldn't have the energy to get in the car to go to the appointment. I read my whole book (it always takes ages there) and when hubby came out to the car he asked, "Are you still here?" Duh... where else would I have gone? Next it was back to the pharmacy for the new prescription. You just can't leave a doctor's office without a new prescription.
This morning I go back to the hospital for my lab work. I was supposed to fast for it yesterday, but there was no notation on my paper work and I checked it twice. The receptionist also checked again and said it was their fault and to come in again in the morning at 7. I'll just about make it after finishing up here. It's a yucky day so I guess it's the perfect day to go for blood work. Foggy out but hopefully some sun will appear later. So I wonder, what will this day bring? Maybe I can get my hair cut since hubby won't be with me. He'll sleep until I get back if the cat lets him.
Have a nice day. The woodpeckers are up and happily at it.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Just Dropping In
Famous last words there. Once it gets hot out I will be bellyaching about the heat and will act like a wilted hot house flower, dressed in my favorite muu muu without anything tight around my waist and the perfect freedom to move about. Me and my muu muus. If I had my way I would live in them.
The birds aren't making their cheerful music this morning. I bet they are shivering in their nests with beaks chattering. What IS it with this crazy weather?
I called a friend yesterday and I'm supposed to pick her up for lunch today. When we get together we seem to talk about our latest aches and pains and then laugh about them. It's so nice to have someone to laugh with. It makes everything appear less like a problem and more like a challenge.
I've been trying to get to bed earlier nights but
'America's Got Talent' was on last night and I'm a sucker for the music and dance shows. When 'Dancing with the Stars' is back I will be happy. I'd enjoy 'So You Think You Can Dance' if it wasn't for that hyena of a judge whose voice and laugh just make my teeth grit. It's a shame because they have such great dancers. If only someone would tell her to Zip It!
Well, my hardest decision today will be what to wear. If I were to dress now I'd be in a wrap around blanket. That's what I'm wearing now. I find these cool mornings fool me. I'll get dressed to leave for somewhere and find that I'm hot and uncomfortable in the afternoon. I have to learn the art of layering. Long johns, sweats, etc. I think I'll settle for jeans and a nice blouse with a tee under it. That way if it gets hot like the weather man predicts, I can open the blouse and wear it as a light weight jacket. But just to be on the safe side I will take a sweat shirt with me. LOL, this fickle weather won't fool me again.
The sun looks so beautiful streaming through the green leaves of the trees. Taking a picture just wouldn't do it justice. Only God can create this perfect beauty and I should enjoy it while I can. Mornings are my favorite part of the day and I hate to miss anything this stunningly lovely. I'll just have to assign it to memory and then think back on it when I want to gripe about something.
Well, I hadn't intended to write anything this morning but I'm afraid I will just give up on it like other things I've tried. I have never had a diary, or journaled. I have all the equipment, calligraphy pens, pretty inks, lovely books, but they are all blank. At least here I can put down the ups and downs and not feel guilty about complaining.
That's it for now. I'm going to take a nice hot shower to warm up and maybe the Leggoes will melt a little bit and I'll feel not so discombobulated. It's sure to help.
Have a nice day and enjoy the sunshine. Rain is forecast for tomorrow so make hay while the sun shines.
Monday, July 13, 2009
It Finally Happened
Sunday, July 12, 2009
We have been having our same visitors every night and last night hubby was at the back door with his flashlight. We have a bright flood light to see with but he still using that little dinky flashlight. He's afraid if he turns the light on it will scare the skunk and it will spray the door if it happens to be on the porch. I won't comment on that.
Our kids and grandsons are still out camping and I pray the rest of the week goes better for them. All this rain. They intend to spend this week fishing and going out in the canoes. I've got my fingers crossed for them. They don't seem to mind the weather but the cold nights after getting wet and not having dry clothes to change into makes for a yucky feeling. They came to get more warm shirts yesterday and had to make another trip to the grocery store. I guess they are eating fairly well.
Daughter-in-law came home for the weekend in order to get caught up with the wash and dry out. She has to work this week so the guys are on their own. This gives her a break too as she didn't appreciate having to get up early in the mornings to cook breakfast. I could have told her that's what camping is all about. It's definitely not a vacation for the one who has to cook and clean up.
I always took a good book and read one after the other while the guys played at being Robinson Caruso. They actually built me a sink and hooked up running water so I could wash dishes and wash my hair daily. Those were my requirements... Hubby is very creative that way and if we stayed long enough we would have had a house built with branches with leaves to keep out the rain. Rain, did I mention rain? We had an 11 day vacation and that year it rained every single day. I busied myself making different soups and stews. Heck, I became quite good at it if I might brag.
Now they have the blow up sleeping mattress/beds (sissies), and the fancy tents. They even took the grill and the fry cooker. Boy has camping come a long way. We had to build trenches around our site to focus the water away from the tents. LOL, we got soaked one night and the three boys slept in the car. They were just little then. I got up early and started breakfast, one my hubby just mentioned yesterday and asked why I never made it anymore. Maybe because we are both on special diets (we cheat), and a pound of bacon fried crisp in a huge iron skillet and set aside until the chopped onions and potatoes were nicely cooked until well done. With the added seasonings and the crunched up bacon added, our stomachs were rumbling and we were salavating. I made that breakfast every morning and the boys remember it to this day. Of course they were all comfy in their sleeping bags until it was time to be served with the fried eggs. Ummm, I can just picture our cholesterol clogged arteries as all that grease built up. And we now wonder why we are on cholesterol lowering drugs.
It's after 9 A.M. already and it doesn't look any better outside than it did when I started on this at 7. It takes time at my age to get this straight. I already realized that I forgot to insert a picture up top. Visualize me with a large question mark on my face because I don't know how to correct it. If I try I might lose the blog again and I'm not about to start all over again.
Have a nice day people. And keep dry.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Rusty Fingers

What a beautiful morning. Cool, sunny, and as the day goes on, it is sure to get warm. After all the cold nights and damp and cool days, my body craves the warmth. Fingers so stiff and cold that I have to sit on them to get them warm and flexible shouldn't be during the middle of July. I feel as though we have had all winter and Spring was just a poof of imagined fantasy.
I've been so busy the past weeks with documents and things necessary to be in order. All my ranting and seeking important papers stuck in boxes here and there leaves much to say about my organizational skills. A secretary for 28 years and my own house in such disarray. Oh well, in my own way I put all in some kind of order so found all that was necessary. Where questioned 'interment' or 'cremation', I put in big bold letters, SURPRISE ME! So much for that matter.
My roses my dad brought to me for Mother's Day 33 years ago from our old house are in furious bloom right now. They are much brighter than I remembered. They are the tiny old fashioned kind and they have spread from under the tree to the whole upper back of my yard. The part that nothing refused to grow in! He should see it now. They are just spilling over the stone wall and are a beautiful sight to look upon.
We took our bird feeders down for a rest. The squirrels were knocking them down and breaking them. Hubby has some repair work to do as we so enjoy watching the birds flit back and forth from the trees to divebomb the feeders and swifly fly off. Back and forth, all day long there is a steam of color, red of the Cardinals, black and white of the Red headed woodpeckers, and the lovely shade of rose of the Purple Finches. Although my favorites are the bright yellow of the Gold Finches. A rose breasted grossbeak was a visitor yesterday and I couldn't identify a few newcomers so out came my birding books.
Out front over our door is an intricate nest of Tufted Titmouse with babies. You can hear them chirping for food while the parents fly back and forth in front of my living room window, startling me every time. I took a walk around front so as not to disturb them by opening the front door and there they were, momma taking a rest on the porch railing while the little ones wailed. At present all is quiet but it won't be long before the squalling begins.
I'm sitting here in a fleece jacket over my p.j.s and I'm still chilled. I guess it's time to get outside in the sun and dead head my petunias. I love to get out there so early before everything gets busy and I can enjoy seeing the hummers fighting at the feeders. It reminds me of our lives when the boys were young. Always fighting to see who gets the most.
Hope you all have a wonderful day.