Here are the last of my morning glories. At this time they are a third of their original size due to cold weather setting in and the vines beginning to die off. They suffered by my not watering too. I didn't go out much in the heat. It just doesn't agree with me the older I get.
I promised to make the fellas Chili today and it's a good day for it. Usually I start it early and then get on the computer. No more can do. I've scorched or burned everything I tried to make by forgetting time and that I was supposed to be cooking and stirring. When my head is in the computer that just doesn't happen. Just a tip, if you put in a table spoon of peanut butter, it takes the scorched taste away in the chili. It really does work. I don't remember where I read that, but try it before dumping a pot of spaghetti sauce or chili.
My son has taken the dog to the animal hospital in Norwich for a check up and shots. Poor Bixby, he thought he was just going for a ride with his master. He's such a good dog, I know he will behave and the vet will love him. He's just a little lovey, wants to kiss you with the big sloppy kisses on the face. Yuck! He got me good yesterday on the ear and side of my face. I had just gotten out of the shower and was bent over trying to put my socks on. What a shock since I wasn't expecting it. Since he is bigger and stronger than me, I don't stand a chance. I'm lucky that he obeys commands for me.
I don't know about the rest of you but we have spiders the size of nickels hanging from the roof and dangling, just waiting for unwary prey. Once they are crawling they sure do grow in size. So does my fear of them dropping on me. I had one that I had to duck in order to get in the car for a doctor's appointment. I finally took the broom to it but didn't kill it. The one hanging from the tree amazes me. His web is beautiful , but I didn't get a picture of it. It had it's kill and was ready to devour it. I didn't stay for the meal. Ugh! He is still there although from the wind and rain of this week, he is still dangling, but you can't even see the web any longer. It looks like a nylon stocking with a very large run in it.
Our yard is now covered with dead leaves. They have been dropping for weeks now, but today's breeze has them coming down faster and without color yet. It's been a crazy year here weather wise. It is very windy at times today with a dampness that makes the bones ache. Of course open windows allow it to just go through the house and I am in it's path between the living room window and the open kitchen door. Hubby says he needs it to breathe and had the fan on to help it along. I got up and shut the darn thing off because it was drying my eyes. Allergies and medications attribute to it, also age to be truthful.
I guess it's time to get started on the chili before a certain someone asks me if I intend to get off the computer this morning. So its off to chop the onions and throw the hamburger in to brown. Maybe I'll make it back tomorrow.
Have a great day and remember to tell someone, "I love you."
Precious memories
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