Here I am on the computer and it's still morning. Wow, I'm making progress.
I woke up with a broken back this morning and it took me about an hour to get legs to cooperate. I think it strange as I age how the body seems to fall out of place a little bit at a time. Today I will be happy though, because I have a young friend who didn't forget this old lady who was once a big part of her life many years ago. She is taking me to lunch and it will be such fun to laugh and talk about girl things instead of the latest ailments. She has enough on her plate to handle without me whining and without cheese yet.
I'm taking my walker so as not to slow her down. It has wheels, yippee, and it goes as fast or faster than I can. I see two mistakes already but there is no way I'll go back and correct them. I'll let the machine do it for me. No more, Miss Perfect. I think I now fall into the category of that cantankerous old gal that they email me almost daily. For some reason I don't like her.
The sun just came out and it is beautiful! Another day to be thankfulfor and glory in. Although the yard is quire bare of any color, I still have a few planters that refuse to die. I tried picking the dead stuff off yesterday but ran into spiders. Yuck! I just left them to their work and went out to sit on the little deck my hubby made me under the trees. I had just stated that we don't have the acorns we usually have at this time of year when, you guessed it, one fell on my forehead and stung me. I guess we do have acorns. The squirrels have most likely gathered most up for the winter.
I'm so happy to be going out today with such a dear friend. I wish I had had a daughter to shop and lunch with. With 3 boys that kept me quite busy most of my life, I am now content to sit with the dog and watch TV. He is so patient with me. If it were possible we would be going for walks but not here. Hills, snaky curves and really no safe place to walk pushing a walker. Maybe someday. I'm just happy for my younger friends who still remember this old gal has a lot of life left in her, and I intend to make the most of it.
Well, I have to go and put some wrinkle cream on and fix my eyebrows. The wrinkles droop down and the eyebrows go up at the ends. My boys said I looked like a witch when they were young and I was scolding them. Now let's see if I have the right ingredients to do the face justice. Hmm, super glue, got it, old lady's face cream (it makes the face feel as if it is covered with plastic wrap). I guess I can do without that one. Oh heck, blue and white shirt and blue jeans. That's it and I look like I normally do. I don't want to make any changes so people won't recognize me. I'm proud to be a blue jean gal.
Y'all have a great day and soak up this sunshine. And remember to tell those you love that you love and appreciate them.
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