There are no phones ringing in this house and until I get out to buy both the house phone and cell phone replacement, there will be peace and quiet. I lost my cell phone about a week ago and have torn this place apart searching for it. The home phone we managed to lose in the garbage container. I guess it was not placed properly in its charger which is over, you guessed it, the trash bin, In all likelihood it fell in and was tossed out, Oh well, time for a new cell phone anyway. The battery was always dead when I needed to use it and I don't want to buy a new one and have another two year contract. I was told to go to Wal-Mart and buy a cheap phone and just put it on the existing AT&T account. Easy enough.

My cat, in the pouring rain yesterday, was wrestling with something under the patio table and was being very active for her age. I had to investigate and found her with a long black snake. She was going at it with all her 11 pounds and the snake was doing its share also. I went out with a hook and lifted the snake to free it. The frightened thing struck at me over and over until I found a safe place to put him so he could make his getaway. Hubby had been hosing him down with the garden hose to make him go away. All he succeeded in doing was to scare the snake more. Hubby is afraid of snakes and he over reacts. Same goes with the skunks. Oh well, he wasn't raised a country boy, bless his little heart.
The picture above caught my fancy and I had to snap it just to see what it would look like. I love it. If I look up, I lose my balance so naturally I ended up on my butt. Dizziness overtook me so bad and I must have looked hilarious as I tried to get up and get my legs under control. There will be no more overhead shots for this gal. It does look pretty though. The hemlock trees we planted many years ago were so beautiful with their lacy looking, overhanging branches. Times change, we were told to cut them back as they were hanging over the power line running from the power pole and down our long driveway. I will miss them this coming winter. They always looked like weary soldiers when covered with heavy snow. They would bend almost to the ground and when able. I used to go out and shake all the snow from their branches to free them from their burden.
It's raining and windy today so I think I best take a shower and head for Wal-Mart. This is my kind of day and I want to run, I mean limp, to do my errands. You all enjoy the day and I'll see you when I see you. No promises here anymore.
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