Monday, May 31, 2010

A Funny Thing Happened On My Way To...

Oh my, yesterday turned out to be a day of laughter and excitement. It did me good but I sure was worried for a time.

We had just put all the potted plants on the wall and I came in the house to relax and get out of that heat. The telephone rang and usually I just let it ring but this time I decided to answer it. It was my good friend Nancy and she was in a quandary and wanted some company. She is just a few years older than me and was in the process of moving from her home of 26 years. She was just overwhelmed at trying to get rid of things she had a special attachment to. Let's face it, everything has a special meaning for us. I can say with certainty that you can accumulate a lot of things in that amount of time. And it IS hard to throw them out. I would need blinders on in order to do away with mine and the memories of how each one came to be.

We looked through things and I took a few off her hands for our church yard sale this month. I could see the attachment she had for them but with all the 'stuff' she was beside herself. I am feeling the same way as I try to downsize so my kids won't have to do it when the time comes. When I'm feeling devilish I say to heck with it, let them do it, but doing it my way I get to give my prize possessions to good homes.

Anyway, looking at her mom's beautifully crocheted bed covers which would be a shame to toss, I told her whatever she wanted a good home for, I would see that they got it. With that said, Nancy asked if I wanted to go to the new Shack in Groton for lunch. I knew she just wanted to get out of there and agreed.

Since we had been locked out of her condo twice the past two times we got together, I asked her if she had her keys just to make sure this wouldn't be a repeat performance. With the reassurance that we wouldn't be locked out again, we drove to the Shack. It was closed!! Then we went to another favorite little sandwich place we both loved but it was also closed. Nancy was highly put out at the audacity of their closing on a Sunday when they are usually open. I had a fit of the giggles and told her it was the holiday weekend and they were probably enjoying it with family and friends. We then decided to get something to eat at Big Y. Their deli looked gross to me so we bought ham and cheese and a loaf of delicious looking bread, potato salad and off to her apartment we went. Well sort of...

We got to my car and I put the key in to unlock it. It was being stubborn so I tried the other key. Still the door wouldn't give. We must have stood in that heat for half an hour trying the darn keys. Then I realized that in my rush to get to her house, I had grabbed the wrong keys. They were both ignition keys! Thank goodness I had my cell phone so called home, but hubby didn't answer. I called my son but he didn't answer either. I couldn't call on his cell phone because he gave the number to hubby who wrote it down in his little note pad but didn't give ME the number. Then I had a brain storm and called my grandson, Josh, who answered on the second ring. Oh be still my heart. He was in New Haven at a picnic, quite aways from where we were stranded. I was running out of time on my cell phone, it was ready to shutdown. Using Nancy's cell, I called him again and told him to call his dad tell him where we were and where we would be waiting for him. Son called me back and told me he would be there shortly. Whoosh, big breath out.

We went back into Big Y, sat at a table and took the bread, meat and cheese and made our self lunch. We were laughing so hard we thought we would have an accident and the ladies room was clear across the store. So we decided not to laugh and tried holding back. We made our sandwiches, Nancy did anyway, while I went looking for paper plates, cups and cutlery. Success, back to table I went and we gratefully ate our lunch. Both being diabetics, we were weak and the heat had gotten to us. I noticed Nancy shaking and I was feeling cold to the bone from the AC ducts we were sitting under so we decided to go back out in the heat to get warm. First Nancy had to make that long trip across the store. I opted out because I knew I couldn't walk that far. (Don't laugh, you'll be old one day too.) Outside we found some chopped wood piled up for sale and made a seat for our selves while we waited for my son and his wife.

I spied their car as they drove in and gave a hugh sigh of relief.
Mike had brought all the car keys he could find and on his first try it worked. Saved, we were saved, and just in time. I know he hadn't planned on rescuing his mom on their anniversary. I'm sure he had other plans but he came to my rescue anyway. I told him, "This is only the beginning son, get used to it." He just laughed and gave me a hug and Nancy too. Val laughed and hugged us both and told us not to worry, they were happy to help us. Relief overtook me and I began to feel like Gumby, all weak in the knees. Quickly Nancy and I got in the car, (I'm smirking now at just how quickly and with moans of pain we got into the car). Quickly just isn't in my vocabulary anymore.

Once Nancy was in the house with a cold ice tea, I told her I was going to go home before it got dark. We gave each other a hug and promised to get together again. When I got home I sat in hubby's recliner and was asleep within minutes. Today I ache all over but it's my own fault.

Have a wonderful Holiday weekend and take it easy on the body please.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fragmented Mind

Due to computer problems yesterday, I was unable to connect with the Internet and spent two hours trying to figure out the problem. By the time I was able to get on, my oomph left me and I thought I'd just skip my blog and go outside while it was cool and finish up my planting.
I don't know what I was thinking when I picked out the huge planters and had to use all the Miracle Grow Potting Soil hubby bought me. He purchased two large bags and still it wasn't enough. One more bag should do it and then I'll plant the summer squash, cucumbers and zucchini. I have no place to put them so will just sit the planters on the back wall and watch them grow. If the animals stay away maybe we'll have fresh vegetables this summer. When hubby gets up he can help me to lift the pots of flowers and place them where they will be seen to the best advantage. I usually move them around several times before I'm satisfied. He knows this and is prepared. Smile...
The last few weeks have been blue for me. Memories got in the way and I didn't feel up to doing anything that required getting dressed. Picture me as just a muu muu and white socks... My sister had come for a visit from Colorado to spend Mother's Dau with me and I just didn't get enough time with her. I've been missing her and I'm a bit mopey knowing I won't see her again for years. Living so far away from her I missed out on her children growing up and getting to be an aunt who was fun to be with. She had a busy career, nursing, law school and a practice of her own. She moves like a 20 year old while I try to stay up with her with my jerky way of walking and looking like her mother. Oh well, life doesn't always work out the way we want and we have to suck it up and do the best we can.
Germany was on my mind this morning and my boys, the first one going there to spend his first birthday with his daddy. Getting pregnant with my second son and having him in a hospital in Stuttgart, run by nuns. That's such a nice memory. My first was born in Ft. Carson, Colorado and that experience was a different story completely. Then my third, I am sure drinking the water in Germany caused it. He was born just a year and nine days after his brother. To say I had my hands full is an understatement.
It rained last night and now the sun is shining on the leaves of the trees and they sparkle as if dusted with diamonds. Some so brilliant it almost hurts the eyes to focus on them. In contrast are the huge tree trunks, their bark dark, rough and mottled with age. I am surrounded by trees on all sides. My fortress and I love it.
Son and his wife had to have their dog put to sleep two days ago and they are taking it hard. To have an animal for years and then the loss, it takes time to grieve and even harder to act happy. It's their anniversary today and I hate to say Happy Anniversary when I know they are hurting.
i know this post is all garbled but that's just the way my mind is functioning today. Tomorrow I will be going crazy trying to pick up the house and get all the papers off my kitchen table for when the appraiser comes. I just had them all filed and the table clear when I needed to drag out all kinds of papers necessary for the bank and after all these years it is a real challenge to remember where everything is located. In files yes, but where did I put the files? The incoming mail hasn't helped any either. Oh to have some help. If only I had one daughter...
I think I'm going to close for now and go outside on the patio with a cup of coffee and enjoy the surroundings. Everyday I spy something new and wonderful. Yesterday son found a copperhead snake in the driveway and killed it. The markings on it were beautiful and I studied it awhile before picking it up and tossing it in the woods. I usually leave them alone but now they crawl out of the stone walls onto the front lawn and son and hubby are out mowing and trimming.
Okay, time to log out. I'm at the point where I'm just rambling anyway, but come to think of it, that's what I do everyday.
Enjoy the weekend and don't forget to visit the graves of your loved ones if they are near. I think that is what Memorial Day is all about. A day to show love and respect and to remember. After they are gone, our memories are all we have left.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Outside is Calling To Me

This cute little angel caught my eye in an email and I couldn't resist copying it for my blog. Oh to be so free and innocent, unencumbered by clothing and enjoying the sunshine and the scent of sweet green grass. Also to fit into a little tub again. Yes, I also remember the foot in the mouth episodes. As old as I am and as much as I've learned, I still find myself sticking my foot in my mouth. Literally speaking that is.

This has been a week of wonderful sightings. A new deer in the farmers field, a raccoon fighting valiantly to remove the lids from our garbage cans fastened with bungee cords and my hubby with a broom, trying to chase them away. Guess who won? Also, a wonderful night with complete stillness except for the howling of coyotes and the who, who, whooing of the owls. Summer will definitely be here soon. Then there will be all kinds of night sounds to lull me to sleep.

We received news that the appraiser was coming to look at the house Tuesday so I have a lot of work to do. Planters made up and vegetables planted. House organized so she can at least walk through without falling over things grouped together for our upcoming church yard sale June 26. I just started pulling things out, here, there and everywhere. Now to get some kind of neatness to the messes. I sure as heck can't hide it all so will look for some very large containers to store it all in. She won't be looking at that anyway, she will be more interested in looking for holes in the walls, damage here and there. All that ended when my boys were grown and out thank goodness.

I guess I should get busy here because there is only one of me and I don't work as quickly as I used to. Just changing the bed sheets does me in. Treat your back gently and don't try to act like Hercules. Believe me, you will suffer for it later.

Have a great weekend and enjoy every minute of being with family and friends. They are the most important things in life and you will have wonderful memories to look back on.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Another Hot Muggy Day

I wasn't going to write today since it is not one of my best days and I hate to complain so early in the morning. Since then I have climbed the stairs to the garage and picked out my pots for flowers and veggies. That made me stop and get a grip on the unwise combination of dizzy spells and climbing stairs.

Now here it is in the afternoon. Hubby who was in a rush to go grocery shopping, and me trying to think of a way to get out of it now have a legitimate excuse. He fell asleep with the cat in his arms and I took a picture to prove it. I am also going to sneak in a nap and later when it's cooler will grocery shop.

This is the perfect thing to leave you with since we are all feeling weary and down in spirit at times.

When I was able, this was my answer for most things bothering me. I could speak to God and know that he was listening.

"A walk in the silent woods is not silent at all. Stand still and listen. The thump of a Downy woodpecker on a hollow log, the tiny hooves of a deer scooting through last season's leaves, and best of all, the soft rumble of thunder and the spatter of drops on the broad leaf of the hickory.These are remedies for a weary soul and tranquil moments for a tired body. Who knows, if we stand still and listen - we may hear an angel's wings."

"Today I send a voice for people in despair." Black Elk, Sioux Holy Man From A Cherokee Feast of Days, Joyce Sequichie Hifler


(by the way, those flowers were from last year)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I wasn't going to post this morning but I had to write and tell you about my surprise. Late yesterday afternoon, my grandson came in and mumbled something about flowers. He was in a hurry to get to work and I didn't quite catch what he said except for the word 'flowers'. My curiosity moved me from my chair where I was relaxing , to the glass patio door. Imagine my surprise to see four beautiful pots of my favorite colored flowers. Mauve, blue, white and the silvery lavender. There was also a beautiful hanging plant of rose impatiens, white and deep fuchsia. When I asked again where they came from he replied, "My mom, she read your blog and knew how much flowers meant to you so she sent you these." I am so delighted with the thoughtfulness of my friend Kim, yet a little bit overwhelmed also. Good things happen when you least expect it! Kim, if you are reading this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I so appreciate your kindness and your choice of flowers.
Hubby is on his way to buy some Miracle Grow potting soil and I will get busy and pot them tomorrow in a large planter. Today just sitting outside for a few minutes admiring my flowers, has got my allergies acting up. My eyes feel like I have sand in them. I can't wait to get my hands into the dirt and arrange my flowers. I move them around until I get the perfect effect and then plant them. So I have something wonderful to look forward to early tomorrow morning while hubby sleeps.
Today is going to be a lazy day. Vacuuming and dishes and that will do me in. No cooking, I already made a meat loaf and we can make sloppy joes or just meat loaf sandwiches. I need things from the market but don't want to fight the crowds buying for the holiday weekend and we have enough to hold us over. I try to stay away from the crazies in a big rush to get where they are going while talking on their cell phones. During this busy weekend, I'm not taking any chances. It's Memorial Day Weekend and I don't want to end up a memory before my time.
I want to share with you a writing by Joyce Sequichie Hifler, from the book, A Cherokee Feast of Days, Vol. II, Daily Meditations
"Real power is often just knowing when to keep our mouths shut. We have so much we want to say and so many to say it to that it is almost impossible to stay silent.
But silence teaches in a way that nothing else can. The mind makes deep adjustments in the quiet times. True laughter bubbles up from humor too precious for words - and brings with it a joy that dissolves disappointment.
Real mind-changing power is of the spirit and can clear a path a mile wide through pain. The human spirit fights valiantly, and when it is blended with this power, it comes out like a tiger."
With those words I will leave you. Live, love and laugh.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Another Beautiful Day So Far

The sun is shining brightly again today. It sure makes the day worth getting up and getting busy. Yesterday was certainly a hectic day and I have to admit to sleeping most of it away.
I went to the hospital to have blood drawn and like a good girl, drank my 32 ounces of water. Yes I lost it all once I got there but we knew that didn't we? As for the vials of blood drawn, I was expecting maybe 7 at the most. Would you believe 19? This doctor is thorough and is definitely looking for something. Even vitamin deficiencies. They used both hands and then again on the left one. My arms they gave up on so it's better in the hands.
Afterward I came home and just wanted to eat and drink something. That's all I wanted, but the phone doth ring. I couldn't believe it was the lab and they wanted us to drive back so they could do two more vials. By this time I was like a paper doll, just folding at the knees. Seems two of the vials weren't done in the time they should have been since the lab worker just put one on ice and all the others in a bag. Two got damaged was the first story they told me. The nurse who drew the blood told me the truth and apologized. Well, sometimes things just happen, but I certainly didn't need for it to be me. I donated enough!
After we got home, I sat in hubby's chair and fell asleep. I conked out for over 6 hours, past supper time, medications, the works. It was 12:30 a.m. and I wasn't about to try to play catch up.
I did take a little walk to the end of my driveway to calm down some when first arriving back home. I did lots of looking under the hemlock trees to see if I could find anything new growing. We used to have Lady Slippers and Jack-in-the Pulpits growing here but that was long ago. Imagine my delight to spy two Lady Slippers still with us. It made my day!!
Today I must go out and plant the rest of my Morning Glories and try to stick a cucumber plant somewhere in the vast forest behind my house. I have very little yard but thousands of trees and now with all the different species clothed in myriad shades of green, it's beautiful to look past my prized Clematis and see all that gorgeous blending of varying hues of a color we simply call green. I love the forest and the pines, the Hemlocks smell delicious.
Simple things make me happy. As hubby used to say, "You're a cheap date." Didn't take much to keep me content. A scenic drive, an ice cream cone or my favorite, lunch at Friendly's.
I'll never change. I'll enjoy the beauty that is free for all eyes to see. I just wish those with blinders would learn the best things in life cost not a cent and are gifts from our Creator. As the songs says, 'Everything is beautiful, in it's own way.' So stop now and marvel at the earth's gifts to us. You won't regret it. It will give your heart a lift, and you may even break out in song.
Have a super day and do something to help the earth. I say
Save the Dandelions! They don't have to be planted, their happy yellow heads are cheerful, they have a sweet scent, and when they pass, their little seeds blow in the breeze, here, there and everywhere. Forget those perfect lawns and the chemicals used to keep them that way. Look at them as little angels seeking someone to land upon and bless. It helps to lower the blood pressure.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Just Throwing Something On The Page

The little picture is of hubby and I during our RVing days. We have come to miss it after two years and now it's our conversation piece.

Today is my visit to the lab to have blood work done. I was instructed to drink as much water as possible because they had to take quite a few tubes of blood and they have to take it out of the vein in my hand and using those little butterfly needles will take more time. I'm used to it so I don't feel too apprehensive. I'm trying to chug a bottle of water, 32 ounces, down before I leave here. Naturally I'll get there and use the lady's room and it will all be lost. Oh well, can't help Mother Nature.

Yesterday was a fun day. Cool and just right for planting. I went and bought some morning glory plants, I'm tired of watching the seeds throw up these puny little two leafed things that look so pathetic and continue to be so when they are fully grown. The new ones are accomplished vines and I'm hoping they will cover the trellis hubby built along one side of the patio. I also bought some cucumber, summer squash and zucchini plants, hoping to watch them grow and produce. My dream was quickly quashed by my daughter-in-law, who has iris planted where I intended to put the veggies. A friend will take them off my hands and share the bounty with us come summer. Now that's not a bad deal at all. So I will buy two tomato plants and baby them along. Hopefully the animals will leave them be. I know that's just asking for trouble but at least I have hopes. I'm going to put them in those 5 gallon buckets and keep them on my porch. I'm hoping that will deter the critters from munching on my soon to be vittles. I say that laughingly because the skunk was here last night and the back door was open. The cat went spastic, attacking the screen so I quickly shut the door. Later I detected the faint scent left as his calling card.

It's 7:45 already so I'd best get dressed and out the door. It looks like another beautiful day and I have more morning glories to plant once I return home.

Have a wonderful day and remember to be thankful for the simple things in life. My favorite is hearing a baby laugh.


"The earth is but a reflection of heaven, but the world is a reflection of unhappier places. The two are at odds and no one seems to know why -or even care.

The earth recoups when it experiences calamity. But the world slides away from reality with great pain and tears. It feeds its inhabitants with toxins and ugliness and tells them these are food and entertainment.

Wake up, children, wake up to reality. Rise out of the ashes and renew. It is your individual right." from The Cherokee Feast of Days, Joyce Sequichie Hifler.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Here it is, day number two, and although there is a lack of sunshine and the eyes feel like they've been glued, I'm eager to go look at plants soon. I can't bear to look outside and see the lack of my huge planters on my stone wall, just brimming with joyful color.
It seems strange to say but I've been missing my colorful display this year, and while coming upstairs yesterday with a laundry basket, one stair at a time, I got to the top and landed on a huge jar of change we'd been saving. The top was loose because we throw our change in there every day and the money went everywhere. Alert, alert, alert went my brain. Money for flowers, money for flowers. So we are off to the bank Monday to turn in all our change. However, today is the day I go looking at the nursery because it is cool and dreary out, just the kind of day I like to look for flowers. No bees to contend with and cool enough to plant what I buy.
Yesterday I actually went outside and dug up the soil for easy planting. OMG, I pulled up some huge Pink Mullein only to have thousands of ants burst forth and they were all over me before I knew it. I had to spray because the eggs under there were an amazing amount. I have never had that experience before and it ended all my enthusiasm for the day. It just gave me the shivers and I felt itchy all over. Shower time!
After having my CAT scan done at the hospital, we went shopping. I should say I went shopping because hubby was in close proximity to a pizza place so he went in and ate and then fell alseep in the car, while I looked for a new pepper grinder. No matter how much I've spent in the past, hubby keeps breaking them. Also it was always a fight to take it apart to fill it. Having no luck, the Kitchen Shop in Mystic Village is our next journey. After my flowers of course.
Well, I should get going so I can beat the rain and get some plants to pot for my stone walls. I won't be happy until I do so why drag my feet? It's going to rain and today and I want to be gone and back before it does.
Wishing everyone a relaxing Sunday. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

That Sure Was a Long Vacation, Lady!

I'm so glad I chose large for my picture for somehow while transporting them from my pictures they are all now tiny little snippets. I must get someone to help me out here.

Well, it's been a long time since my last post in February. Sorry folks but I was sick for so long and didn't feel up to anything but sitting in my chair and taking the various anti-biotics they put me on. My arch enemy, Prednisone, worked best but I couldn't stand myself. I was dripping wet all the time. Some people get all kinds of energy from them, me, hot flashes and the sweats.

This is no longer my uplifting blog. I'm going to tell it like it is and you can hang in with me or choose to stay away. It's hard to come here and just talk about happy stuff when due to the banks and stock markets last year we found we lost all. What we had saved to pay off our house went bye-bye and now we are in our seventies trying to get a loan so our mortgage payments will be less and we can live on what we get on SS. I'ts been months in the process and since hubby doesn't get involved or understand about those things, I was on my own.
At least we didn't have to do our taxes because our only income is our SS checks. Now that will get you nowhere, especially when you have to pay for insurance and the deductible is so high that you can't pay for your prescriptions and have to ask the doctors for samples. Talk about getting back to basics! I was feeling so ashamed of our predicament but it wasn't anything I did. Now I feel better about myself and am hoping the bank will be kind to us and put our application through. Send prayers please.

I swore off the computer today, Groups, Face Book, etc. I get a lot more satisfaction writing my blog, especially when I don't have to hold back anything that is eating away at my insides. I always try to find a passage in my hoard of books to lift me up and make me realize how fortunate we really are. I just wish I didn't have to go without my flowers this year. I'm hoping I can get some from FreeCycle. I always helped out others and now maybe this year they will return the favor. I'll post it and see what happens.

All my whining about days and days of rain on end and now find the rain paid off big time this week. My clematis vine is absolute full of huge deep burgundy blooms. What a glorious sight to look out upon each day. I can see them from here and just had to quit long enough to get pictures. I will post them on my computer and see what happens. I promise I will share them with all you flower lovers.

Okay, I had best get off here and get ready to go for my CAT scan. I've been having problems with imbalance and falling into some pretty exciting places. My shoe closet, between the toilet and bath tub, I fell out of bed and was wedged between the night stand and bed. Hubby didn't hear me calling for help because he sleeps in the living room in his recliner with his C-PAP machine running. It took me quite some time to make my way out of there! Before my trips were to Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho and Florida mostly. Now it's just places around the house.

The sun is shining, the grass is green and the allergies are in high gear. With ears ringing and heart singing, I bid you all farewell. For today anyway.
