I also must bring in the humming bird feeders and clean them out after weeks of rain and make new sugar water for them. They don't even give me time to hang them up, they are diving at my head immediately.
The flowers are so forlorn looking and battered by the storm we had last night. There are little branches lying all over the yard and in the planters. Earlier I was dead heading the petunias and ran into so many slugs. Ugh! Such slimy creatures and it gave me the creeps to pick them out of the flowers and from the flower boxes. They leave a trail of slime all over and it just gives me the shivers.
Soon it will be July and we haven't really had any spring yet. Just like last year if I remember correctly. Cold and wet is what we get! Maybe today we can dry out some although more rain is forcast for this afternoon and the next few days. I just can't believe it it.
The storm yesterday did so much damage. I was amazed to see on the TV just how bad it was and all the destruction it caused. I'm so thankful I don't live in the midwestern states. They seem to get hit with one tornado after another and I don't think my nerves could handle that. My brother and sister-in-law live in Arkansas and they have really gotten walloped this year. And to think they moved from Colorodo with the blizzards to Arkansas for the warmer climate. I'd be on tranquilizers!
Well, the sunshine and birdsong are calling to me. I better make hay while the sun is still shining. It just disappeared so I'm hoping it will stay and visit at least for a few hours. I don't think that's wishing for too much. Besides, it owes me!
Have a nice day all.
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