The past two months have been a battle but I think now I'm winning. Age is great when you still have your mind. I need one in order to keep things straight here. Hubby is forgetting everything and although I get frustrated, I'm thankful I am still 'with it.'
I hate to see him failing though and when he has the good days, I'm happy as a 'pig in shit.'
Haven't been to my boards but once in awhile. Nothing to add and nobody wants to hear it anyway.
I hate to see him failing though and when he has the good days, I'm happy as a 'pig in shit.'
Haven't been to my boards but once in awhile. Nothing to add and nobody wants to hear it anyway.
I have reached a point where I think I'm smarter than my doctor. When I tell him what is going on, he doesn't listen. So I changed doctors last week and he agrees with me and has me on the right meds as of last week. I feel so much better and I'm losing weight also. Now that alone is a huge plus.
I live vicariously through globe trotting friends now and my email buddies. I've lost my dear friends whom I used to run with (lunch out and shopping, gabbing on the phone), and although I know we don't live forever, it's hard to say good bye. I guess I need to make younger friends and get out more but don't because of hubby. How he can stand almost 49 years with the same old woman is beyond me. But he's a keeper and I'm grateful.
So send pictures and news of your adventures. It's great to receive pictures in the mail and to keep up with family. Those of you with kids and young grandchildren I consider blessed. They keep you young and happy. Also they can go back home when you've had enough.
I don't always reply to emails because they seem to overwhelm me when I get so many forwards. When sick for a few days and off the computer, I was floored to find 184 emails on MSN and 142 on Yahoo. Why do we waste so much time on forwarding emails? Because I always get a goody or an "I love you from a special Aunt who has been more of a mom to me since birth so I never delete those.
Enjoy this summer (winter?). It is still in the 60's here and raining everyday. The weather man said that the past 30 days have had rain and all the planters and flowers I put in are dying of root rot. Say that fast 10 times... He also says there is rain in our future for the next 8 to 10 days. I wish I could share it with those who need it but I have to say I enjoy the cool weather right now. It's almost the end of June and I know when the heat hits I'll be crying about being too hot and sweating bullets. Nothing like hot flashes at 68!
Well , I guess that I should get off my butt and do something. I get up at 4:30 or 5:00 a.m. and it's hard to be quiet with hubby sleeping in the recliner next to the computer. I got a new keyboard because he says the other one made too much noise. LOL, he's deaf in one ear and can't hear out of the other. He falls asleep to the TV blaring but yet the keys make too much noise and wake him. ???
I live vicariously through globe trotting friends now and my email buddies. I've lost my dear friends whom I used to run with (lunch out and shopping, gabbing on the phone), and although I know we don't live forever, it's hard to say good bye. I guess I need to make younger friends and get out more but don't because of hubby. How he can stand almost 49 years with the same old woman is beyond me. But he's a keeper and I'm grateful.
So send pictures and news of your adventures. It's great to receive pictures in the mail and to keep up with family. Those of you with kids and young grandchildren I consider blessed. They keep you young and happy. Also they can go back home when you've had enough.
I don't always reply to emails because they seem to overwhelm me when I get so many forwards. When sick for a few days and off the computer, I was floored to find 184 emails on MSN and 142 on Yahoo. Why do we waste so much time on forwarding emails? Because I always get a goody or an "I love you from a special Aunt who has been more of a mom to me since birth so I never delete those.
Enjoy this summer (winter?). It is still in the 60's here and raining everyday. The weather man said that the past 30 days have had rain and all the planters and flowers I put in are dying of root rot. Say that fast 10 times... He also says there is rain in our future for the next 8 to 10 days. I wish I could share it with those who need it but I have to say I enjoy the cool weather right now. It's almost the end of June and I know when the heat hits I'll be crying about being too hot and sweating bullets. Nothing like hot flashes at 68!
Well , I guess that I should get off my butt and do something. I get up at 4:30 or 5:00 a.m. and it's hard to be quiet with hubby sleeping in the recliner next to the computer. I got a new keyboard because he says the other one made too much noise. LOL, he's deaf in one ear and can't hear out of the other. He falls asleep to the TV blaring but yet the keys make too much noise and wake him. ???
Well, I just looked out my patio door and can see the leaves bouncing so it's raining again. I guess I should just sit and read a good book. I have so many to choose from...
Hoping you all have a great day even with the rain. It's a great day for going through drawers and cleaning out all the junk accumulated over the years. I just found a letter from my baby brother from 1970 when he was in Viet Nam. Strange since we went to see the WALL with the names of those lost in that war just yesterday in Norwich. It was pouring rain so we had no problem with crowds and could take our time. The ride home was quiet and had us in deep and emotional thought.
Pray for our service men and women fighting these damn wars. Amen!
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