Sunday, June 28, 2009
It's the Little Things in Life
I did a double take and backed away yet keeping my eyes on the fence. Son Mike drove up and I called him over. I said, "Mike, it's a Copper Head." It was a young one, wrapped around the lattice work. The coloring wasn't so pronounced yet so I took a closer look. Mike told me it was only a Garter Snake but I was sure I was right. I moved my hand toward the snake's tail and up that head came. Red tongue flicking and ready to lash out. Mike pulled me away and agreed with me after seeing the shape of his head and his readiness to strike.
With heart beating faster than usual and backing away, all the while keeping it in sight, (damn, where's my camera anyway?) I thought I would just leave it alone to go on with it's daily sunning. Son had other plans and came running with a shovel. The snake let loose of the fencing and dropped into the heavy berry patch. Where there is one you will usually find more.
I thought that was enough excitement for me for one day and came in to do paperwork. Hubby was in the garage and said that Mike kept going back to the fence to look for more. LOL, now I have him paranoid. Kert is burning out his flash light batteries every night checking on the skunk's where abouts and now Mike with the snake. I can't help it, I find it hilarious. Hubby tells me I'm just plain nuts to go outside when I know the skunk is around. He has never bothered me so I sing when going out so he is forewarned. I like to keep things on a friendly basis with my wild friends here.
Then, this morning upon waking I went to look out at my Asiatic lillies which were just opening up. Two a deep burgundy and one a very pale pink and yellow. I couldn't wait to see them wide open so I could take a picture. I was upset to see that they were gone. Along with my flowering Mock Orange Blossom tree that was struggling to find it's place in the crush of small oaks, elms and sassafras. I also noticed that all my blue heather was eaten to the nub. The deer...MY deer. Grrr, if only there was some way to keep them away from the things I hold dear.
They didn't get my three Mandeville Pinks yet but I noticed one leaf and a stalk missing so know they are next. I guess it's time to plant silk flowers for color next year. All that work and money spent only to be eaten by my little friends. I won't be feeding them this coming winter. I need for them to go live in the wild and I don't mean sleeping under my pines and begging for food. Those big soft eyes won't melt my heart this year. I'll stand fast. Ya, you betcha!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Sunshine At Last!
I also must bring in the humming bird feeders and clean them out after weeks of rain and make new sugar water for them. They don't even give me time to hang them up, they are diving at my head immediately.
The flowers are so forlorn looking and battered by the storm we had last night. There are little branches lying all over the yard and in the planters. Earlier I was dead heading the petunias and ran into so many slugs. Ugh! Such slimy creatures and it gave me the creeps to pick them out of the flowers and from the flower boxes. They leave a trail of slime all over and it just gives me the shivers.
Soon it will be July and we haven't really had any spring yet. Just like last year if I remember correctly. Cold and wet is what we get! Maybe today we can dry out some although more rain is forcast for this afternoon and the next few days. I just can't believe it it.
The storm yesterday did so much damage. I was amazed to see on the TV just how bad it was and all the destruction it caused. I'm so thankful I don't live in the midwestern states. They seem to get hit with one tornado after another and I don't think my nerves could handle that. My brother and sister-in-law live in Arkansas and they have really gotten walloped this year. And to think they moved from Colorodo with the blizzards to Arkansas for the warmer climate. I'd be on tranquilizers!
Well, the sunshine and birdsong are calling to me. I better make hay while the sun is still shining. It just disappeared so I'm hoping it will stay and visit at least for a few hours. I don't think that's wishing for too much. Besides, it owes me!
Have a nice day all.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Another One Of Those Days
I think I'm getting grouchy finally. You think so? No, not really. It's just waking up to the dog barking when I wanted to sleep more this morning. Yesterday was a day of running to appointments and then grocery shopping. That always takes the steam out of me. Although I must say that once I sat down and rested for a half hour or so, I got the craving for Tacos. Yes! I had all the ingredients and jumped right in. In no time flat I had them made and sat down to enjoy one. And then it was two. I suffered for it the rest of the evening but it tasted so good I just couldn't help myself.
I have now learned that you don't eat watching the Food channels. Last night it was Around the World for the Best Sandwiches. There I sat filling my face as I commented on what pigs some people make of themselves when eating those gigantic works of art. A 50 pound hamburger for a party of ??? There were sandwiches with one pound of bacon on them plus the meats, cheeses and other additions. The people could barely hold it let alone open their mouths wide enough to get a good bite. They had a grip like a vise in order to hold the sandwich together. That's not enjoying a burger to me if I can't even hold it. That bacon sure looked good though...They must not watch TV and see that the US is mostly overweight. To be truthful, I try to skip those myself.
Today I go back to eating sensibly. It's a tall order for me who craves sweets but I'm trying. Here I am thinking how great a piece of Angel Food Cake would taste with my cup of tea. Fantasy Joyce, you have to bake one first and this is not the day to be baking. It's much too close in here already so think the day will be heavy and still.
The deer just appeared and were leisurely eating my rose bushes. I sat here and let them. Why not, they've eaten everything else. I should send them around front where my daughter-in-law's roses and lilys are growing like crazy. For some reason they don't go near hers. Maybe because they are right outside her door and they do like Venison...
I'm not doing too great this morning so will close for today. I even forgot to put a picture at the beginning and when trying to go back, lost the whole blog. It took me quite awhile back tracking and going to History to find this again. Stress, stress, stress! I don't think this will be one of my best days. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go back and see if I can nap since it's so early and hubby won't be up for hours.
Have a great day and make the most of it. It won't come around again you know.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Waking up to darkness
It's starting to turn light outside but not enough to tell me what kind of day this is going to be. I'll be surprised to find the sun eventually but I don't think so. Oh me of little faith. It's been raining so long that I've made peace with it so expect the same. Yet the weather man assures us that there will be some breakthrough sun with the bouts of rain. It is heavy feeling this morning so I'm more inclined to think it will be muggy. I'll take whatever the good Lord sends me and try not to complain about it.
I love having the house to myself mornings and enjoy watching the darkness turn slowly to light. I'm such a morning person and son Jon is the same. Hubby, on the other hand will sleep until noon, but is up most of the night reading or watching his war movies. He is the night owl and lives more in the past. He would have made a great Daniel Boone. I on the other hand am the morning lark. I guess I'm afraid I'll miss out on something good so hate to waste the new day with my head stuck under the covers.
He likes it dark in the house with the curtains pulled in the mornings. I like the windows open and the light shining in. They say opposites attract and we are definitely opposites in every way. I jump out of bed and am wide awake, he takes hours to become alert and able to move about. And so it's always been throughout our soon-to-be 49 years of marriage. Somehow we managed to have 3 wonderful sons. No, I'm not day dreaming, they are wonderful. Now that the terrible teens are way in the past. We lost our youngest son, Russ, in October of 2000. Somehow I've accepted it and gone on with my memories and day to day life.
Last night the two grandsons, Josh and Dutch, came over to spend time with their dad because they weren't able to make it for Father's Day. They had a cook out and the smell of ribs cooking on the outside grill had me salivating. I settled for something less fattening though and let them have their time together. I was glad Uncle Jon was included. Family means so much when we are living so far away from one another.
The boys came up to visit us and gave us hugs and kisses. Even as grown teenagers, they still give the hugs and kisses grandparents so appreciate. Dutch watched a Wildlife program with me and then went back downstairs to be with the rest of the family. Hubby just read his book or tried to.
We had been telling the boys about the skunk who comes to visit us every night. They would go to the door and look for him but he was not to be seen. Most likely because I had removed the food dish for the feral cat.
When it came time for the boys to leave, they came up to say goodbye and it was as they were starting to open the door that the critter decided the time was right. I couldn't help laughing. They waited until it decided what it was going to do and then they thought it best to go downstairs and out the apartment door. Just as soon as they started down, the skunk also decided to go down and around the house. We yelled to them and they quickly changed course and came back up, making a hasty retreat out our patio door. Grandpa made sure it was safe as he shone his flashlight all around the back area even though the flood lights were on to light the porch and driveway. He wasn't taking any chances. (Smile). If there was a way of putting some kind of device on the critter to let him know of his whereabouts, I'm sure he would go for it. Me, I like surprises. I just broke out in a loud laugh at the thought of it.
Ah, the new day is now official. I can see the trees, patio and flowers. It's much too soon for the sun to appear if it chooses to, but the greyness makes me aware that there is much activity going on out there, but not much in here as I quickly hit the keys. I hadn't a thought as to what I would say today, but just jumped in and thought whatever comes out proves I'm still with it and lucid too! Yes, I'm definitely a morning person.
The birds are starting to chirp and make their morning sounds. I love it and as it gets lighter, there will be more racket. At the moment there is one wood pecker going to town on a rotten tree somewhere out front. We are surrounded by trees so see different species of wood peckers and also the large Flickers with the red heads. A big frog is letting loose also to claim his place in the morning quiet. This is my music. The sounds and rhythms that make my days worth living. No city noises or sirens in the night. Just peace and quiet as I make my way into a new day.
Hugs to all as you make your way into your new day.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Who? Me?
Last night we had our third bout with an over-friendly skunk. He's been out skulking around the patio and last night he came up to the door. Crash!! The cat's head as it connected with the patio door. Both hubby and I jumped as if a gun had gone off. I raced for the cat, he to look for the skunk. He is getting a bit paranoid now and has a flashlight beside his place at the kitchen table where he reads his westerns and eventually nods off. That commotion sure woke him up in a hurry.
Our son Jon had called me from the garage telling me not to go out the back door to feed the feral cats because the skunk was slinking around and was on the porch. So I had been forewarned. I expected once the cat caught on that she would go spastic. I just forgot how startling it is to hear such a loud bang as head hits glass, and the noise she made was blood curdling. Hehe, the devil comes out a bit in me now as I remember the event and hubby's reaction. I'll bet we'll be buying new flashlight batteries soon, if not one of those huge jobbers that can cut through fog!
Snakes have also been roaming. I went out day before yesterday just to get some fresh air early in the morning. I was checking out my poor bedraggled rock garden, yep, all the rocks were still there. Then I noticed this tiny bit of movement in two places near the rock wall. I braced myself so I wouldn't fall over on my face and bent low to see what was making their way in my garden. Yes, there was a little bit of wiggling going on and in two separate places. Stupid me, I put my hand down and grabbed hold of the tail end of a regular garden snake, and when I did, the second movement jumped up at me. Imagine my surprise to see a small black snake and they were both attached. I pulled the tail of the black snake and the one I had hold of and they broke free. I was amazed that two young snakes were trying to have one another for brunch. I admit, I was a little taken back at the black snake jumping at me. Maybe he was just trying to thank me for his freedom.
Someday I'll learn not to be so inquisitive and trusting of the critters around me. So far I've been close enough to get a great picture of the skunk without getting sprayed. Hubby said, "What if those snakes had been poisonous? Then what would you have done?" Well hell, I would have dropped them in a mighty big hurry and let them get on with their business. That's one thing I learned when moving out to the boonies was how to identify snakes. So far I've found a number of baby Copper Heads and although venemous, I leave them to crawl back into the rock walls and let them have their own space. I shouldn't be groveling around in the grass and dirt near the stone wall anyway. Someday I'll grow up but not quite yet.
I'm brought back to my younger days on the river. Mom would let me out and I could spend the whole day just doing as I please. My favorite thing was going down to the river at low tide and I would lift the rocks gently and out from under would wiggle a baby eel. I just have never been able to pass a log or a rock without carefully looking under it. I usually find something delightful like the colorful salamanders and newts. And the mushrooms growing now after all these days of rain are quite humorous to look upon. The shapes and colors I find to be interesting and I have learned not to step on any that look like a big puff ball. Yuck!
68 going on 4. I guess I'll never grow up, although I fight the battle of growing bigger width wise. Oh well, it keeps me grounded. Maybe that is why I'm so enthralled with the wildlife that comes in smaller sizes and you have to look for it or you'd miss something spectacular. Like the beautiful turquoise colored beetle in that very same garden I mentioned earlier. It was beautiful with the sun shining on it. By the time I found my camera and got back outside, he was long gone. Now I keep camera at the ready on the kitchen table and am able to catch more than I miss.
Lord, how beautiful you have created this world. And to think, so many of your human critters just go along through life looking for success and riches. I tend to think my riches are right here.
Have a great day and let me know if you enjoy reading my thoughts. There are places to make a comment. I'd love to hear from you.
Hugs to those who come to visit and spend a bit of time in MY world.
Friday, June 19, 2009
I've Been Away Too Long
I hate to see him failing though and when he has the good days, I'm happy as a 'pig in shit.'
Haven't been to my boards but once in awhile. Nothing to add and nobody wants to hear it anyway.
I live vicariously through globe trotting friends now and my email buddies. I've lost my dear friends whom I used to run with (lunch out and shopping, gabbing on the phone), and although I know we don't live forever, it's hard to say good bye. I guess I need to make younger friends and get out more but don't because of hubby. How he can stand almost 49 years with the same old woman is beyond me. But he's a keeper and I'm grateful.
So send pictures and news of your adventures. It's great to receive pictures in the mail and to keep up with family. Those of you with kids and young grandchildren I consider blessed. They keep you young and happy. Also they can go back home when you've had enough.
I don't always reply to emails because they seem to overwhelm me when I get so many forwards. When sick for a few days and off the computer, I was floored to find 184 emails on MSN and 142 on Yahoo. Why do we waste so much time on forwarding emails? Because I always get a goody or an "I love you from a special Aunt who has been more of a mom to me since birth so I never delete those.
Enjoy this summer (winter?). It is still in the 60's here and raining everyday. The weather man said that the past 30 days have had rain and all the planters and flowers I put in are dying of root rot. Say that fast 10 times... He also says there is rain in our future for the next 8 to 10 days. I wish I could share it with those who need it but I have to say I enjoy the cool weather right now. It's almost the end of June and I know when the heat hits I'll be crying about being too hot and sweating bullets. Nothing like hot flashes at 68!
Well , I guess that I should get off my butt and do something. I get up at 4:30 or 5:00 a.m. and it's hard to be quiet with hubby sleeping in the recliner next to the computer. I got a new keyboard because he says the other one made too much noise. LOL, he's deaf in one ear and can't hear out of the other. He falls asleep to the TV blaring but yet the keys make too much noise and wake him. ???