Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Bright New Day

Well, I hope they are on their way and AWAY from my patio!  I've had enough skunks to last me a while.  Cute little critters but their perfume is not tolerated here.  We cleaned up all the watermelon rinds, feed the feral cat early and bring in her dish before afternoon, and with the recent heat, have stayed indoors so haven't even checked outside to see if they visited.

It's beautiful outside at present but we are supposed to have storms again tonight.  It all depends on which station we watch on TV.  We have a severe weather alert for today from noon until 9 P.M.  That's enough to keep me within the walls of this house.  It's read a book day again.  I started a good one last night, Predator,  by Patricia Cornwall.  Once I get into her books I can't put them down.  That means I make supper this morning while it's still cool.  Chicken and macaroni salad sounds good to me and easy to fix.  I'll put them on to cook now while it's still cool in the house.  If I get engrossed in this and the water boils over then I'll have a mess to clean up and I hate to start out that way first thing in the morning.

Hubby will sleep late this morning (what's new?) and I can get a few things done.  Quiet things though.  Sometimes even the clicking of the typewriter keys wakes him up.  He can sleep through a war movie yet something so trivial will wake him.  If I play my cards right I can even get my reading in for an hour or so.  No doctor appointments (bliss) so I'm set for the day.  Hubby has his dentist appointment tomorrow and Friday I go in for my lumbar puncture.  I know I won't be up to anything after having that done.  I guess I should cook enough for a few days to hold him over.  I can see he planned ahead and bought some small cans of Ravioli and beef.  YUCK! 

I'd like to go to the beach tomorrow to watch the waves at my favorite spot.  It's on top of a hill with huge  boulders to sit on and watch everything going on below.  I used to be able to climb down and find pretty shells and star fish the waves washed upon the shore.  I've been going there since a girl when my parents would go for a drive to get ice cream, and we would always drive to my spot and watch the sunsets over the water.  Loved the sea gulls too as long as they didn't come near me.  They make a mighty mess when they fly overhead and target you. 

The cat keeps running to the door and whines so I think something is going on and foolishly get up to look.  This morning it's the squirrels and chipmunks that come up on the porch and tease her.  She is an inside cat to us, but in her mind she is a mighty hunter.  She always lets me know when the Jehovah Witnesses come in twos to witness to me.  I used to pretend I wasn't home, but lately I've even glad to see them.  They are not pushy and two I really liked.  We did talk about things in general because they knew better than to try to change my mind to their way of thinking.  Each to one's own I say. No sense in being rude.

It's time to get outside and water the flowers and the few veggies I'm trying to grow.  It's not hot out there yet but that sun is sure bright.  I love watching the cucumbers grown.  They are so tiny and cute.  What a farmer I'd make.  Cute cucumbers...

You all have a nice day and get out and do something fun before the kids are out of school.  Lunch out and great card shops are my idea of fun, but not alone.

Happy day to you.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Today Is Tuesday

I've started this darn post five times and each time I have the Link on.  I've tried to delete it but each time I started a new post, there it was, turned on again.  Now to learn how to get it off.  I intended to hit Insert in order to post my picture of my Morning Glories.  Aren't they beautiful? However, my finger hit the Link button by accident. I will be extra careful not to do that again.

Well, so far so good, the Link button is still highlighted but nothing has occurred so far.  Maybe I'm safe.  Earlier it asked for an URL address and I had no idea what the darn thing was asking of me.  I went to the Help site and that was no help either.  I just hope I'm not going to encounter this again on a new day.  I'll most likely tear my hair out in frustration!  Not that I have that much to lose now.

Yesterday was so hot and humid that I couldn't bear it.  We went over for the Memorial Service for my neighbor and I nearly passed out in the hot sun.  I was just dripping.  Come to find out, no service was planned, just a bunch of people who all went inside where it was cool and it was just the two of us plus another man who was outside wondering what was going on.  Hubby brought me home and I ate a cookie in case my blood sugar was low.  I can find any excuse to eat a cookie but it did help so I must have needed it.

I was in the house the rest of the day, just waiting to see if our Visitor would show up again.  Hubby was standing at the door and called to me.  He said I had started something and had better find a way to reverse my spell on our wild life.  There on the patio were THREE skunks.  The babies of course, but they weren't that small at all.  One came up to the step and put his nose to the patio door.  The cat jumped into the glass making a loud noise and the skunk let loose.  There was no way any of us were going outside for anything and I do mean anything.  The skunks were running back and forth and another joined in.  No wonder the skunk on the patio that brushed up against my leg the day before had acted so strange.  He is the new batch and they have never encountered me before.  Now the little beasts have taken over and in broad daylight.  I thought they were supposed to be nocturnal???

I opened the door an hour or so ago just to test the air.  LOL, it was okay, the stink was gone.  Today is another day though and our cat is always looking out from hubby's chair at the kitchen table, keeping watch over her domain. She is waiting to pounce but so far nothing.  Now I have to read up and find out how to stop the visits.  I usually welcome all critters but enough is enough.  I definitely won't be trying to make friends with this batch of hellions.  So bold they are.  Besides, I think I've taken enough pictures of skunks.  I even deleted some this morning.  I wish it were that easy to delete the live ones.  Nothing to hurt them, just something to scare them away.  Son works late nights on the cars in the garage and all he needs to do is to meet up with one of my critters in the dark.  He says I'm a witch and to put a spell on them.  If only it were that easy.  I'm sure in time they will come around to my way of thinking and behave themselves when here.  I sure won't be going out in the cool of the late afternoon to read my book today, and think it best to give it a few days to see how they will act.  They don't really bother me, I like watching their antics but with the cat, well, I'm asking for trouble if I go outside to read.

Shucks, with an hour and a half lost on trying to correct that Link problem, and starting a new post each time to get rid of it but for nought, I've used up my blogging time and must end for the day.  It is going to be a beautiful day and I hate staying inside.  Maybe when hubby wakes up he will want to drive to Walmart, our big social activity for seniors.  And just maybe we can stop for a small ice cream cone from Dairy Queen.  It sure doesn't take much to make me happy!

Have a beautiful day and God bless.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

This Has Been A Hard Week to Get Through

After spending the week with doctor appointments and cleaning out drawers, art supplies, books and other nice things for Church yard sale yesterday, we found that we were without help loading it all into my car.  Hubby played strong man and did it all himself while I stood and watched, helping where I could.  Off to the church we went with me still in my muu muu.  Since it was only 730 in the morning we knew we had plenty of time and people wouldn't come streaming in until 9:30 or so.  I was safe!

We learned Wednesday that our neighbor across the street whom we have known and watched our children grow together for the past 25 or so years, hers were babies, mine teenagers, was taken to the ER with an abscessed tooth.  She walked in the hospital on her own and within minutes due to oxygen deprivation, was in a vegetative state.  Her family was in total shock and couldn't believe it. We have gone back and forth to the family, talking with them and trying to make sense of something that there is no explanation for other than when you get a sinus infection or a bad toothache, go to a doctor or dentist immediately, don't wait and put you life in danger. 

Yesterday we went shopping and bought all the fixings for a hot chicken dinner so they could have a good meal and sit together at the table.  They have been living on hope and Friday they said their goodbyes and the plug was pulled. She went quickly, thank God.  She was ready, she was at peace with her God and her going so quickly made it so much easier on the family.

We know what it's like to lose one on life support and make the decision to let them go.  My heart just breaks knowing what they have gone through this week.  Her boys only 23 and 25, and her husband have been through hell.  Tomorrow is to be her Memorial Service in their yard and all the love she put into it represented Pam and her green thumb. Also her love of nature and the beauty she created.   It is so lovely and peaceful, and Pam would rather it be there among everything and everyone she loved than a church.

After coming home, I just wanted to get my thoughts together and calm down.  It was cooler out and I doused myself with OFF to keep the mosquitoes away and began reading a book.  I haven't read a book in quite some time so it felt good to just sit on the patio in my comfy chair and read. 

I kept catching movement out of the corner of my eye and spied a tiny chipmunk scouting around for goodies.  I walked over to the bird seed barrel and scooped out a large handful and made a trail from the bins to my chair.  It wasn't  long before the critter was back, eating his way to my chair.  Would you believe that little mite actually went from sunflower seed to seed until his mouth couldn't hold anymore.  His cheeks were so puffed out.  I thought he couldn't possibly fit another in those jowls of his, but he fooled me.  He snitched up the seed at the base of my chair and was out of sight in a flash.  Well, that was fun...

I was deep into my book again and didn't notice what was next until I felt something brush my right leg. My mind went through the check list, it can't be the cat, she's inside the house, the dog went to Doggy Heaven a few weeks ago. Uneasily looking down  I saw a skunk, and not my friendly skunk.  He tried to stare me down but I just started reading again and kept him in view.  He was over by the feed cans and was eating out of the cat's dish.  I found it pretty interesting to see that paw reach out to flip the dish over so he could eat more easily from the cement patio.

He saw me watching him and made a forward movement as if to ward me off.  That old tail was straight up, a warning sign for sure.  I turned from him in my swivel chair and continued to read, all the time expecting something but not knowing exactly what.  Would you believe he came over to me and went under my chair?  I was amazed and a bit leery of what he had in mind.  Then he went under the patio table and next, (this had me in silent stitches), he dragged his bottom across the rough cement.  Oh oh, worms I guessed.  I've seen dogs do it before but never a skunk.

It seemed the perfect time for me to take my leave, so very quietly I eased myself out of the chair and walked toward my car and down the driveway.  Looking back, he was also leaving the patio but taking his time doing it.  I met my hubby coming out of the garage and I was nearly bent over with laughter.  All the watermelon rinds he's been tossing is manna to skunks.  They are vegetarian and also like fish.  Hence his enjoyment of the cat's food.   And all this time my camera was on the kitchen table waiting for our huge skunk to arrive.

Sure enough, about an hour later and just as it was getting dark here comes old Tons of Fun, wiggling down the trail and stopping to munch the watermelon we had just tossed out.  We watched as he maneuvered that big body of his down the wooden steps toward us. It seemed such a strenuous act for him.  He went under the bird feeders and ate sunflower, seeds until he was full.  I tried to take his picture but it was just too dark for my camera to get a clear shot of him.  He is mainly harmless, he never threatens us and we give him plenty of room.  But the other uninvited, Bad One, I don't want to run into again.  Too bold and he was ready to fight for his territory, MY patio with me sitting on it.  Now that is kind of ballsy if you ask me.

Have a nice weekend people and enjoy your loved ones.


Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm Trying, Give Me Credit for That

I didn't unload my latest pictures of the past few days so I snitched this one from my friend Lisa.  I just love the background plants, the burgundy of the rose bush is a stand out! 

Yesterday we left early for a birthday brunch for grandson and it was fun to see the kids all together.  The food was good but the company better.  And the dessert was out of this world; home made cheese cakes.  OMG, they were delicious.  Now I know where to order mine for upcoming events.  The gal has started her own business and makes any kind of cheese cake you can think up.  I'm thinking apricot cheese cake. Yummm.

Last night we had our visitor again.  Hubby was just opening the patio door when he spied the visitor.  He/she was under the huge bird feeder and I believe it needs to go on a diet.  It could barely move there was so much to it.  Of course eating the sunflower seeds and the cat's food, it would tend to put on weight.  But the length of it was amazing.  I tried to go outside to snap a picture but thought better of it when hubby grabbed my arm and told me, "Don't you dare open that door.  The cat is just waiting to get outside at it."  He was right, she was in his chair just poised to pounce.  I'm sure it will be back and maybe I will get another chance at it in better light. I will  be looking for it tonight and maybe I can go out the front door and walk around the house and get a good picture of it undisturbed.

Son cooked a ham last night so we have enough for supper tonight.  I just have to make smashed potatoes and a veggie.  I say smash because that's how I do it.  Cook them in the skins, empty the water, throw in butter and cream cheese, milk,  and just smash it around before whipping them.  I've added dried dill or garlic pepper  at times to give it a little more zip.

When I went out this morning it was very early and so humid it hit me like a ton of bricks.  I was trying to water all the plants before the sun came out and I had to spray myself I was so done in by the humidity.  It was very hard to breathe and I couldn't get the hose put back together so just left it in a heap.  I don't usually do that but i was in a hurry to get inside and sit.  It's only June but it's the first day of summer and I hate to think of what July and August is going to be like. I think we will have to invest in a large air conditioner and make a hole in the side of the house so the cold air will go right down the hallway and into the den and bedrooms.  Sounds like 7th heaven.

I still haven't done much packing for the church.  I'll wait until the last two days and then throw everything in boxes without thinking, will I use this again or not?  Most likely not so why put myself through that.  Then there's all the boxes of pictures.  I think I'll leave that to the kids to sort out.  They know better than I what pictures they'd like to keep so in the boxes they'll stay.

Hubby went to the insurance company today to pay a years insurance on Home Owner's for the closing this Thursday.  I will be so thankful when it's over and done.  It will cost us less each month because of the lower interest rate.  Going to celebrate even if it's only going to the Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone.  That sounds good to me now.

Wednesday is my day to find out my results from all my tests and after that we are going to visit my favorite aunt.  I haven't been able to run like before with only one car and now that mine is repaired, my son needs it because his truck is in the garage,  It's always something.  I wouldn't know how to live any other way.  The men in my life always have their heads under a hood and I can hear the engine racing from in here.

I can't wait until son Jon arrives in two weeks.  He'll drag his dad off to the races each week and hubby will go whether he feels up to it or not.  He loves NASCAR and I put up with it because it makes him happy.  I have my ear plugs right here beside me and can just pop them in.  I just can't stand the zoom, zoom, zoom as they rush around the track.

Time to get off and take a nap in hubby's chair.  It's like my pacifier...

Take care and stay cool.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

I Lost a Day

I can't believe I lost a day. I thought today was Friday and now I find out it's Saturday. I checked my blog and sure enough, I missed yesterday. Probably because I was nursing a headache and kept falling asleep every time I stopped moving. It's still with me this morning and I was unable to insert a picture. Then the alignment wouldn't cooperate. I think I've been pushing the sweets too much and now it's caught up with me.

Oh dear, this is going to drive me crazy if it doesn't straighten out. I didn't hit center but it may be because when I tried to insert a picture, it just sent my computer bonkers. Maybe it's me who's bonkers today. Okay, I was able to put in a picture but not the one I wanted, but heck, it's there so I have to leave it that way. Who knows what will happen if I try to move it or try to get the print higher on the page. I'm having a meltdown folks. Most likely from the S'mores I made last night and ate against my better judgement.

There, I did it!  I hit cut and wiped it out and then paste at the top of the page.  Let's not do that again lady.  Talk about confused.  The picture was supposed to be of our wandering skunk, but this nosy cow insisted on taking priority.  Smile, worse things could have happened.  Besides, I wanted to post my favorite cow in one of my blogs but just didn't have anything to say about the situation.  She hasn't given me any choice today but to highlight her.  And for some reason her picture is very small.

All the cows were grazing in the neighbor farmer's field and I thought it was worth a shot or two.  When I went up to the fence to brace my arms on it to keep from shaking, this cow came over and wouldn't move.  I wasn't aiming at her but she kept insisting on being the subject matter.  So I had no choice but to honor her wishes.  I can go back another day and get pictures of the cow I chose.  Just not too much later or I might catch a calf being born.  Now that would make a great shot but not with me puking while trying to hold the camera in front of me.  I'm definitely not a farm girl.  I love the outdoors and nature, but I'm not up to watching something like that just yet.  I have a weak stomach, sorry...I'll have to ask the farmer for permission and when it's calving time, I'll get a picture of the newborn.  They are so beautiful and jump to their feet mighty fast after being born.

Tomorrow is Dutcher's birthday and it doesn't seem possible.  I have pictures all over the house of him when he was a little guy and some taken recently, but I have the best memories of when he was little and helping me plant my flowers.  He loved planting things and had his own little garden when he was about 4.

Oh the trips we took when Grampa retired and the summers we took both Dutch and Josh out west.  They loved riding horses on Uncle Reid's farm and flying over the Grand Canyon in a helicopter where they could see for miles.  It was a moment in time that they will never forget.  Their favorite state is Colorado, along with Arizona and Utah.  We spent quite some time in those areas and they really took to it.  With cowboy boots and hats, they rode the horses with the best of them.

Oh, I was lost in thought and forgot I have to take a trip to Mystic.  I just want to browse and see how much things have changed since my last visit which was years ago.  It's only about 12 miles away, but I don't jump in the car and go like I used to. Hubby just said he'd take me so I'd best get ready before he takes his offer back.  I just don't want him to complain when I spend an hour in the store looking at all the pretties.  Not to buy, just to look. It's a bead and craft shop so you know I'll be in 7th heaven.  Then I'm off to the kitchen shop to buy a new pepper grinder for hubby.  One he can't break...

Have a wonderful day all.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm Playing Hookey Today

Today I have to get busy on packing boxes full of good things for our church yard sale.  I have so many nice things bought but never used and it's a sin to just let them take up space.  Somebody will be happy to walk away with their new treasures and the church will make money which they need since money is short due to our economy lately.

So it's goodbye to the toaster oven, the blender used once, the iron still in the box, I have two (who irons nowadays I was asked when I tried to give it to a friend).  Also have lots of baking needs and fancy cake pans, still in their packaging.  I'm not allowed to use the oven unsupervised anymore. Hubby puts whatever needs to go in the oven for me.  I know i will find so much more once I go downstairs and open the cabinets there.  Party supplies, etc. 

I should have a much less cluttered house once I get busy, close my eyes and just toss.  I'll never use these items and as for the cake decorating supplies, someone will pick those out pretty quick also.

I'm off to pack a box.  I will do one at a time so I don't feel overwhelmed.  Hubby will be happy with the empty shelves and more room in the garage.  We have three microwaves, all in working order.  In the box two of them go.

The North Stonington Congregational Church on Main Street will welcome all who come to the sale.  The date is June 26th and there will be something for everyone.  Furniture, appliances, sets of dishes, you name it they'll have it.  See you there!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another Sunny Day!

It is just gorgeous out and I'm so thankful.  I was growing moss as I went through one rainy day after another.

I knew there were flowers missing from my little garden.  I had planted these two years ago and noticed they were no longer where I placed them. Last year they were nowhere to be found. This year  I found them growing under my Mock Orange Blossom tree, valiantly making their way up through the rock wall.  The whole plant was there and I'm wondering how it was removed from the ground unless our flood recently moved it.  After it is through blooming I will have to dig it up and put it back where it belongs. Easier said then done.

Good news!  The bank loan went through and I am so relieved.  We've only been trying since February so getting the papers in the mail yesterday afternoon just made my day.  Forms were signed and sent back.  Attorney contacted for a closing date of June 30.  Insurance company Homeowners lien holder switched and new policy paid up for 1 year.  Now we just have to show up for the closing.  Whew, that's a lot off my mind and shoulders. God is good.

The mourning doves are flocked together adding their soft cooing sounds to the quiet of the morning.  Their song relaxes me and I love to just sit nearby in the kitchen chair and listen to them.  The blue jays hit later and they are loud when protecting their territory.  The gold finches seem to be hubby's favorite but I love my mourning doves.  It is early enough for them to find plenty to eat and without the squirrels to bother them.  They all have their own time schedule and it seems to work out just fine.  I  wish our squirrel proof feeders really were squirrel proof.  They have eaten the bottom out of every one we own and when one bold critter got the top off and climbed inside and couldn't make it out, there was one heck of a racket for quite some time.  I bravely tried to help but it fought me so I did what I had to do.  Laid the feeder on the ground and got away from there as quickly as possible. Those little buggers are mean!!

Today I go for more testing at the Neurologist's office.  Between the CAT scan, the nerve conduction tests last week and then the Autonomic testing today, I should get some kind of picture of what is going on when I see the doctor next week and he goes over everything with me.  Diabetes is nothing to fool around with I'm learning, and my love of sweets has gotten me into trouble.  I need someone here with a yardstick to crack my knuckles when I reach for something that isn't good for me.   White bread, and potatoes are no'nos also.  Anything white I'm to stay away from.  That's why I have planted yellow squash, zucchinni, and cucumbers in big planters and they are looking wonderful on my stone wall.  Now if only the animals will stay away. I will be sooo pleased when it's time to pick the bounty.  I can just imagine where those vines are going to end up.  Most likely the back yard and hubby won't be able to mow.  Oh well.  I'll fight that battle when it comes and not before.  It could be worse, I could have planted pumpkins!  My very own pumplin patch, I've always wanted one.  Maybe next year...

I'd better get showered and dressed so I can relax a little before leaving today.  I'm so glad hubby is going to drive me.  With all the road work and construction going on, that street is miserable and it's hard to find the office among all the large trucks.  The air will be blue again but I can handle that.  I can't handle trying to find a small driveway when the trucks and equipment are parked along the front of the building and blocking it.  We end up driving past it and turning around to catch it on the way back.  I should perk up, only two more weeks to go - I hope.

It's early and you have a full day to get out and do what you have to.  Enjoy your day and find the good things about it.  Don't dwell on the negatives, think of them as challenges.   My challenge is to find cherries.  For four days now our Stop and Shop has been out of them.  The gall!!!! 


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Some Days Are Just Too Busy For Me

Mom's owl.  I've had it ever since she passed and it always brings back memories.  It looks right at home here doesn't it?

Yesterday was Cardiologist visit for hubby along with lab work. Somehow it rang a bell with me and I questioned the lab work needed.  I knew he had it done recently and found paper work of it being done back in April so he doesn't need that done again.  They looked it up on the computer to see if it had been done recently and it didn't show up.  I knew why when I found the results, it had been sent out to another lab which forwarded the results directly to the doctor and didn't go through the hospital records.  Hmmm, I thought incorporating all the medical records was supposed to help in locating such things.  I made a copy of it and will mail it to the doctor for his records.  I wish they would just send us a copy also in order to keep our medical history up to date.  They used to do that when requested but they no longer do so.  You're supposed to go through the doctors for the information.  Yeah, sure.  They don't appreciate digging through all that paperwork.  36 years of going to the same doctors and each one has a tome on us.

Oh glory be, the sun is trying to work it's way out and I think it will have success.  I can tell because I'm getting rays across my computer screen.

Last night a friend came over to help us with a plumbing problem.  The bathtub has been leaking something wicked and it filled three five gallons buckets in a little over an hour.  I've been complaining about the water leaking for almost two weeks now and yesterday it got to the point and sound where I thought I would scream.  With the right part in hand we watched as son's friend pulled the front plate off the tub and lo and behold, inside was a hole large enough to work in and fix the problem.  It took all of 20 minutes!  Hubby was afraid they would have to cut the tub to get through the wall to get to the piping.  He feels helpless when these problems occur now and he isn't able to do all he used to.  I'll keep him, he'd had a bad day.

It started out with his forgetting where his doctor's office was and we pulled into the driveway of the wrong building.  He was sure that was the right office but it was two buildings down on the same street.  I told him we were at the wrong place but waited until he realized it on his own.  Senior moments.  Next he had a change in his meds and we went through each one with the doctor suggesting maybe going off two or three.  They were not his heart medications but  those accumulated from other doctors.  There were three that I knew he didn't need.  So today we will write everything down and as he takes them, will check them off.  I also have to write down what each one is for.  Maybe less pills will make him feel better about taking the ones he absolutely needs.

Hubby, son and his wife bought me a Pandora bracelet for this past Mother's Day.  Do you realize how long I must live in order to fill it with special occasion charms??  And if I remember correctly, in my younger years we were always warned not to open Panora's Box for fear of what it may bring.  Nothing good to be sure.  And now they have named a beautiful bracelet  with the Pandor monicka. Where will it end?

Our golden anniversary is the next special day in October so I know I will get one or two then.  The doctor's secretary had three bracelets on and she said she had over $3,000 invested in them.  Oh dear, what a waste!  They keep coming up with these gimmicks and people fall for them.  It's like my bout with Beanie Babies and where are they now?  I still have some left to give as gifts to the hospital drive at Christmas time. They are still like new in their little boxes and I admit to having a fondness for the cute teddy bears.  Okay, that's a sore subject so will just glide over it.

The sun is up!  Time to dry out the house.  Just sitting on the chairs or vacuuming the carpets gives me the willies.  All that moisture and stickiness.  I think I'm making up my own words here but they apply to the situation. Just bear with me, it's hard to write something new and exciting every day.  Exciting isn't in our vocabulary anymore unless it's a bout with the visiting over-friendly skunk.  No thanks, don't want any repeat performances

Time to get dressed and rush to the market where I can walk fast with the basket for balance and if I make five quick runs up and down all aisles and then completely around the store twice, I'll get my walking time in and no crowds to contend with.  Hubby will sleep through until I get back and he's the one that really needs the walking.  Yep, doctor told him so yesterday and was firm about it.  That means that we will have to go again this afternoon after he wakes up and goes to pick up another of his prescriptions, this one for 50,000 IU of Vitamin D!!  Finally, a doctor who checked for Vitamin deficiencies..  I don't know if I can make the rounds twice in one day.  I can see me hitting the recliner already.

Well, it's time to say goodbye for today.  I have to get out while I have the energy.  Usually by the time I'm showered and dressed the energy is gone.

Have a nice day and enjoy the refreshing warmth of sunshine...I whisper the word sunshine.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Where Is the Sun?

I so miss the sun and its warmth.  All this rain and accompanying thunder storms has me dug in like a mole in its hole.  Yesterday I couldn't even bring myself to write due to computer glitches and my woolly headedness.  I don't function in this kind of weather.  One or two days, yes, but a week?!!  Last night's thunder and lightning had me buried deep down in my recliner and even the cat joined me. I watched one movie on television after another.

This morning I had the common sense to put my special light on and everything looks so much brighter.  I forgot all about it but happened to glance up toward the ceiling and spied it.  I haven't used it in ages.  I remember what it is for and yes, it works great, when I use it.  I bought it online for SAD Syndrome.  It's so bright I think I could get a sun tan from it.

The bright cheery looking pink flowers pictured here are actually weeds.  Pink Mullein I believe it is called.  Anyway, last week I was tearing them out of my garden but there were so many offspring that I gave up the battle.  They are like mint, they just keep spreading and spreading.  Leaving them to do more important things, I discovered they actually look quite lovely in their rural setting.  They lead right up the stone walk to the trees which we actually have more of than yard. When in full bloom they add to the bareness of my plantings this year.  I think I will just go wild from now on.  I will enjoy the hay growing among the yellowed greenery of the long gone daffodils. They need the nutrition for next  year's growth.  To be truthful, I just can't climb the rock walls to pull them out.  No matter, going wild seems to be a good thing at my age.

There have been so many hummingbirds this morning and although I haven't put out their feeders this year, they still attack the waning clematis and the beautiful hanging fuchsia in front of the patio door.  I can see them quite clearly from my chair  and they are fun to watch.  Especially when they start chasing one another.  Just like little kids, they're afraid the other will get more than his or her share.

I know my computer is going to bite the dust.  It has been around for quite some time and I knew it would have to be replaced.  I'll have to do some looking or bartering.  It's still great for doing solitaire and mindless games, but I like to write and this isn't cooperating with me again today.  It just doesn't seem to catch up with my typing and then I have to go back and make corrections.  I gave it a good cleaning yesterday and got rid of all my pictures thinking it would help.  Now it seems worse.  Most likely it went into shock!

Last night I watched the movie Pearl Harbor with hubby.  The wrong thing to watch before going to bed.  I've only seen it three or four times already,  Hubby watches the war movies over and over and I was content just to be with him. I can't handle certain ones, like Band of Brothers of which we have the set.  Hubby will watch it over and over on TV though with all those dumb commercials.  Potty breaks at our age.  Also there are so many at once we can sneak in a snack also and not miss a bit of the movie.

When I got up at 5 this morning, he was still watching another movie. I guess he will sleep until 2 and then we will go grocery shopping.  I'd like to go alone while it's early and no crowds, but this is his big event for the day. He always hated to shop but this seems to be something he has acquired a taste for since retirement.  I only want to go and buy cherries...

Have a good day folks.

Friday, June 11, 2010

It's Too Early For All That Racket!

This creature came in the dark of night and rested on my patio door.  This is the best picture I could get of him but at least I tried.

I was awakened this morning to the sound of a bird calling its mate.  He was on the lattice work hubby had put up for my morning glories to climb.  He was a loud little critter and by the time ten minutes had passed, I was getting a bit edgy with his  repeated calling.  It was pretty to hear at first but got to be nerve wracking after time. 

At the beginning of a headache I jumped out of bed knowing there was no shutting that bird up.  I'd had experience with the thrill of a Whippoorwill that had chosen the top of my bedroom window to nest.  I thought it was so neat and was a tad excited about it choosing MY window.  By the time the eggs hatched and little ones were on the way, I couldn't wait for peace and quiet. Talk about being driven out of one's mind!

 Right away I tracked the newcomers movements and took note of his markings.  Looking up in my trusty Roger Tory Peterson's Field Guide to Birds I was able to identify it as a Wren. He was a bit funny looking, as if his body was too long so it was decided to push his butt in, causing its tail to stick straight up.  He looked as if he had a built in rudder.  I watched his antics and thought perhaps he was injured the way he jumped from here to there.  Once his mate arrived, it became quiet for a time while he searched the ground.  I think for something dry to make their nest with.  Having rained and stormed the past three days I knew that would be a chore for the little guy. He was trying to tear my mop apart but gave up on that.  It was soaking wet from the rain last night. I'll have to see what I have here to throw outside for him to find.  Yarn, thin ribbon, straw from the broom.

All my plants will be fine for a few days.  With all the rain and still more to come, I'm afraid they might get root rot.  Root rot, say that five times quickly and see how well you do.  Just jumped up before I forgot my morning meds and while I was up, cut three rolls of fine ribbon into 6 to 8 inch strips and laid them on top a white piece of writing paper for the birds to find.  Nothing like a colorful posh nest to make the other birds jealous.

This computer is acting up again so I'm hoping It will last long enough to get this posted.  It took two tries to get on the net and now whatever I type has to catch up with the screen so I may be pressing my luck here.

Hubby is sound asleep with a warm blanket covering him.  The dampness and chill does get to one's bones.  I think I will close for now and go start a good book in the den.  That way I won't wake him up and I can settle down with a blanket too and maybe snooze a bit longer.

Have a super day, enjoy all the bird song.  This is the time of the year when they try to outdo one another and all the different calls are clear and, well yes, if attached to your house, nerve wracking.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

A New Day, Rattled But Hanging In There

Somehow I have lost the settings for my blog and it took me awhile to set things to right.  Since dropping MSN, the whole stash of goodies I took for granted just disappeared and I've had to reset.  I'm good first thing in the morning but after trying to set up my new page in another service, I'm frazzleds and lost.  This resetting my blog has me questioning myself. Already I feel it's time to take a break...

Last night while watching TV (dozing really), my hubby shouted out to me scaring me to alertness (is that a word?) and I was alarmed at the sound of his voice.  He was trying to get me to get off my butt and come to the kitchen to see what was on the sliding glass door.  It was a beautiful Luna Moth and I do mean beautiful.  It was so interesting to see all the delicate features from another view than usual.  I tried taking pictures but was trying to do so through glass so will know later just what I was able to catch.  It's markings were so beautiful. I've only had a Luna Moth as a visitor three times in my life.  It was definitely a stupendous end to my day.

Yesterday while doing dishes, I kept seeing something large and fast zooming back and forth through my garden window.  I actually ducked twice to prevent being attacked by it.  Imagine my mirth at later at seeing two huge blue jays dive bombing the feral cat's feeding dish and scooping  up cat food as quickly as they could.  Then of course the little ground squirrels jumped in and filled their mouths full before running to their nests.  They really stuff those little jowls in no time at all.  In any event, it was enjoyable sitting in the chair beside the sliding glass door and watching such an entertaining sight.  The squirrels were working on knocking down the feeders so they could just sit and munch.  They think it's a buffet that way, all you can eat and you don't have to get off the butt to run back and forth for one sun flower seed after another.  That's too much work for them.  We've gone from 11 feeders down to 3 now.  Living in the woods, there's just no way to get rid of the pesky squirrels and we can't afford to feed them all so we limit ourselves now.

I guess I should fill the outside cat's dish so she will have something in it to eat when she comes around.  Now that I know the reason why it's always emptied so quickly, I'll just have to plan for more diners at the feeder.

Have a good day people and remember, we only have a few more day of rain and temps in the low 60's. Great for sleeping!  We certainly have crazy weather here in Connecticut.  After all these years I'm used to it.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oh My, What Have I Done?!?

Yesterday I decided to end my subscription to MSN because there were so many problems with it and the connection was always ending in the middle of something whereby I had to start all over again.  Plus the bill each month was something I could do without.

I called them and opted out and they gave me 5 minutes to do any switching around that I needed to do.  I should have thought of that earlier but it just didn't sink in.  I did have the foresight to copy down the list of my favorites and the URL address but had a problem switching my contacts over.  No mater how hard I tried, it was NO GO.  Then reading up on dear MSN, it explained they had something built in that wouldn't allow the export of contacts from one service to the other.  I spent last night copying in my contact list until my eyes actually ached.  Now to learn how to get around on Yahoo and make it appear on my desktop as my shortcut.  LOL, I don't think I'll get into that today. And anyone trying to contact me at the MSN address just won't be able to get me.  At least the emails will hold off for awhile unless they have the new address.

Son will have a conniption fit when he finds out I went in and un-installed MSN and MSN Messenger.  I have a book, Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Windows XP.  I followed the directions to the letter but somehow my computer isn't cooperating.  Now to learn how to make a Web page for it.  I have to find Yahoo by going in through Explorer, something I've never used before.  I had doubts about getting to my blog and although it was a bit edgy, it did appear.  Big sigh of relief.

There's been nothing going on here for the past few days, a minor upset here and there but we managed.  Cars!!!  Grrrrrrr.  We are now without our second car but we did buy the parts and we have two shade tree mechanics always on hand to repair them.  Thank God for old cars in one way but in another, I sure wish we could afford a good used one.  Last night was two trips to the auto parts store for a catalytic converter, Mike's truck this time, and 4 pair of shocks for my '97 Chevy Blazer.  Oh, can't forget the two runs to the Pharmacy for prescriptions for hubby.

He had lab work done Monday after doctor's visit and it's the first time he walked in and actually admitted he was in intense pain all through his body. Yesterday his doctor called back with the results and told him why he's been in so much pain lately not considering the osteoarthritis which has been a given for years.  Uremic acid is high, and yes, another pill to take.  He never drinks water except in his coffee but he's going to learn  to like it.  He's on his way to kidney stones again if he doesn't get with the program.  He's had 113 since he was 17 so he knows the agony and the body remembers the pain by giving him muscle spasms just as a reminder.  The doctor says he has gout and it's affecting all his joints until he can barely walk.  He's like that Little Engine That Could, he just keeps going through the pain.

I was hoping to go to the beading store in Mystic to sit and watch what they are making.  I have so many supplies and love to make jewelry but I have shaking hands and can't do the buttons on my blouses let alone attempt something so precise as the peyote stitch.  I would love to be able to use some of my beads to make pretty earrings as gifts.  I used to make those cabochon pins with all the Lacy bead work.  I sold quite a few of them and kept two for myself.  I have a dilly of a time putting them on though so chose two jackets to adorn and that's where they will stay.

Well I'll let you off the hook because this is totally boring and I need to get outside to water the plants before the sun gets hot and burns the wet leaves.  I'll have cucumbers and summer squash at least.  The tomatoes I have yet to buy and want to try those little hangers.  Too many critters in our soil here.  Cut worms mainly.

Have a great day and do something you enjoy.  Grub work comes last is my mantra.


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Trying Again

Wow, I changed my settings to blog and was able to get my picture of the Korean Dogwood uploaded.  Patience won out!  I'm not very heavy on patience, that's something I've lacked all my life.

Yesterday was a pretty strange day.  Torrential rains early in the morning, flowers all torn to heck. 
Then the sun came out and with it stifling heat that kept me inside watching TV.  It was so hard to breathe out there and muggy as all get out.  Then while watching TV,  the news came on to say we were on a Tornado watch.  The same goes for today.  This morning sunshine, now overcast and getting darker.  I sure hope we aren't in for damage like some in the state received yesterday.  Trees blown down, hail, thunderstorms, over 5,000 people without electricity.  I'm glad hubby had the idea of protection against such and bought a generator years ago.  It's truly been a lifesaver for us.  What's with this weather anyway???

It's heartbreaking to see all the waterfowl, mired down in thick oil and dying on the beaches.  That oil is not slowing down any and all the gobs of thick oil is hard to watch floating on the surface of the sea.  This has been our worst disaster as of late.  I hope it never happens again after they get this problem capped.  Off shore drilling isn't as wonderful as they thought it to be. And now it's hurricane season with many more expected that first reported.  For us to get tornado warnings two days in a row is a first for here as far as I remember.

I'm going to go and cut some of my flowers and bring them in so I can enjoy them before they are beaten down to nothing.  The Mock Orange Blossom will make the house smell nice.

You all have a nice day and enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Friday, June 4, 2010

I Lost A Few Days

I've started this day off with 3 attempts to add my picture of my Korean dogwood tree, but somehow it just isn't willing to do so. I don't know why but it just isn't for some strange reason.

Anyway, I thought I'd best get something on the page because I have become lax again. Doctor's appointments, little emergencies here and there and I became distracted. Yesterday we left early in the morning for both our appointments with the pulmonary doctor and 4 hours later we had appointments with the Rheumatologist. Such excitement is our days lately. Then to fit in some grocery shopping before coming home. Of course I flopped down in the magic recliner and was out for awhile. Hubby made himself a sandwich and let me sleep. When I woke up, he was sleeping. So goes our social life.

I was quite surprised to find among the mail a request to visit a local funeral parlor to learn about final plans. I couldn't believe it, they even offered refreshments. Talk about ambulance chasing!! I tossed it but later thought, hmmm, maybe they know something I don't and I'd better take them up on the offer. Hubby's name was not included so now I am doubly perplexed.

We now have an invasion of little hoppy toads. Not even an inch big and they startle me when getting in and out of the car. They aren't frogs to me until they are large and full of bumps. That's when I find them hiding in my flower pots to get out of the sun and cool off some. That's sure caused me some frights but now I look to see if the soil is uneven. They sure come out fast when I'm watering. I still have the capacity to jump when one comes out unexpectedly when I am lost in thought and forget to watch.

We are down to one car again. Our old blazer needs a catalytic converter, exhaust pipe, recharging of the AC because the compressor won't engage, etc, etc. I know there are more things but I can't remember the names of the parts. We keep our son and grandson busy keeping old cars running because they have to last us.

Hubby brought me in a lovely red rose last night. It was one of our climbing roses and I'm surprised the bush had blooms because I no longer keep them up. Too much work and too far to haul all the water, rose food and spray bottle to keep the bugs away. We live in the woods, there is no keeping bugs away. The mock orange blossom tree is beautiful this year and I love the scent. Brings back memories of me as a girl, reaching over a neighbors fence to smell them and pick a few too.

I had to forget my camera yesterday when we were doing all the running. On the way home is a house with a real toilet, blue at that, with a fountain of water spraying high. It is the funniest sight to see and I imagine, like me, many people have stopped to take pictures. Talk about a conversation piece right in their front yard.

Well I guess I managed to put forth today but must now do the cooking. Hubby complained, sweetly though, that I never like to cook anymore. We don't grill outside so no, I don't like cooking in a hot kitchen. Will cook macaroni and make a nice salad with it. Nice fresh veggies chopped up in it and seasoned virgin olive oil should do it. Good hot or cold. What would I do without these fab recipes and right on the whole grain macaroni box.

Have an enthusiastic day people. I intend to liven up the place just in case that funeral home sends me more information. I love flowers and planting but I don't want to be planted yet!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I Remember Mom

I Remember Mom
As I sit at my computer and see all the iris, petunias, my Korean dogwood tree, waving it's arms of lovely green leaves and soothing cream colored stars, the lovely Chinese red maple wishing me Good Morning, my thoughts turn to my mom. With the forsythias gone by and cut back, the lilac bush with its brown flowers leaving a trace of the splendor it once was, leaving its delicate waft of scent beside what was once her bedroom window, I think of Mom. It bloomed long after Mom left us to go to a better place.
The nights of listening with enjoyment to the sound of the peep frogs courting, something Mom and I loved to do while hubby, our driver, made remarks and sat laughing at us sitting beside the big pond, quiet and alert to the differences in croaks among the peepers, but they too ended too soon.
Now the month of May has passed and with it Mother's Day and her birthday. Yesterday was Memorial Day and as I laid flowers on my parent's grave and my son's, all those memories came flooding back. She loved wildflowers and music. She was so light on her feet and made dancing look so easy. She left me with memories of all the musicals we attended when I was a child and I still remember the words to most of the songs and those are still my favorites. Yes, I remember you Mom and I miss you. Especially now, your favorite time of the year, and mine.
Be sure to remember your loved ones while they are still with you and can make wonderful memories together. Don't be like some who didn't take the time to show their love and then end up at the graves sobbing for their unexpressed love and appreciation. Do all you can for them now. Flowers on graves mean nothing if you never took the time to surprise them with flowers while they could enjoy the scent and beauty of them. Do it now, before time passes and it's too late.
Have a good day and remember to hug one another. Some days all we need is a really good hug.