Yesterday was my big day out. The sun was shining and I felt pretty good since I was dressed in clothes and not my P.J.s. We had errands to run and we wanted to go out to lunch for my birthday.
We went to the 99 Restaurant for lunch and it was delicious. Hubby had his Country Fried Chicken (that's always safe), and I ordered a stuffed pork chop with hot red peppers, cheese and a special sauce over the top. I was being brave because I'm starting in with this trying something different once in awhile just to find something new that I like. We even shared a dessert. Then we did the errands and next we went to Walmart to buy Valentine cards for the great grandchildren. Whew, the price of cards now!
Walmart was completely different, the whole store was changed around and since I had been sick for so long, I never got there while they were making the changes. I was totally surprised, and lost. Just trying to find the cards took me almost a half hour because they were at the other end of the store. I don't like change, I like to go where I know the layout of the store or else I don't shop there. Well, I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed shopping in their newly decorated store. It just took too long to find things and the shopping cart was looking better and better to me. If I could have climbed up into it I would have.
Today my young friend came to visit me and brought the cutest birthday card and a miniature yellow rose bush. I have been telling my hubby I wanted something yellow in my kitchen window to cheer me up mornings. The rosebush is the perfect thing.
While my friend was here, she started talking about Facebook and how much she enjoyed it. Mindless me suggested she show me how to sign up and move around there in order to expand my mind a little. Oh my gosh, I was lost and it was so confusing. Naturally everybody I know is on that thing and I didn't dare change my name to go incognito. So now when I'm wide awake mornings, I will go there first in order to get all the little motors turning in my brain. Now if only I could find a way to stop the emails from coming in each time I get a new friend or have to confirm an invite. I have a feeling Facebook is going to drive me to drink. Non alcoholic beverages only. I'd most likely do much better slightly looped.
This afternoon I turned on the TV so I could watch Oprah. She was having Barbara Striesand on and I have always loved Barb. Between the first commercial and the start of the show, I dropped dead asleep. I couldn't believe I did that. One minute I was wide awake, and the next, out like a light.
Tonight it's really cold in here and we haven't touched the thermostat. Once that sun goes down so does the warmth in the house. I think it's time to shut my bedroom window that I've kept cracked open in order to get fresh air to sleep better. It's either that or start wearing one of those funny nightcaps to bed like they did in the old days. LOL, my nightwear is getting more and more weird. I used to say that was for the old folks. Well???
My blog seems to get written later and later in the day now. I started off early in the morning and now it's 10:40 P.M. I have to admit I feel better with myself because now I at least make the effort to try to write daily or more often than the past few months.
Tomorrow if it's fit weather to go out in I will try to get over to see my Aunt. I haven't seen her since October and I really miss her, but wouldn't dare go near her while I was down with one thing or another. She certainly doesn't need any strange germs visiting her.
My eyes are starting to cross so will end for now. I hope you all have a great day tomorrow. I pray for no snow. No snow, no snow...
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