I hadn't realized time had gotten away from me. It's unusual for me to forget to journal at least once a week, but things have been unusually busy here. I won't go into details because this is my non-negative place to go. Illness, tragedies, etc. will not be discussed here. This is my happy place and I hope the same for all who visit here.
Today it is pouring rain and since getting up so early, I decided to scoot back to bed for more sleep but that didn't happen. My body has it's own time table and 5 A.M. just happens to be it. Also my cat was getting anxious for me to be up. She must have changed positions on the bed at least twenty times in order to give me her message. Spoiled cat!
All flowers are planted and my back yard is a colorful array of blooms to bring me alive first thing in the morning. The birdsong is pleasantly relaxing and the hummingbirds fight among themselves for the best place on the two feeders. There seems to be one very nasty tempered villain though who fights the others off. Ah, so is life.
I have a rose bush growing like wildfire that really never did much for a number of years. My dad brought me a few cuttings for Mother's Day at least 33 years ago when we first had our home built. The roses were from my childhood home and they are the very old fashioned roses, small blossoms with many, many petals.
I see my dad out there planting those precious cuttings every time I look at them taking over the rocky landscape. Memories are such a wonderful part of life. I really don't know what I would do without my special memories of the ones I've loved and lost. How sweet to look back and remember a certain smile or kindness.
Yesterday it was the 4th of July and as usual, we didn't do anything special. I know many people are the same and we don't all have storybook lives. However, our son had a little cookout and his wife's sister and brother-in-law came. At first I wasn't going to join them for a hamburger. The stairs looked unbelievably long and the energy wasn't there. I pushed myself though and went in my Muumuu.
LOL, I'm notorious for my muumuus since visiting my brother and sister-in-law in Colorado. She lived in them and so, not to be different, she took me shopping for one. It was so funny, our single minded mission to buy me a muu muu. And we had such a great time laughing at the wildly colored offerings in the best of stores. We got some strange looks from some of the hoity toity sales ladies, but what the heck, we were bent on finding something decent looking and wouldn't break our bank. Yes, the prices were a bit steep also, but I just had to have one to feel the freedom of not having elastic around the waist for a change, and just for the sheer comfort while traveling in record heat in our RV.
At my age I definitely go for comfort, much to my son's delight when he has company over and here is mom, looking as big as a house in her bright red prize, literally covered with what else, flowers. I did mention that I loved flowers in my posts didn't I? Hmmm, since then I have discovered the Vermont Country Store Catalog which has quite a selection of none other than muumuus. Need I say more on the subject?
Muumuu aside, I have to admit it was nice to be with people and laugh until my sides ached. Nothing was particularly funny, I think they laughed mostly at me but it didn't hurt my feelings. I thought it was hilarious also but not so much that I would change into something less colorful and considered lounge wear. Well I was lounging wasn't I? To my way of thinking I was positive I was.
It has stopped raining and now it smells so good outside. The window is open beside me and I just got a whiff of fresh air. I love that smell of wet earth, and allergies aside, will be walking out soon to sit at the picnic table and just relax with a cup of tea. Why not grab one of my fancy cups and join me? I'd love your company.
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