Sunday, October 10, 2010

Depression In Winter, a Poem

Depression In Winter, by Jane Kenyon

There comes a little space between the south side of a boulder
and the snow that fills the woods around it.
Sun heats the stone, reveals a crescent of bare ground:
brown ferns, and tufts of needles like red hair, acorns,
a patch of moss, bright green...

I sank with every step up to my knees,
throwing myself forward with a violence of effort,
greedy for unhappiness -
until by accident I found the stone,
with its secret porch of heat and light,
where something small could luxuriate, then
turned back down my path, chastened and calm.
It seems these cold days are coming upon us more quickly than usual. I was out pulling down my Morning Glory vines and tried to retrieve some of the seed pods for next spring.  My daughter in law has put away all my yard statues and now it looks so bare out there.  Now I only see the quick flash of color as the birds fly by, anxious to beat the squirrels to the feeders.
I tend to get sad this time of year
and this type of poem about nature appeals to me.  I hope you enjoy it too.
Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine while we may.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why I've Been Away

Not because I wanted to be but because of illness due to a number of autoimmune diseases.

Future blogs will be brief since I can't sit for that long and type.  I also won't be able to go off on my little trips to take pictures.  I guess I will have to go to Photo bucket and see what I can find there.

How about this crazy weather?  First it was so hot we couldn't breathe and suddenly we turned cold without our Indian Summer.  Hopefully we will not go into an early winter with lots of snow.  I don't know, I'm not too happy with our Connecticut weather.

We are still putting up with the squirrels robbing the bird feeders, the skunks eating the cats' food.  We have grown to two feral cats plus a few kittens someone dumped off.  They are a wild little bunch but they come to eat also.  If only I could catch the cute little grey one.  All of them really, in order to take them to the shelter to be cared for and given their shots and spayed.  We don't need anymore critters and they will be better off.  They will learn to socialize and find homes with people who will care for them.

Our skunk family has now grown to four and they come in turns, terrorizing the hubby and boys.  They now carry flash lights and make lots of noise so as to scare them off before they startle them and they (the skunks), cut loose.  The only problem is, the skunks are not afraid and even shooing them off doesn't bother them.  Hubby turned the hose on the the biggest and oldest one in order to get to the patio door.  I covered my mouth to keep from laughing.  It's the same old, same old.

I will have to think back for special memories for my future blogs.  I'm unable to do much now and while I still remember, will share some favorite stories with you.

We will be celebrating our 50th anniversary October 15th so am so happy we have made it.  Out of all those years I'm sure I can bring forth a smile to share.

Have a wonderful day and until I can meet you here again, special autumn wishes.  Enjoy the colors, smells and apples that spell out autumn loud and clear.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Today Is An Ugh Day

This is a picture of the chicory I mentioned the other day.  It grows high on stalks but this is a baby one. 
Chicory is grown for its roots, ground and roasted, they are added to or substituted for coffee.  Young leaves may be used in a salad or a vegetable.

See, just a little weed growing along side the road and overlooked by most.  Poor little chicory.  It's blossoms have a light sweet scent.  Very pleasant to the senses.

I think we've had enough wind and rain now.  It's wet, windy (strong), and the yellow, orange and brown leaves cover my yard and patio.  They are very slippery to walk on and they are constantly being brought into the house by clinging to wet shoes and boots.  Oh well, that's no big deal.  I've never been a clean house freak,   To be truthful, the leaves covering yard, patio and driveway add a bit of needed color to an otherwise dreary day. I can't believe it's in the 60's.  Do you think we might be headed into an early winter?  Shut my mouth!!

I'm going to leave you with a special quote by Ten Bears, Comanche.

"I was born upon the prairie, where the wind blew free,
   and there was nothing to break the light of the sun.
I was born where everything drew a free breath.
I want to die there, and not within walls."

With that, I wish you a wonderful day.  Make the most of it.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

What a Great Morning!

It's pouring out, I finished my two cherry cheese cakes and now I can sit down and rest.  I tried to add a caption to this picture but once I did, i couldn't get back to where I needed to write my blog so this will have to do.

This picture came to me in an e-mail this morning and I just fell in love with it.  I hope I'm not breaking any rules by using it.  I have never seen such a friendly blue jay before have you?  Chipmunks yes, but birds no.  Except for that pesty little hummer who thought my red cereal bowl I was eating from while on the patio was a pot of flowers, and he kept sweeping past my cheek.  It sounded like a huge bee and I swatted at it.  It was much faster than I so I didn't hurt him.

I can hear my sons and hubby downstairs on the patio talking away.  I try not to listen but they all talk so loud from working around machinery all their lives.  If it has a plug, makes lots of noise and cuts, welds or other things along those lines, they have done it.  They all like to work with their hands and are not the white collar type at all.  Their dad and I are the same, hated school and remembering all those dates we never use now,  and sentence structure, don't even go there.  My son says I can write and know where to start a paragraph, put commas, and on and on.  I only passed English because I loved to write and was told  by my English teacher that she didn't know how I did it.  Neither do I but I have to put my feelings on paper so this is what I have always done.

The sound of the pouring rain is wonderful.  Even the leaves on the trees are dancing with joy.  I'm glad I chose yesterday to go out and take some pictures of nearby scenery and wildflowers growing alongside the roads.  Chicory, brown eyed susan, Milkweed and Queen Anne's Lace.  All weeds but beautiful to me.  I just wish I could tramp through the swamp land and get the flowers that grow there. That;s never going to happen!

I'm getting the wants, you know what I mean.  With those cheese cakes sitting in the fridge, it calls for some tasting.  Just to see if they came out good.  If I put a finger in for a little bitty taste, the cherries on top would cover it up so they wouldn't know I cheated.  I know I should have given in and licked the bowl!

Well, it's time to get off the computer now and pray this post turns out okay.  There's still that little dot on the screen showing where the caption was supposed to go.  I'll just go with the flow today and take the chance.  At least I wrote  when I wanted to take the day off and sort mail.  Now that's what I call a fun day!  Once a secretary, always a secretary...

You all have a great day and whatever your weather, enjoy it anyway.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Whine, Whine, Whine

Good Morning,

So much has happened and so little time to write.

I'm feeling mighty achy after falling yesterday.  Then I went to PT and was told my vertigo which I have been battling for years can be helped by PT.  That's right, it's called B.P.P.V.  In other words, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. It's the degeneration of the salt-like crystals (otoliths) in the utricle which break free and float into or attach to the semicircular canals.  Symptoms include attacks of vertigo with rapid, pitched motion, e.g., rolling in or out of bed or simply looking up. And it can be cured without medication.  Therefore all the falling.  I told people I didn't drink!

Okay, I've been trying to remember all that's happened that matters for the past three days and my mind is a blank.  Not unusual.  However, I do remember last night and the hellacious racket caused by our cat, Alley, and the baby skunk at the back door.  The cat went streaking out of the kitchen and hid somewhere.  I didn't smell the usual scent of trouble so I turned off the TV and watched my hubby sleep. I was content just to watch him. 

This morning I caught a whiff and became instantly awake.  Skunk!  Alley was asleep curled up beside me.  News, she got sprayed last night by the small critter so it wasn't as strong.  She has been licking her tail and hind quarters and I think I'll let her do her own thing.  Maybe this way she will learn.  I couldn't see starting off my day trying to fight a cat who hates water and getting badly clawed up in the end.  She doesn't have it that bad so I can stand her.  The others can't really smell it.  However bed has to be stripped and blanket and sheets washed,  AGAIN.  I just put them on two days ago.

Kert's been shoveling gravel for the driveway and I watch with my heart in my throat.  He pulled a smoothie and used the small home made plow to try to level the pile down  some.  He did a pretty good job too.  The rest he will do today when Jon comes home to help him.  Then he'll order another truck load.
Our flooding rains really did a number on the driveway and the back of the garage was on its way over the embankment.  That has been taken care of.  For now anyway.

I want to go out in my car for a short drive to the bank and stop and take pictures of the wildflowers while I can.  Especially the beautiful powder blue Chicory.  It's what they mix in with the coffee beans to make coffee.  See, you learned something new today.  I took pictures of the small stream with a beautiful tall red flower and caught the reflection of the water by accident.  Most of my pictures are accidents nowadays.  Tremors and my camera isn't tremor proof.  I am paying more attention to my instruction book and discovered I can put it on a certain setting and take 4 pictures in sequence.  I've only had the camera for 3 years now and just had my eyes opened.  When in doubt, read the directions.  How many times in my life have I heard that one?

Well, since I can drive with no problem, I'm going to make my run to the bank and then find something pretty to snap a photo of.  I need new pictures for my blog.

You all have a nice day and since it's the weekend, relax.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

New Rules Are Driving Me Crazy

I had to use this picture of sunshine on the ferns because it cheers me up and right now I need it.

I tried for two hours to get onto my blog site but they kept telling me I wasn't in their system and needed a Google account.  I tried filling out everything but they didn't like my email address, said it didn't match the sign in address.  Needless to say, I said to heck with it.  After getting all twitterpated, before taking my shower decided just for the he** of it to try  once more and got in with no problem.  They are giving me one heck of a run since they changed things around.  I also found they had put comments to the blogs in the spam file and I had to delete them.  They already had but I had to get all the comments out of the spam box.  Please, no more grand updates to the blogger account or I'm going to just give it all up. I also must find a new word to replace 'heck' as I tend to overuse it.

Last night it was beautiful, left all the windows and doors open for the fresh air.  This morning it is muggy again so the poor little AC in the back bedroom is on and with fans, trying to push some of the cold air my way.

My blogging time has been used up and now must dress and run errands and send package to great granddaughters in Colorado.  Then I have bills to make out and my handwriting has gotten so bad that even I can't read it.

I did manage  to pick two nice cukes and two zucchinis from my potted plants.  It's the only way I can do it to keep the moles from getting to them.  I can't believe how many critters we have here and can watch daily as they make their way to scavenge from the bird feeders to the feral cat's dish.  The little ground squirrels are so cute and quick.

Well, have to run now.

You all have a wonderful day.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

She's Back...

Well, since this is the first day I'm feeling human again, I thought I would write a little bit and get back in the saddle for a short time.

Illness has favorites but I'd like a little time off to get back on my feet before going around again.  My gram used to tell me when I was young, that I must have done something bad and was being punished for it.  No such thing and I hope nobody else grows up always feeling they must have done something to cause it.  Talk about laying on guilt.

In the two and a half weeks it took me to get over all this, the leaves have changed color and my yard is full of yellow leaves from the birch trees and the red and green of the maples.  Wow, where have I been all this time?  You don't really want to know.  All I know is I now start physical therapy to help with my balance and vertigo.  I'm hoping for the best.

This picture at top was the last of the Mohicans as far as new photos are concerned.  I wasn't able to get out and take new pictures so will have to dig out some of the older ones from Photobucket.  I have many of deer that came to feed during the winter.  Beautiful animals, now we have the skunks to contend with.  Mama and three babies which after all this time are probably not babies any longer. 

As far as excitement, there isn't any except for my fight with the insurance company who won't pay a claim for my hubby's cataract surgery.  Would you believe that after talking with two gals at the hospital and one at the Pfizer supplemental insurance which we pay monthly for, they are still denying the claim.  It seems the hospital put all the right codes in but the supplemental insurance which is refusing claim, listed it as an Infertility Claim!  I will call again today to see if they can get their ducks in order and stop this foolishness. 

I called them while sick and just couldn't handle it.  They have the right coding but someone there was in dire need of a vacation.  How they got Infertility out of cataract surgery is beyond me and their latest letter of denial is going to get a reply that won't please them.  They can easily find out who the dummy was who  handled the claim and hash it over with him/her as to how they goofed up a perfectly legal claim.  This is not the first time either, they did the same thing when he had his first eye done in December only they admitted they made a mistake and it would be taken care of.  Oh well, if this is what I have to look forward to with old age, I'd better get on the ball and keep dates, notes, etc. on all the claims.  At least we can laugh about it.

That's the news so far.  Nothing much but at least I'm trying here.  Hubby will probably appreciate home cooked meals again.  He hasn't complained and what little I did he appreciated.  One night he went out and bought supper and I really loved the side order of fish.  He doesn't like it so I buy a side order instead of with the chips and cole slaw and I get three nice pieces of fish which I can make last me three meals.  Can't pig out with Diabetes now so this is the only way I can get my fish, and it tastes so much better than mine done in the broiler or in the microwave.  I know, fried and breaded but I have to cheat once in awhile.

Okay, my eyes are crossing so will quit for now and go back to bed for a nap.  I say that but I know it won't happen.

Have a nice day and take care of those you love.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I should Be In Bed Sleeping

A very early Good Morning to you.

It is pretty dark outside and very quiet.  It is also very quiet in the house at this time and I hear the fridge kicking in to make ice, also the humming of the overhead kitchen fan.  I woke up twice and found I couldn't go back to sleep so took an antihistamine pill for this awful itching from an allergic reaction to a new med for tremors.  I won't be taking any more of them, that's for sure.

I like the fact that there is no TV blaring news of the latest killings, the senseless drunk driver accidents, leaving victims in their wake. It's gotten so I don't turn on the news but flip past it when it comes on.  It makes me too upset and when children are involved, well that brings on anger.  I don't like being an angry person but have reached my limit with our News stations way of repeating the gory details over and over again.  What's with people nowadays?  Have we turned into mindless killing machines.  It seems so lately and I don't want to watch it.  So I pick up a book or go out to the patio just to listen to the birds, and watch my critters.

Yesterday the little owl came back and I took four beautiful snapshots of him.  I got up real close to him and he didn't fly away but chattered when I talked to him gently.  He was probably telling me to 'beat it lady, you're bothering me.'  When I went to load the photos to my computer it wouldn't do so.  Mainly because my battery gave out and when I replaced it, didn't set the date.  They are on my camera but I just can't do anything with them.  I am hoping someone at Wal-Mart's camera department can help me.  They are the best and most clear pictures of owls I've taken yet, so yes, I am a bit upset with myself.

Today is my day to run errands.  Hubby wants to cut down dead tree branches with the new thingamajig he just bought so now it's more of a toy and he is happy to be accomplishing something with all the dead branches on our trees.  Gypsy moths must have gotten to them because the leaves at the tops are all chewed away and look mangy.

Anyway, I can do some little things I enjoy which I can't do with hubby.  He hates to browse and I hate to ask him. I enjoy getting off to myself once in awhile to visit thrift shops, since our social life is doctor's and dentist's visits and lab work.  Today will be a nice change from that.  I get to go to the post office, bank, pharmacy for his prescriptions, and grocery store. Now doesn't that sound like fun?  I'll find something to do to occupy my time.

Gee, now that I have the morning to myself, I don't know what to do first. I think it best that I get showered and dressed first.  I certainly can't go running in my nightgown.  And I must wait until the stores open which will be hours.

You all have a wonderful day.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Last Night Was Pretty Special

Thank goodness for the wonderful cool breeze last night and the comfortable temperature.  I was able to turn the AC off completely and open doors and windows.

The picture is of Buddy, my friendly owl.  He now comes often and sits in the branches of the tree outside my bedroom window. He's a pretty neat little fella and I have gotten use to his presence and love his visits.

I stayed up late to watch TV  with hubby last night and finally stumbled into bed about 1:30 a.m.  I was turning down the sheet when I heard the owls calling back and forth to one another.  I must have laid across the bed for an hour or so just listening, it was wonderful.  The cat sat up in the window listening also.  Being and inside cat, she was anxious and wanted to get outside to see what there was to investigate.

I feel sorry for her being in the house all the time, but we tried the outside bit and got tired of dead critters being brought into the house and then barf from whatever she ate of them.  There's nothing worse then getting up in the dark to use the bathroom and stepping in a cold, wet, slippery mess. 

I woke up this morning at 10,  and feel as if I have a hangover.  It's not a good day for the tremors either so this will be short.  Just want to say 'hello' to the new day and say how thankful I am for another day of sunshine.  Am hoping to get outside for a drive to Wal-Mart so I can buy a Swiffer Wet Mop.  I know, my wants aren't much but it makes me happy and will make washing the floor much easier on me.  I also need parts for my Singer sewing machine but just try to find one in our area.  They have one in Old Saybrook and Willimantic.  I shouldn't complain, it would make a nice long drive, just enough for me to say we went on a trip!

Hubby is up now so I will make him a good breakfast.  Usually he sneaks in those darn Pop Tarts if I am typing my blog.  Today the blog can wait until a better day and I can spend some time with him.

You all have a great day and I hope there are nights ahead when you can listen to the owls, and receive the relaxation of having Mother Nature lull you to sleep.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dig In With Gusto!

I think I posted this picture  before but if I could find a picture of a porcupine it would replace the skunk.  Seems Dick, my nemesis, is still reading my blog and sending barbs with no return email address.  That's the cowards way but it takes all kinds to make up this world of ours.  With things much more serious going on, she takes to making digs about our sleeping arrangements, (hubby in the recliner with his C-Pap machine which makes it easier on him to breathe and to watch all his war movies without distressing me), and my making fun of hubby, etc.  Small things amuse small minds.  Just so you know Dick, you are permanently going in the Spam folder.  Rant over.

I noticed when I went to sneak a cup of ice cream for being good yesterday, it was all evened off on top.  Hubby is neat, I'm a slob.  I just dug in and ruined the perfect job he had done to make it nice and even.  He just laughs and if he wants it smoothed over again will do so, but more likely will follow my lead and dig in also.  Especially if there's fudge sauce or caramel going through it.

The same thing with the tooth paste tube.  When we were first married nearly 50 years ago he was in the service.  Tooth paste tube had to be just so.  You couldn't squeeze it from the middle (my style), it had to be smoothed out and turned up on the ends.  Instead of making a big deal of it, I just bought two tubes of toothpaste, different brands, and that solved that problem.  Life is too short to have such mundane things frustrating us.  I did what I thought to be the most simple way of solving what could have rankled our mornings.

For someone who is so neat, he can hardly ever find where he left things.  He hunts and hunts and usually one of the sons comes in with his special coffee cup or flashlight that he left in the garage.  Meanwhile I'm searching for his glasses, book, etc.  The cat can't be blamed for any of this, she is an innocent bystander.  He just does things while thinking of a dozen other things he wants to do and lays items down in the oddest of places.  Come to think of it, I seem to be doing the same thing lately.  Hmmm, too much going on I think?  It certainly can't be age!  It must be contagious.

I have always handled all the bills and taxes because he hates dealing with paperwork.  Since I was a secretary for 28 years, he seemed to think I would take that off his hands.  As messy as I am at home, I can find almost immediately what I'm looking for in all my stashed piles.  If I ever get them all sorted, the roof will probably come down on me.  So we make do and he is happy to let me.  I'm not always happy with the responsibility and have started to show him how to find things I've filed away, just in case.  It goes in one ear and out the other.  His response is usually, "Honey, you'll live longer than I will so you keep  handling it."  Okay, I didn't know I came with a date stamped on me as to when I will die, but he knows so I will continue, keeping extra copies of everything important in a double file so my son can find it when needed.

We all have our weak areas and our strong points.  We know what ours are so we work out fine as a team.  It's not worth arguing about so we made a deal a very long time ago.  If we decided to divorce, whomever chose to leave the marriage had to take the three kids.  I think that is the glue that held us together. Smile.  Actually it was ' learning to give and take and never go to bed angry.' Also hard work and a lot of love which shows in our way with one another.  Our children all grew up loving and able to show it.  We get hugged and kissed no matter who is around.  Affection abounds in our marriage and no matter what comes along, we will face it together.

Have a great day people. Express your love every day in some small way. It counts far more than you realize.  Regrets later are hard to live with.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

What a Morning

I haven't been keeping up with my blog but thought I needed some time off.  A short vacation from the keys was needed since the hands haven't wanted to cooperate.

I jumped out of bed this morning with the crazy tune, Play That Funky Music, going around and around in my head.  I don't know where that came from but it certainly isn't my kind of music.  I must have heard it on TV last night while listening to a list of the oldies.  My idea of the oldies is A Summer Place, Theme from Moulin Rouge and so on.  I love the Canadian Tenors and The Three Tenors.  Now that's music and they have voices worth listening to.  I know, I'm an old fart, but where on earth did I come up with Play That Funky Music?  At least it got me out of bed because I couldn't just lay there with that darn song going through my brain.  What made matters worse was I knew the words to it!  I must have regressed during the night's sleep.

Oh well, I could think of worse things to happen.  Like me deleting all my photos so I didn't have anything special to post to my blog.  My spoiled cat will have to do.  She's pretty special though.  She lets me know when I need to go to bed nights by gently pawing my arm and then she follows right behind me.  She also  makes sure I wake up every morning by walking up and down the length of my body.  I'd really like to sleep later than 5:00 a.m. but that seems to be her choice, not mine.  Usually it's to let me know that the feral cat is outside on the patio waiting to be fed. Oh such a life.

Hubby is sleeping and my dishes await.  I didn't feel like doing them last night and thought what the heck, it's not as if I have a great social life so why not just leave them and watch a great TV show?  I'd just wash them and there would be others to replace them.  The TV program won out and this morning I can't even remember what it was.  I hope my day goes better.

You all have fun today, it's Saturday!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I took pictures yesterday while walking down my driveway just to see what I could spy to snap a picture of and loved this one especially.  It was later in the day so the color of the sky is beautiful and the contrast of the Hemlock branch shows the pure loveliness of it,  dark against light, and why I was so taken with this particular picture.

I didn't get a thing done that I had planned on.  I started reading a book while hubby was sleeping so it was very quiet in the house and he slept past noon.  We had company show up at 3:30 and we sat and drank iced tea at the patio table and just took in the beautiful cool day and the slight breeze.  It was wonderful.  After company left, I came in and got my book and went outside to read it at the table.  I was well into the book and didn't want to put it down.  It was so exciting that I fell asleep, book in hand and no inkling of just when I conked out.

It was a perfect day, no hurrying to go anywhere, just enjoying the patio and watching the chipmunks and listening to the soft cooing of the mourning doves.  That alone was enough to send me off to dreamland.  I came inside as it was getting dusk and started something simple for supper.  Hubby called me to the door and said, "Look up."  Okay, I looked up but couldn't see anything.  Then I spotted them, my two owls sitting on a branch and outlined against the darkening sky.  The smaller one flew down and landed just above my head.  He kept making these little mewling sounds and turning his head in a circular motion.  I did the same in return for as long as my neck allowed.  I kept talking to him and he stayed right there, almost too close for comfort.  I thought he might fly down and get caught in my hair.  They were amazing and I finally came back inside.  I don't know how long they perched there but it was a gift to end my day.  I have a feeling this will not be the last of them.

This morning the pest control man is here to spray outside for those large black ants and also the carpenter bees.  The ants just give me the creeps because they are all outside the the door and when opened, they scramble to get inside.  Every year we have a problem with them for a short while and then they cease.

This afternoon is a trip to the doctor and after that lunch somewhere with AC and no loud music blaring. I usually get a sandwich and end up giving the other half to hubby. It never fails now when you go to a nice restaurant, the music is so loud you can't talk with one another.  I'll ask that they turn it down since it's more for the wait staff than the customers.  There's nothing worse than trying to eat and digest your meal with the thump, thump, thumping of the bass turned to full volume.  I feel as if I must eat to the beat!

It's so pretty out again today and I hope it stays on the cool side.  By cool I mean less than 80 degrees.  If I could order my weather it would be a perfect 72 with a nice breeze.  I don't want much, just perfect weather so I can be outside and enjoy the summer.  We either have cold or hotter than hell here.

This is another picture I took yesterday.  It was flying all over the place and each time it landed, it wasn't long enough to snap the photo.  Yesterday was definitely a dragonfly day, much to my delight.  Here he finally landed on the stone wall and I had the lens already adjusted to the perfect setting in order to get him.  I never knew there were so many different kinds of dragonflies.  I remember when I was young my mom used to tell me if I didn't stop talking all the time, the sewing needles would sew my lips shut.  I didn't know that dragonflies were the same as sewing needles.  That shut me up when I was outside, for a little while anyway.  I never considered myself a chatterbox but I'll have to check with my aunt about that.

That's it for today, have places to go and things to do.  Hubby drives so I don't have to worry about getting a parking place at the doctor's.  I just don't parallel park anymore and never liked it to begin with.

Have a nice day and appreciate all you have.

Monday, July 26, 2010

When Will This Heat Wave Cease?

All my flowers are now zilch to I bought out some lilys that were given to me by a friend, and took a snap or two of them.  They really cheer up this page don't they?

I took the weekend off due to the heat and all my problems with the computer.  The same applies to today.  It must be all the air conditioners and fans running to make this heat bearable.  Strange, I don't remember minding the heat that much when just a girl, but I had the river to keep me busy and I could jump in and out of the water at whim.
So far the weekend consisted of me watching TV and cooking when I absolutely had to.  Hubby was okay with that but complains that nothing tasted the same.  Well of course not, you take out the salt, the spices with salt added and the high fat mozzarella cheese and naturally the flavor is not the same. All in all though, I thought the substitutions were fairly good and I enjoyed it.  I did make extra for today thank goodness.  I'm already like a wet noodle.  I'll try making it another way to see if he likes that one better.  He never complains, just puts that, "It doesn't taste the same as you used to make."  Teeth grit...

I need to go out and shop today instead of letting hubby go.  I only need three items and hubby went out for those yesterday.  He came home with a large bag of Salt and Pepper potato chips, ice cream, large rolls and a loaf of bread.  Also mixed candy, strawberry cheesecake, etc.  Yes, I will go myself and the bill will be cheaper.  I can get in and get out in just a few minutes because I know where things are in the store.  Hubby likes to make a day of it.  I guess once retired, it's something to do with his day, and since he never went with me and the three kids when I really needed him, there's a lot of new things for him to discover.  I don't blame him, it's just when waiting for the ingredients to finish the meal in order to get it cooked, 3 hours is a long time to wait.  I did fall asleep while waiting though so it worked out for me too

I just opened the patio door and found it to be much less muggy than the previous week.  Last night was bad and I didn't sleep much at all.  So today my tail is dragging and if I put my dishes away and reload the machine, I'll be doing something. Now that's an accomplishment.  I washed the floor a day or two ago and my back is still angry with me.

All the kids went camping for the week but came home every day over the 3 day weekend.  New tent never got sprayed to keep it dry in case of rain and of course it rained all weekend off and on.  Today starts a new week so I hope they make out okay. The sun is out so as to help with drying out the tent.  I know they will need more ice and expect a call at anytime.  I'm making large ice cubes as fast as the fridge can do so and bagging them. 

Our skunks came back, strutting their stuff along the rock wall.  Momma, and her three young ones.  Hubby saw them and called me so I got to see them all together, following in formation like good little troops.  They make it worthwhile for me when I see something cute like that.  Nature is full of surprises.
I haven't seen the owls again so guess they have moved on to better hunting grounds.

That's it for now.  The mind is just not clicking today so while hubby sleeps, I'm going to go back and take a nap.  It's early yet.

Have a great day and make it special.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Boat For Sale!

This is the infamous boat that my hubby bought two years ago and spent months refurbishing it to the great state it is now in.

There had been no discussion about buying a boat, he just lugged it home one day and end of discussion. I shake my head a lot sometimes.  We live in the woods and there are no marinas near here.  To launch this beauty is an act of congress.  First you have to find a place to launch it and wait in line for ages while other boaters launch theirs.  Each time the boys tried to go out in it, they gave up waiting.  Twice they actually managed to find a place in Groton, and happily launched it, expecting a great day of fishing after all their work of getting the boat free from the trucks hitch while others honked horns at them to hurry.  Upon getting free from the dock, they enthusiastically were on their way.  Lunches packed and cold drinks in the cooler, it was going to be a great day with dad.

After about an hour, hubby didn't feel so well (he's been in the Navy and on ships for 6 years), so the boys carefully watched him thinking it was his heart.  They couldn't believe it when he leaned over the boat and let go!  Surprise, the poor man was seasick.  Hey, no bait they had something better.  Not funny but gee whiz, they never expected that.  Old Dad told them to go ahead, he would be okay in a few minutes.  The few minutes went by and his face was looking green so the boys turned the boat around and got their dad back to the boat launch to bring him home.

Weeks later, thinking that day was just a fluke and due to the heat, they got their dad a special hat and motion sickness medicine.  Then they all started out again on a day of cool breezes with cloudy skies.  Load the boat, arrive at boat launch, get the boat in water and away they go.  It didn't take long for them to realize that it just wasn't going to happen.  Dad was upchucking again and told them he was sorry to ruin another day of trying to go fishing with them and to bring him back to shore.

The boat has sat for the past summer and now hubby realizes it just isn't his cup of tea.  So, the boat, motor and trailer sit at the end of our driveway with newly made For Sale signs on it.  It's a beautiful lawn ornament.  Just think, if it doesn't get sold, I can fill it with petunias next year and have them drape over the sides adding colorful beauty and maybe catching some attention.  Hubby is now concentrating on building a nice deck and maybe next year we will have a pool.  Maybe this year if we vote for the blow up pool that is easily taken down at the end of the summer.  Son is seriously thinking of this.  We already went the other route and we were the ones cleaning it every day.

Now the sons just drive to a fishing spot and fish till their hearts content.  They are 'catch and release fishermen', they just do it for the relaxation and have no intention of bringing any fish home.  Neither of them like fish.  Can you imagine that after reading all this???

Have a great day people, I'm running errands while it's cool out.  The sun will soon be up and the heat will descent upon us again.  Oh well, I'll not complain.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Breezy, Cool, and Beautiful So Far

I've been trying for the past half hour to insert this last picture of my morning glories to my blog page.  The hot, burning days have wiped out my vines and no matter how much I babied them, the day after day brutal heat burned them mercilessly.  But I have these few pictures to remember and enjoy their lasting beauty.

I don't know about you but I have received some mighty strange mail recently.  One was an invitation from a funeral parlor inviting me to a showing and pre-planning with refreshments to boot.  You can bet I turned that down.  Next came a last minute opportunity to buy insurance so as not to leave a burden on my children for funeral expenses.  Would you believe there was also a flier with caskets in a paper that we don't usually get telling us the price of the cheapest caskets and up.  I vouch for the $299 one.  I bet it's made of pressed paper.  All the better to be absorbed into the earth.  My owls also brought a message.  I thought they were my guides, not so I'm informed.  An owl visiting is a messenger of death.  Okay, enough of that.  Nobody is going to scare me to death.  I'll go on my own terms if possible.  All these things coming one after the other and also the commercials on television.  Enough is enough.

Hubby and I were talking about what we'd like to do for our big 50 anniversary and thought a ride on the Essex train for a two hour excursion through beautiful Connecticut in October would be perfect.  Olde Thyme's Restaurant would serve a gourmet meal in the splendor of an old dinner coach.  I like that idea.  With our luck it would be full of noisy children so that puts a damper on it for me.  In my head I'm picturing an elegant coach with a quiet dinner for two.  Keep thinking about it, and put things in perspective and in a positive light.  It just might be surprisingly nice.

Or we could go to our beloved Vermont for a long weekend and really enjoy ourselves.  Hubby calls it a miniature West Virginia and we have gone every year since my mom and dad took us on a trip with them for their anniversary.  It was beautiful and mom and I loved all the little craft shops, and beautiful baskets.  After all these years though, I've had my fill of crafts and baskets.  I've been giving them away for ages.  A house can only hold so much and right now we need room for us to walk in.  I can no longer navigate the beautiful treasures set out here and there.  My staggering wreaks damage so to protect myself, I'm parting with them to people who love them and I have an affection for.

It gives me so much satisfaction to be the giver of something very dear to me and see another receive joy from the giving.  I was a Seraphim angel collector but am now parting with some of them, something I never thought I would do.  Angels surround us in every room except the den  with the owl pictures, and the bathroom of course.  I didn't quite think the bathroom was the place for them.  A picture maybe but not the real article.

My kitchen garden window is filled with crystals, coral from Florida which I bought since you are not allowed to gather coral from the ocean.  I agree with the reasoning behind that rule. I also have gem stones still in the formations from the earth and they glitter when the light hits them just so.  Not like the jewelry which has been cut and polished, just the real thing in their actual element.  Odd little shells and pieces of sea glass collected in a bottle. Beautiful colored and shaped rocks from out west which I had to hide in the drawers of the RVso hubby wouldn't  realize I was on the rock bit again. He even helped me when he came across one he knew I would love. These are my treasures and I watch them radiate their beauty everyday in the light of the sun.   Mm, these are the best treasures, gifts from our Mother Earth. 

Of course we all know our real treasures are our loved ones and we must remind them daily of our love for them.  Treasures are what you find you joy in. Our mates, parents, children and grandchildren,  and also our memories of those no longer with us physically.

Have a great day and enjoy your treasures daily.  


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Don't Let the Little Things Get You

It's strange how some of life's most beautiful moments can be ruined by the thorns of life.  Evidently someone doesn't like my blog and instead of just not reading it, has responded with little nasty remarks.  I take it in stride and just remember the porcupine who always has to send out a barb to ruin somethings or some one's day.  I consider him to be a porcupine and that said, will continue on with my blog.
I spent this morning out taking pictures of the most mundane things.  On the forest floor there is all kinds of beautiful moss growing and yes, I did take a picture.  Also of two ant hills that look monstrous to me and I wondered if it was really ants or those ground wasps.  I wasn't taking any chances since I did destroy one of them with my big feet and felt a quick getaway was the answer.

The ground there was so thickly carpeted with dead leaves that my foot sank and kept right on going deeper as I realized I was in a hole.  All in all, I found everything fresh and interesting after the soaking rain of yesterday.  I spied a bench around the fire pit and sat for a few minutes just enjoying the scent of the woods and pines.  I really miss the camping we did years ago with our three young sons.  Hubby was born 100 years too late because he built us a little tree fort and also made a sink for me between the tree branches with a hose to drain the water for washing my hair.  Of course we had to haul hugs containers of water because I needed to clean up every day and made the boys do the same.  "Oh mom, we don't wash or brush our teeth on a camping trip.  Nobody does."  Well, I had news for them, we DO.  Three little boys playing in the woods can get might grubby and their sweaty little heads made my nose itch so it was shaved heads and washing with a wash cloth for them.

I really miss those days of  adventure and discovery.  Everything was such a 
 delight to them and even now, they are fishermen, (they catch and let loose), and they enjoy the woods as much now as they did then.  They were so easily pleased and the fighting among them quieted when out in the woods.  They listened to the critters at night and would ask what that noise was.  They learned quite a bit about nature from their nature nut mom.

Of course there were emergency runs to the nearest hospital when we accidentally disturbed a hornets nest and they quickly embedded themselves in the head of my youngest who was only two years old.  We just left everything, hopped in the car and headed for the Emergency Room.  When we were stopped by a state trooper, he could see the crown of bees on the little guy's head and told us to follow him to the hospital and don't worry about the speed.  He would clear the way for us.  It was heart breaking to see them pull out the hornets one by one and the little trickles of blood left behind.  When all had been removed, the doctor gave us medication and earlier had given him a shot in case he was allergic to bees.  He was not the same little guy who had happily left with us for our 'adventure.'

We were all so wiped out after that experience, we just kept on driving home, leaving all our camping equipment there.  Hubby went back a few days later and gathered up what was left after some serious looting by someone needing equipment.  Well, at that point we just said they were welcome to it.

It's funny how I started out having no idea what to write about and the memories just overtook me.  Sometimes our memories are the best part of our lives later in life. Our little guy is no longer with us so my memories are all I have left of him.  Such sweet and funny memories they are.

Have a great day and make some memories to fall back on later.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

It's Sunday and My Day of Rest

Yes, more owls.  I just wanted to show off this pretty little guy who seems to blend right into those tree limbs.  It's a favorite of mine because of the coloring or less so, of the branches as the light hits them.
Last night my guys went to the Thompson Speedway and I had so many plans.  I did manage to strip my bed and wash the linens.  Then back down to dry them, that way getting some of exercises done and out of the way.  I find that rocking in a rocking chair really gives the legs and feet a workout so that's something I can easily manage.  Heck I could just rock for hours outside and spy something interesting to catch with the camera.  This morning I caught a beautiful dragonfly.  I hope it comes out nice.

And then I could cheat and go to a nursery and take pictures of the flowers there.  With my allergies I don't think that idea is up to snuff for me.  Mine are all dying from the heat wave but a few are really trying to hang in there.

Oops, I meant to insert a flower but this got in my way.  Isn't he a prize?  Take heart, I only have about 8 or 9 more. LOL.  Notice the darkness of the photo and yet the lichen still shows up on the tree.  I think this is my favorite even though it isn't very clear.  Santa, I need a new camera!
Well, I just finished washing my kitchen floor a few minutes ago with the help of the walls and chairs, counters to hold onto for balance.  I am now going to get dressed and head for the stores to buy bird feed and one of those Swiffer wet mops.  It has to be easier than the way I do it.

You all have a wonderful summer day in this 90 degree and above heat.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Excitement, Excitement! Finally, My Dream Has Come True

I  just can't believe it and neither will you.  Yesterday hubby was working on my hideaway and he stopped to catch his breath when he saw these large wings swoop over him.  It was an owl and it landed on a tree branch right outside my bedroom window.

I was still buried inside matching medicare bills to the actual doctor bills when I heard a rapping on the front door.  Now we never use that door because of the steps so I thought it was a salesman or the Jehovah Witnesses, but they know to come to my back door so I didn't know whether to get up and answer it or not.  Next the door bell kept ringing so I thought it was an emergency.  As I started down the stairs, I could see hubby's face peering in.  I opened the door and he told me to grab my camera quick and quietly slide the back patio door open.  He'd come in by then and he slid the door while I, with camera in hand, slowly moved onto the landing.  He told me to look to my left at the tree across from my bedroom and I nearly fell over I was so excited.  I ventured further out onto the patio and quietly walked up to it very slowly, talking quietly to it.  It didn't move, just stared at me.

I took as many pictures as I could in case this was my only chance to catch my dream on film.  When I put them on my computer screen I was beside myself.  Such beautiful birds and quite attentive to their  whereabouts.  I was amazed that it didn't fly off when I approached the tree to get a better photo.  I was in a great mood all day, just couldn't stop the adrenalin rush yet couldn't sit still and concentrate on anything else.

This morning as I sat down to write my blog, the cat came running to me, extremely agitated.  I asked her, "Do you want to eat?"  She ran like a hellion to the patio door and stood against it until I followed her.  Oh my Lord, another owl and then two!  When I went outside with my camera I walked slowly to the owl in the tree, believing the other owl flew off in order to draw my attention away from it. I thought perhaps it was its mate, it looked to big to be a baby owl.

While I stood and took pictures both upright and from the ground where I had fallen, I got some brilliant shots.  All the while cussing out my camera for not having telephoto lens.  I did the best I could though.  Here is proof.

I have always believed that an owl was my guide and have collected them for years.  This little guy is looking in son's canoe to find what is good to eat.  He had left some bait inside and this critter's eyes spied it from above.  I find it somehow strange that he perched near the name of the boat Guide.

Eagle eyes sat and staked out his territory. And this time I caught him with his eyes open and alert.  I just can't tell you what a thrill this morning has been.  To have owls show up this close and come back again, it's too much to believe.  Thirty three years here and now this.  I think it means something.  What do you think??
I just can't think of anything to say except WOW!  Hubby will have to nail my feet to the floor to keep me grounded.  You're going to get so sick of seeing my owl pictures but I'll try not to bore you with them.  Oh how I wish I had a better camera and was steadier on my feet.  You can't imagine how many photos I took in order to get some good shots.  It was all worth it though, skinned elbows and a hard land on the hip, yep, it was worth it.  Don't you agree?

Well, today is day hubby and son Jon are going to Thompson Speedway to watch the races.  They're both excited because every time son comes for a visit, he and his dad go to the races every week and sometimes twice.  It's the only chance hubby gets to go so I'm happy for him. He has so little pleasure in these later years.  You'll never hear him complain though.

Okay, my day has been made now so it's time to zoom down and tend to the dishes in the sink.  Shucks, I'm on such a high and this gal doesn't do drugs!

I hope you all have an exhilarating day and a beautiful weekend.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Nothing Exciting Going On Here

I hope things have calmed down for awhile.  I find that it is a chore to write everyday so will take a day off once in awhile without feeling guilty.

At present I'm almost through with all the paper work that's accumulated over the past six months.  I just get caught up and then the table is covered again.  I need some tips on organization and bad!  Putting things on Free cycle seems to help also.  All the craft supplies have just got to go.  Paints, markers, colored paper, etc. I've given to the gal who does activities at the library.  And I have plenty more to go around.

My little hideaway under the trees has been discovered and last night visitors of my son came up so I didn't go out for the cool night air and peace and quiet.  Peace and quiet is something they haven't learned about yet.  They talk so loud I can hear them in the house.  When you work around loud machines all day you tend to become a bit deaf.  If my two sons and hubby start talking in the house, I have to leave the room.  Hubby is deaf in one ear and can't hear out of the other so it sounds like shouting to me.

One son and hubby love the auto races so this weekend they are going to Thompson.  Now that's one quiet night I can count on.  I went with them once and once only.  The soot, oil fumes, and noise plus the rowdy crowd was enough for me.  It left an impression I will never forget.  Of course we were right by the pits so I got the full effect, language and everything.  Climbing those bleachers was also a balancing act.  Naturally they like to sit at the very top.  When you have to make it to the ladies room, just forget it and hold it until you get home.  By then the bladder is ready to burst.  No thank you, it's the guys night out and they really look forward to it.  I do too, a good book or movie on TV and I'm happy.

Last night I went down to the garage to make hubby come in.  He'd been working out in that muggy heat all day and it was late so I put my foot down.  On the way up to the house he spied the skunk on the patio and stopped dead in his tracks.  I held his hand and just told him to make a lot of noise walking and talking and the little guy would scoot away.  He did but hubby had to get his flashlight when safely inside and check to make sure the critter was truly gone.  Skunks and snakes do him in and I can't figure him out.  We live in the woods for Pete's sake and those critters come with the territory.

I picked my first cucumbers yesterday.  Little guys about 4 inches long.  I guess it's time to feed them weekly so I can get bigger veggies.  The yellow squash look like little lanterns and the zucchini are just starting to shape up.  Oh thrill, goodbye to flowers from now on except for my morning glories, and hello to veggies growing in large pots.  Much more exciting and we can eat them!

Well gotta go now.  It's time to take care of my babies out there and see if it helps them to grow better.  Poor little things, I didn't know they had to be fed every week.  I bought the vegetable food so will faithfully care for them.  Next year I'll add tomatoes and a huge pot of different herbs.  They smell so good and every once in awhile I can smell the thyme and rosemary that I stuck in with my flowers.  Pretty greenery and I can use them in cooking.

You all have a good day. 


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Up Early, A Rough Night

I borrowed this picture from the webb.  It is so beautiful and I needed something cheery to get me in the mood this morning.

Yesterday's trip to doctor, etc. wore hubby and I out.  We came home after spending almost three hours in that heat getting in and out of car doors which just helped to exhaust us.  The AC doesn't work well in that old car anymore.  You never realize just how many times you do that when running errands and shopping until you get home and pass out. I woke up at 6:30 and had to check the microwave to see if it was p.m. or a.m.  I thought we had fallen asleep in our chairs and slept through the night.  What a strange feeling and even more so when you can't make out whether it's morning or evening.  Of course the pouring rain made it look darker than usual at that time but still, to wake up suddenly and not know which is which is a bit of a puzzle.

This morning it is still drizzling and we have to go to the dentist.  NOT ME!  If it were, I wouldn't be cheerful at all.  This time it's our son's turn. 

I wish just once I could sleep through the night.  The pain in the legs and calves wakes me up mighty quick.  Then I have to rub the muscles until they let loose and I can walk freely again.  Getting up so quickly and bracing myself against the wall while I do the tip toe exercise is quite the ouch factor.  By the time the muscles have loosened, I'm too awake to be able to go back to bed and sleep.  I guess that's the plan for now.  It's a good thing I fall asleep during the daytime but that's when I should be moving, not sleeping.

I suggested we put up a badminton set when I was sitting on the deck two nights ago.  Whatever was I thinking?  I can barely walk yet I expected to bounce around chasing a ping pong ball?  Son says its a good idea too so at least I can sit and watch them.  I could just stand out of the way and pick up the missed ones but knowing me, I'd bend over and end on my head.  It happens you know.  The body just keeps right on going wherever the head is pointing.  It's slow motion and must look pretty funny.  Oh well, at least its a soft landing.

Nothing much happening lately other than life.  With hubby busy and this heat, nobody feels like jumping in the hot car just for fun.  The beaches are all packed and I'm not a sun bunny anyway but I would like to set up a chair by the water just to smell that salt sea air and inhale the early morning mist.  Those days of just hopping in my car and taking drives on my own are over.  I'd leave early in the morning and walk on the hard packed sand as far as I could.  Then would find a dry place to sit and just relax.  I'd be home before hubby even woke up. 

It's nice and quiet outside but also very wet.  I think I will take a very thick beach towel and go out side and sit.  It should smell nice after all the rain and there certainly isn't any sun to worry about.  This is my favorite time of the day, watching everything come to life.  The birds aren't even out and about yet.  But they don't have a microwave to tell them it's morning. Smile!

Maybe now our heat wave has come to an end.  I haven't seen the weather report and take each day as it comes, but have to admit I'm sick of it.  If I wanted that kind of heat I'd move to Florida.  Ugh, my least favorite state just because of stifling heat and something being in bloom all year round to keep my allergies in full swing.  It reminds me of a large swamp and even though I love the trees draped in Spanish moss, I realize that such beauty also is a killer of the trees.  I did love riding in the pontoon boats in the Everglades though.  Beautiful, exciting, and full of surprises. I take that back about hating Florida, the sunsets are beautiful and I loved the evenings and those little lizards crawling all over the place.  They didn't creep me out but some of the people at the beach in the evenings did.

Sorry I got off track and slammed Florida.  It really is the state I like least but Kansas and those endless miles of wheat made me feel as if we were driving in a maze.  Our RV days are over but there are so many lovely memories of beautiful fishing streams we drove by and all the different colored rocks that the water showed to advantage. We'd always make a plan and then dump it to head for the mountains.  Too beautiful to describe.  God's art.

I guess I'd better quit for today, my eyes feel like they have grit in them.  All the fans blowing most likely.  Helps to spread the dust around... If I've made mistakes, well just ignore them.  I'm too tired to go through this and everything looks fuzzy anyway.

Have a good day and enjoy whatever it is that catches your fancy.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hubby Surprised Me!

Last night I took a walk outside to see what my hubby was up to and got the surprise of my life.  While I've been in the house reading these past hot sweltering days, he's been outside building me a deck!  I couldn't believe it when I saw it.  It's under the trees and high up from the ground, it's like having a tree house but not quite. 

While sitting on the little benches he made, we talked about things we haven't mentioned to one another in ages.  It was just to nice to have a conversation.  Of course we kept getting pinged on the head by the tiny acorns falling but I can put up with that.  This fall though it will be a tad harder and we might need hard hats.

Now to find a little round patio table to put out there with a few chairs. I'll see what FreeCycle has to offer.  He's built seating all around but my butt needs something soft.  So the chair will be nice.  I'm just so surprised and amazed that this has been going on.  No wonder he was making all those trips to Home Depot.  What a sweet hubby, but I already knew that.  That's why I married him after all.

This won't be long because I have a doctor's appointment at noon with the foot doctor.  Oh how I hate having someone mess around with my feet.  Even though he's a doctor, I don't quite trust him.  He's a tad rough and I sit there with my face scrunched up when he goes for the instruments.  I'd rather do it myself but can't quite keep that leg up anymore.  I'll be cutting and then the leg slips down and it goes like that until I finally am done and give up for the time being.  And to think I used to be able to get those legs up around my neck when younger.  Those days are gone forever.

I put nuts along the wall outside and hubby just opened the door and chased the squirrels away from the bird feeders.  I guess they don't like salted mixed nuts.  Oh well, I tried to share.  Once it rains they will gobble them up in nothing flat.
I must be going so I'm not late.  Another hot sunny day so you know I will go and get right back.  Shopping for groceries first and them home.

I hope you all have a wonderful day today.  It's breezy here so tonight when I go out on my little deck, I will just soak in the fresh air and the rustling of the leaves above me.  And I'll remember not to put my head back and try to talk.  I might end up with a mouthful of baby acorns.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Ooops, Missed a Day

Ferns, I just love them.  I went for a short walk up in back of the house and found this cluster of rich green ferns.  Notice all the dead leaves which is the normal ground cover all year long.  You have to know that we are surrounded by trees.

Yesterday I got side tracked by a good book, Still Alice, a novel by Lisa Genova.  It is about Alzheimers and sheds a new light on the illness and the lives it effects.  It was done with love and the characters handle their mother,s illness with caring, love and attentiveness.  I just couldn't put it down and read for almost nine hours.  Hubby was out in the garage and making trips to Home Depot so I was on my own.  With supper already made and in the fridge, I had the freedom to do what I love best.

Do you remember me writing about my dream of having an owl alight on my patio chair for a visit with me?  Last night hubby came busting in the house saying, "Honey, you'll never guess what I just saw."  Then he proceeded to tell me about a huge owl out back that swooped over him and he was so excited.  The wing span amazed him as did the white under the wings.  Of course I was a bit jealous not to have seen such a beautiful creature.  Tonight I'll dose myself with Off and set a chair out in the clearing in the woods to watch for him. I'll need a  bright flashlight to find my way back, that's for sure.

Today it looks like rain and I'm so hoping it will finally happen.  We need the water for the flowers and grass.  It's been threatening rain for the past week but it just goes right past us. Our yearly Agricultural Fair was this weekend and everybody piled in the cars and went.  I was home alone again, so watched a great movie on TV.  I have no idea what the name of it is anymore.  I'll think of it after I've written my blog.  That's the way it goes...  I couldn't go to the fair because the grounds are uneven and with holes from the hooves of the animals.  I love the cows and those big brown eyes.  They are beautiful, period.  I could go during the day when I would be able to see where I'm walking, but the nighttime and lights and music is what I enjoy most so I choose to forgo the fair.  It makes it easier for hubby also and he gets to enjoy the different booths and foods without having to worry about me and my falling.  I'm such a klutz!  He nick named me 'Grace'.

Wouldn't you know it, the sun just came out.  I know it won't stay because it's fickle but I'll take whatever the day brings.  Hopefully we'll go for a ride later and I'll take my camera with me, just in case.  A good walk around the stores with a basket for balance and I'm a happy camper.  At least I get some exercise and can sit and watch the people when I get tired and need a break.  The tourists have descended upon Rhode Island in droves and the outfits they choose to shop in are unbelievable.  It just amazes me and I wonder if they have a full length mirror to check themselves out before leaving the house, beach house, etc. Oh mercy me!

I guess I'd best quit for today and get my dishes started and turn on the fans before it turns hot.  It's Monday and another week of appointments and grocery shopping.  I could live on just watermelon alone. We've gone through 2 of them this week and just yesterday hubby bought another.  He says when he comes in out of the heat the watermelon cools him off and they are so sweet at this time of year.  Me, I've got expensive tastes, big dark cherries, sweet and juicy.  My favorite fruit along with watermelon.  No, I'm not southern.

You all have a good day today.


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Another Day That Keeps Me Guessing

Good morning,
I woke up bright and early and fully intended to write my blog.  My good intentions were there but while sitting up to type I just had a fog wash over me and I couldn't think what the heck I was doing so gave up the ghost and went back to bed.  I was falling asleep sitting up and that was a good enough sign for me.  I just woke up a few minutes ago and it is now almost noon. What a strange feeling.

The picture of the Swallowtail I borrowed from a friend because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hold the camera still in order to get one of my own that had alighted on my butterfly bush.  Either that or it was teasing me.  Oh but how beautiful they are and the beauty of those wings couldn't be caught by an artist.  Only the camera could do it justice.

Hubby told me two visitors came last night and egged him on to a fight.  Not really, just two raccoons trying to raid the metal garbage cans with lids held tight with bungee cords.  He said they weren't about to give up and it ended with a chase.  And here I was sleeping and missing all the action.  We've also acquired an opossum, ugly but a good mama to her little ones so I can't fault her because of her looks.  I'm not a beauty either but I'm a good mama and grand mama too.  Like the song says, Everything is Beautiful, In Its Own Way.

So far this morning I've accomplished loading the dishwasher.  I hate that job and trying to put things into the darn machine on the bottom shelf is a tough act for my back.  I wish women would get involved in the designing of things we use everyday and believe it would make it much easier on our lower backs.  I have to sit down to rest after fighting that machine.  My daughter-in-law would love it, she hates doing dishes by hand.  I love it because the warm soapy water makes my hands feel better and helps the arthritis.

To think I am here complaining about washing dishes when I used to make balloon animals and flowers when I was doing the Clowning ten or more years ago.  Yep, I went to Clown College and loved it.  My favorite thing to do was story time with the little ones.  And yes, making the special balloon items they asked for.  The boys always wanted swords and hats, the girls, poodle dogs and cute hats with little birds in them or swans.  I gave all my supplies away but still have a bag of special balloons in my freezer, just in case mind you.

Before that I baked and designed wedding cakes.  I loved the work but didn't like the delivery.  I live on back winding roads and trying to get a 4 tier wedding cake to Mystic was a real pain in the butt.  I had to lay in the back of the station wagon while hubby drove in order to hold the tiers in place.  Then when we got to where the reception was being held, would assemble the tiers and put the last minute touches on the cakes. Hubby would work out in the garage to make me a turntable to decorate with so I could just spin the cakes around with no stopping to find where I left off.  It was just one continual design all around the cakes.  I just gave away all my supplies last week via Free Cycle. Now I have to get rid of my craft supplies and all my paints and brushes.  Every time something leaves, a little bit of me goes with it.

The sun just came out and it is so light and bright in here suddenly. What a change!  I know better than to think it will stay this way, after all, it is Connecticut.  We are known for the changeable weather.  Now if only it would start pouring I would be happy.  Everything needs water out there and I won't hose it down due to short water supply.  We have a well so we aren't involved in that but know from past experiences that our well will only give us running water for a half hour.  Then we know to turn it off in order to have enough for washing clothes, showers, dishes.  We try to do that at night and first thing mornings.  However, since I slept the morning away, the dishes will wait until tonight.  Besides, they are used to my ways and have naps in the sink for a day or two before I get the energy to do them.

It's time to go tackle my kitchen table again.  All that sorting and filing we just didn't get around to yesterday afternoon.  If I do it a little at a time and throw the darn junk mail aways as soon as it arrives, it will be much easier to keep up.  I'd like to bunch it all up and send it to the company that sent us the largest return prepaid envelope.  Do you think they'd get the message?

I guess it's quitting time on the old computer for today.  Tonight I'll play a game for a little while until I get bored and then read my book.  So goodbye for now.

Have a special day today whether it's sunny or pouring down rain.  No matter what the weather, it's always the perfect time to read a good book.

Have fun and remember to count your blessings.
